Things Need to Know About Female Infertility

0 17 January 2019
Things Need to Know About Female Infertility

5 Important Things You Need to Know About Female Infertility: If you are in your 30s and are trying to get pregnant, you sure would have been familiar with the word ‘Fertility’ or the lack of it: ‘Infertility’. Your Fertility status and reproductive health directly impact your ability to conceive and raise a healthy child. But most of the women don’t seem to know about Fertility until they chance into a reproductive problem in their later 20s or early 30s. So, what is Fertility? Fertility is the ability to reproduce. A fertile men fathers the children and as for women, it is her ability to get pregnant and carry the pregnancy to a full term. There are many factors that can deter this ability in both men and women, causing Infertility. Fertility is a raising problem which sometimes cannot be naturally treated if the couple is not proactive about their reproductive health. If you are that couple who would like to educate yourself about the Fertility problem, then here are the 5 important things you should know: Being healthy doesn’t mean you are Fertile: You lead an active life, exercise every day, eat right and lead a healthy life. That doesn’t mean you are free from the fertility problems. Infertility is not like your general health problems; three in every twenty healthy couple face these problem

0 28 December 2018
Should you be eating Organic foods during Pregnancy?

Pregnancy is the most exciting phase in the life of a woman. It is quite common for you to feel antsy and nervous about the 9 months journey that you are about to take. Of course, you are filled with many questions about the lifestyle choices you will have to make for optimal development of your baby. Additional dietary requirements during Pregnancy: Now that you are two, you will be in need of additional nutrients, vitamins, minerals and not to forget additional calories. An additional 300-500 calories are needed each day by the pregnant women from the day you enter your second trimester. All these additional requirements have to be met through a balanced diet of protein-rich foods, fruits, whole grains. Where do Organic foods fit in the mix? Maintain a balanced diet through a variety of food sourced do help, but what really counts is the quality of foods that are consumed to satiate the dietary requirements. The fruits, vegetables, that we consume are often produced using harsh pesticides, and chemicals, same might hold true for the meat products like Chicken (estrogen injection) and fish (high mercury levels). The risk of chemicals and pesticides though is minimal for an adult it could prove harmful for the baby in development. What are Orga

0 17 December 2018
Need to Know Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a condition where the ‘Endometrium’, the tissue that lines the walls of the uterus grows outside the uterus. The ‘Endometrium’ is a vital lining of the uterus that acts as a cradle for the embryos during implantation. It is the most important part of a female reproductive system that is responsible for menstruation, pregnancy, and development of the embryo. But the displacement of this Endometrium i.e. the growth of this Endometrium in other areas of the body can result in a painful disorder called Endometriosis. But here’s why Endometriosis is such a painful disorder: Though it looks like a tissues displacement, Endometriosis is the cause of a lot of pain and has a serious effect on the reproductive health of women. To completely understand the condition let us go back to its basic function: During a normal menstrual cycle, a woman’s body produces hormones that thicken this endometrium so as to receive the fertilized egg after copulation. If the egg is not fertilized, the uterus sheds the endometrial lining which along with vaginal secretions, cervical mucus and unfertilized egg form the menstrual blood that is pushed out for every period. So, what happens when the Endometrium grows outside the uterus?

0 5 September 2018

Whatever you put in your body directly affects the well-being of your child. And that is why the diet is deemed out to be the most important factor during pregnancy. It’s not just about what you put inside but it is also about what you put on your skin too. Perplexed? Yes, you read that right. Skin absorbs almost 50% of what you put on it. So are you sure they are safe? Most of them might be safe in normal conditions but pregnancy is a special condition, isn’t it? The hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy throw your body out of its balance and that’ll surely show up on the outside. This may allure you to stack-up your shelf with lot cosmetics onto your skin, but we advise you to stay put. Not all the cosmetics are your friends now, few of them do more harm than good. But it’s not the cosmetics that you must avoid but the harmful ingredients they are made of. So, avoiding the cosmetics with certain ingredients can help you avoid any potential complications. Here is the list of ingredients that you must be wary of before using them: Retinoids: Retinoid is a type of Vitamin A that is widely used to treat acne and is known for its moisturizing and anti-aging properties. When taken orally, these retinoids are found to induce Fetal Retinoid Syndrome i.e. characteristic pattern of mental and physical birth defects that results from maternal

0 21 June 2018

While stress and depression, which are part of our lives can be overcome at some or other point, women suffering from infertility stress can find it hard to overcome until they give birth to a baby. Depression and stress are the two factors that can take a toll on women undergoing infertility treatment, especially in cases where there have been multiple miscarriages. Although we cannot change the circumstances that lead to depression and stress, there are ways by which women are able to deal with them. Here are some ways by which you can deal with depression & stress during infertility?

  1. There may be at times when you might feel discomfort when somebody asks you about getting pregnant and babies during a social interactive session. This is where you will need the support of your husband to overcome the situation which can make you feel distressed. Your husband can approach you with some simple gestures that will show that you are both equal partners.
  2. Practice dancing alone or with a group. This will help you to release stress and depression. Make it a daily habit dancing to your favorite items. This will keep your body and mind free.
  3. Pick up some hobby that will keep you engaged for a certain period of time. This will help your mind to be diverted to the new occupation and to o

0 2 June 2018
Obstetrician Infertility Specialist Mumbai

Infertility is a situation in which a female is unable to give a birth to young one. There are various reasons behind infertility such as-infrequent menstrual period, female age of 35 or older, a history of pelvic infections or sexually transmitted diseases, known fibroid or endometrial polyps, known male factor semen abnormalities etc. Infertility is the inability of the couple to conceive and have a baby despite trying. In one third of the cases are due to problems with the women, in a third of cases there occurs problems with the male partner, whereas the remaining cases are due to a combination of male and female factors. Infertility should be investigated early to avoid its irreversibility as ageing of the female partner drastically reduces the probabilities of pregnancy. Also certain conditions like tuberculosis or endometriosis keep on advancing if not treated early. Many ladies suffering above mentioned problems think that they will never give birth to baby, but they think wrong. There are various medical treatments which give you chance to become a mother. Dr Ne

0 7 December 2017
What are the Early Signs and Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer?

The cancer that begins in the female organs such as ovaries is called as ovarian cancer. And it is no more a silent killer, doctors and specialists say it does have symptoms but they are non-specific. So many people do not take it seriously and only realise when the cancer spreads, reaches to the advanced state. One should never ignore and be attentive to ongoing abnormalities like:

  • Severe bloating
  • Pelvic or abdominal pain
  • Difficulty in eating or feeling full quickly
  • Frequent urine urging
  • Breast tenderness
  • Vaginal secretions
  • Enlarging abdominal mass
  • Facial hair growth in prepubertal girls

See the doctor, if you have those unusual symptoms more than 12 times in a month. Dr. Neelima Mantri is the Best Lady Gynaecologist in Mumbai and also for infertility treatment, consult her for special care and a complete understanding of the cancer. Causes of Ovarian Cancer: The exact causes of the cancer are not known, but it is higher in women who has one or more ovarian risk factors. Let us learn what are those risk factors behind ovarian cancer. Age: It is the key factor and most women who are found with the cancer are a

0 7 June 2017
10 Amazing Things that Babies Do Inside the Womb

This blog is intended for mothers who are always curious to know what their babies are doing inside the wombs. Here are some 10 amazing facts about what babies do inside the womb while mothers keep on struggling against the symptoms that arises from time to time as the baby keeps growing by days and weeks.

  1. It is in the ninth week during pregnancy that the unborn child starts to breathe through the umbilical cord and acquires the required life skill in order to adapt to the outside environment.
  2. A baby inside the womb starts to show signs for preferring sweet flavors at the beginning of the 15th week with more intake of amniotic fluid.
  3. Babies will start responding to light signals with opening and closing their eyes during the period between the 27th and 28th week during pregnancy.
  4. It is by the end of the first trimester that the baby starts urinating after swallowing amniotic fluid. Mothers can feel the weeing of their babies during the 30th week of their pregnancy.
  5. 4D scans have revealed that it is around the 26th week during the period of pregnancy that an unborn baby starts to smile. This is another life skill which the baby acquires when preparing to meet the outside environment.
  6. Mothers can feel their baby hiccuping just at the beginning of the first trimester, but t

0 9 December 2016
List of Best Gynecologist Mumbai

Here are list of Best Gynecologist Mumbai in which Dr. Neelima Mantri is listed at top. Dr. Neelima Mantri is Gynecology specialist in Mumbai. She is well known Gynecologist and obstetrician in Mumbai. She has a rich experience of over 10 years in her field. Because of her result oriented advices and co-friendly nature list her name under the list of top 10 gynecologists in Mumbai. As we all know that girls are more sensitive than boys. Behind this quote there are many physical factors which are responsible for the sensitivity of females. The major role of female’s life is pregnancy. Pregnancy is a situation in which a female gets ready to give birth to a child. A doctor who is specialist for pregnant women or delivery of a pregnant woman is called as Gynecologist. Gynecologist is a physician who has successfully competed specialized education and training in the health of female reproductive systems including the diagnosis and treatment of disorders and diseases. In many cases, there is a situation that females fails to give birth to a child that problem occurs due to some inner problems this condition is called as infertility.