You might have heard of trachelectomy as a type of treatment for cervical cancer. This surgical procedure has been in the limelight because it allows many women to preserve their fertility while being treated for early stages of cervical cancer. If you were ever to be diagnosed with cervical cancer, then knowing and understanding what is trachelectomy, who it benefits, and how it compares with other forms of treatment are very important questions. The guide looks at the important aspects of trachelectomy, trying to demystify this very important and beneficial procedure.
Understanding The Fundamentals of Trachelectomy
This trachelectomy, also referred to as cervicectomy, is the removal of the neck or cervix while preserving the uterus. The procedure is most valuable in women who must retain their fertility, and it enables them to conceive and carry babies to term. Unlike hysterectomy, which drains the entire uterus, trachelectomy seeks to remove tumor tissues while retaining childbearing potential. This procedure is usually advisable for only those women who have early-stage cervical cancer and meet certain criteria.
Candidates for Trachelectomy
Not all women with cervical cancer are potential candidates for a trachelectomy. It is normally considered a →
Let’s delve into the realm of uterine sarcoma, a rare but serious form of cancer affecting the uterus. Uterine sarcoma is characterized by the uncontrolled growth of cells in the uterine tissues, which calls for prompt clinical intervention to minimize the critical implications. Diagnosing the etiology, monitoring its symptoms, and discovering its treatment options are indeed indispensable for successful uterine sarcoma treatment and prompt recovery. Let us, together, delve into the intricacies of uterine sarcoma, examining all of the core issues, including its causes, signs and symptoms, and treatment approaches for those who deal with this situation daily.
The Causes of Uterine Sarcoma:
Genetic mutations, such as TP53 or RB1 gene alterations, may evolve uterine sarcoma. Prolonged exposure to estrogen as women taking estrogen-only hormone therapy can be also a contributory factor. Patients with HLRCC, an inherited condition, and those who have received prior pelvic radiation therapy fall in the high-risk category. The involvement of factors like nulliparity, advanced age, and Black ethnicity cannot be ignored. The multiple factors include genetic, hormonal, and environmental elements. Identifying the risk factors is not only the key to the prevention strategies to be developed but also to early diagnosis.
Posted in Gynecologist by Dr.neelimamantri | Tags: best gynecologist in mumbai, good gynecologist in mumbai, gynaecologist in mumbai, gynecologist mumbai, Laparoscopic Surgeon in Mumbai, uterine sarcoma treatment, womens health issues
Postpartum Urinary bladder retention is a condition in the urinary bladder of a woman who has recently given birth to a child after a normal delivery. If ignored, this may result in significant discomfort, suffering, and even more severe health problems. This disorder might have a number of reasons.
Causes of Postpartum Bladder Urinary Retention
Giving birth to children increases the chance of weakening of the pelvic floor muscles, which is among the main reasons for postpartum bladder retention condition. According to the best gynecologist in Mumbai, if the lady underwent an episiotomy during birth, this might exacerbate the effect of the condition. It is also possible that the bladder can’t fully relax, which makes it challenging to fully empty the bladder. Lack of water consumption, which can lead to difficulty in passing the fluid discharge, as well as several drugs, such as opioids, antidepressants, and aspirin, are other potential reasons for this medical condition. The illness may also include psychological problems, such as emotions of anxiety or hyper-anxiety. This psychological condition can fluctuate before and after the pregnancy. Therefore, with proper consultation of a gynecologist in Mumbai, one can get proper treatment →
Scar endometriosis is a type of endometriosis that occurs when endometrial tissue, which can be found in the uterus, starts to grow outside the uterus and within scar tissue from previous surgeries. This can cause pain and discomfort, especially during menstrual periods. Symptoms of scar endometriosis may include pain and tenderness in the affected area, menstrual-like cramping, and heavy or irregular menstrual bleeding. Diagnosis of scar endometriosis may involve a physical examination, imaging tests such as ultrasound, or biopsy. Treatment options may include medications to manage pain and hormonal therapy to regulate the menstrual cycle and suppress ovulation. In some cases, surgery may be recommended to remove the endometrial tissue from the scar and relieve symptoms. Diagnosis of scar endometriosis is typically made through a combination of clinical examination, imaging tests, and biopsy. Treatment options may include hormonal therapy to reduce the size of the endometrial growth, surgery to remove the endometrial tissue, or in severe cases, removal of the entire scar, which can result in significant scarring. It is important to consult a doctor for proper evaluation and treatment. The best endometriosis specialist in Mumbai, namely Dr. Neelima Mantri, is trained in diagnosing and treating endometriosis and has experienc →
Even the healthiest of women tend to suffer from stuffy noses that don’t seem to go away. If you are a woman reading this then know that stuffing noses and larges are common during pregnancy. But why do they happen and how to tackle them when they tend to harshly interfere with the sleep cycle and daily life? We asked the leading gynaecologist in Mumbai, Dr Neelima Mantri about the stuffy nose during pregnancy. With her input, we answered all the common questions about this topic in today’s blog here. Read to know the answers:
Why stuffy nose is severe during pregnancy?
A stuffy nose occurs in almost 50% of the cases and it tends to spoil the sleep cycle in 100% of the cases. It usually starts between 2-7 months and becomes severe as the woman approaches the due date. “We often believe a stuffy nose to be a sign of sickness and pregnant women fret at the thought of its impact on the baby. But a stuffy nose is not a sign of sickness but a symptom of a common condition called Pregnancy Rhinitis.”, says a lady gynaecologist in Mumbai, Dr Neelima Mantri.
Pregnancy Rhinitis – Cause of Stuffy Nose:
Pregnancy rhinitis is an inflammation of mucous membranes present in the nose linings. This inflammation also coinci →
Pregnancy had to be the most exhaustive phase that every woman goes through in their life. Especially during the first 12 weeks and last 6, the changes brought by the body will trigger tiredness that was never felt before. It is natural to assume that something is wrong when they feel extremely tired. So naturally, tiredness and fatigue are the most common complaints we receive at our clinic in Mumbai. And we have created this blog to address the common concerns and douse the fear of fire in pregnant women. Read on to know complete information about fatigue during pregnancy – its causes and way to mitigate and fight it.
What causes fatigue and exhaustion during pregnancy?
While fatigue is common during the entirety of the pregnancy, it is more prominent during the first and third trimesters and mild during the second trimester. The cause of exhaustion and fatigue is as follows:
- Causes for fatigue during the first trimester of pregnancy: During the first trimester, the body increases the production of blood to ensure the transportation of more nutrients to the baby. Blood sugars and blood pressure lower, and progesterone levels increase too. These hormonal, physiological, physical and emotional changes do dissipate energy resulting in tiredness and fatigue.
- Causes for fatigue during the first
Adenomyosis is a disorder that causes heavy painful periods, blood clots during menstrual bleeding, and painful sexual intercourse. These symptoms are similar to that of Endometriosis and as a result, can be tough to detect. But the causes of both these conditions vary and so does the treatment. More often than not patients confuse take one condition to another. So with the inputs from a female gynaecologist and laparoscopic surgeon in Mumbai, Dr Neelima Mantri, we delve into this condition and help you understand eh difference between Adenomyosis and Endometriosis:
What is Adenomyosis?
Adenomyosis as a benign uterine condition is one of the causes of pelvic pain in premenopausal women. The endometrial tissue burrows deep into the muscle spaces that are between the inner and outer layers of the uterus. This misplaced tissue thickens the muscle walls, distorts the vasculature of thru uterus and causes heavy painful periods in women.
Difference between Adenomyosis and Endometriosis?
Adenomyosis like endometriosis is also caused by misplaced growth of the endometrial tissue that lines the uterus. However, the key difference lies in the place of growth. In Endometriosis, the tissues can displace, attach and grow anywhere outside the uterus →
Uterus also called the womb, is the epicentre of female fertility. This hallow pear-shaped organ is where the embryo implants itself and the development of the foetus (unborn baby) happens. So naturally, the health of the uterus plays a key role in female fertility. “The shape of the uterus, it’s lining and general health can even impact the success of the pregnancy and health of the child to be born. Any uterine abnormality whether it is congenital or acquired, can lead to fertility and pregnancy problems over time.” says lady gynaecologist in Mumbai, Dr Neelima Mantri. It is estimated that 1 in every 10 women suffer from uterine abnormalities which come to create fertility problems for them. We often have women consult us at our clinic in Mumbai regarding fertility and pregnancy issues. And uterine abnormalities tend to be the most common issues suffered by all age groups. So with the input of gynaecologist Dr Neelima Mantri, we chose to raise awareness about uterine abnormalities and their role in fertility problems today. Read in to know:
What are uterine abnormalities?
A uterus that is in a different shape or size from the norm is called the abnormal uterus. The reason for this abnormal de →
On average, babies weigh between 2.3 kg and 3.8 kg at birth. Macrosomia is a medication that is used to describe a baby that is born with a weight greater than 3.8 kg. This higher weight usually makes the delivery difficult and increases the risk of health problems for the baby later in life. So what causes this Macrosomia and how does it impact Macrosomia on the health of baby and mother? With the input of the best gynaecologist in Mumbai, Dr Neelima Mantri, let us find out in this blog here:
What Causes Macrosomia?
On average 10% of the babies are born with Macrosomia in India. The common causes in these cases always tend to be medical conditions like diabetes and obesity in the mothers. Macrosomia can also happen in mothers who are free from these two conditions if they gain too much weight during pregnancy, have high blood pressure during pregnancy or conceive after 35 years of age. “Gestational diabetes also tends to result in Macrosomia in mothers free from above conditions”, says lady gynaecologist in Mumbai Dr Neelima Mant →
Women seldomly speak when it comes to their menstrual health and hence, they tend to avoid proper guidance on Menstrual Hygiene which further increases the risks of getting infections. If you struggle from any discomfort or infection related to intimate health, you can seek the advice of a gynaecologist in Mumbai and get proper treatment.
What is Menstrual Hygiene?
Menstrual Hygiene refers to the healthy practices that are necessary for women to follow during menstruation. These practices are associated with good menstrual health and are required to adopt in order to avoid infections.
Why is Menstrual Hygiene Important?
During the process of menstruation, the occurrence of vaginal bleeding is normal. In order to cope with the discharge of blood, women acquire several measures to maintain their hygiene. However, there have been various misconceptions around Menstrual Hygiene due to prejudice and lack of information. People especially in India, associate menstruation with impurity and embarrassment which cause insecurities among young females, resulting in neglecting their intimate hygiene which in turn can lead to numerous health issues such as- UTIs, Fungal infections, Reproductive infections, Bacterial vaginosis, toxic shock →