Should you be eating Organic foods during Pregnancy?

0 28 December 2018
Should you be eating Organic foods during Pregnancy?

Pregnancy is the most exciting phase in the life of a woman. It is quite common for you to feel antsy and nervous about the 9 months journey that you are about to take. Of course, you are filled with many questions about the lifestyle choices you will have to make for optimal development of your baby. Additional dietary requirements during Pregnancy: Now that you are two, you will be in need of additional nutrients, vitamins, minerals and not to forget additional calories. An additional 300-500 calories are needed each day by the pregnant women from the day you enter your second trimester. All these additional requirements have to be met through a balanced diet of protein-rich foods, fruits, whole grains. Where do Organic foods fit in the mix? Maintain a balanced diet through a variety of food sourced do help, but what really counts is the quality of foods that are consumed to satiate the dietary requirements. The fruits, vegetables, that we consume are often produced using harsh pesticides, and chemicals, same might hold true for the meat products like Chicken (estrogen injection) and fish (high mercury levels). The risk of chemicals and pesticides though is minimal for an adult it could prove harmful for the baby in development. What are Orga