Endometriosis is a condition that affects millions of women around the world. It is a chronic disease that causes pelvic pain, bowel and bladder problems and other symptoms. It is observed that working women face this problem more than non-working and as the working population of women in Mumbai is finding a good endometriosis specialist in Mumbai is a must. Some of the most famous gynaecologists in Mumbai may recommend a lot of medicines, however, there are simple home remedies that can solve your problem as well. Here are 9 effective ways to treat endometriosis symptoms at home:
1. Turmeric For Endometriosis
This powerful herb has been widely used in Ayurveda, Chinese, and Western medicine for centuries. You can add it to your daily diet in the form of curry, or you can brew it at home as tea.
2. Ginger For Endometriosis
While it’s widely used for many other conditions, ginger is particularly beneficial for endometriosis as it boosts immunity, and reduces inflammation. You can use ginger as a tea, or you can add it to your daily diet as a soup or tea.
3. Fennel For Endometriosis
This herb contains anti-inflammatory properties, which help reduce symptoms such as pain and inflammation. Here’s how you can →
Pregnancy is a significant and memorable journey for every woman and surely it is always a challenging one. Though there is a certain common timeline for the pregnancy, from early signs to symptoms in each stage to the delivery procedures, every journey can be different and unique in its own way. Especially during the delivery variety of procedures that come to rescue for safe and secure delivery. Being one of the best maternity doctors in Mumbai, Dr Neelima Mantri has helped hundreds of pregnant with a variety of delivery procedures based on their specific condition. If you are pregnant it is a good idea to get to know about the delivery procedures and in this blog, we are going to give help you with the same. Here is the list of different assisted delivery procedures that may take place during your labour: Episiotomy: An episiotomy is an assisted delivery procedure where a surgical incision is made in the area between anus and vagina to enlarge the vaginal opening and make it the passage of the baby’s head easy. This procedure decreases the risk of tearing of mother’s skin. An episiotomy is a special procedure that is reserved for special situations, most women may not be needing one. Induced labour: In situation →
Termed as silent killer by medical professionals, Hypertension is one of the most common medical conditions experienced by people around the world. And being pregnant puts women at a higher risk of hypertension. According to statistics, number of pregnant women who have developed hypertension tripled in last 5 years in India. Though hypertension and pregnancy is not generally a dangerous combination, hypertension sometimes can result in fatal complications for both mother and baby when left untreated. As most of the women are unaware of the impact of hypertension, here’s a brief guide about Hypertension during pregnancy, its complications, treatment and preventive measures: What is hypertension? Heart pumps the blood into the arteries which carry blood to the other parts of the body. The pressure exerted by the pumped blood on the walls of arteries is called as blood pressure. When this pressure exceeds the normal range, it exerts an undue stress on the heart, kidneys causing health problems, this condition is called as hypertension. A reading of 120/80 is considered normal and anything above 140 in the numerator is termed as high blood pressure or hypertension. In general during the first and second trimester the blood pressure in pregnant women lowers →
You are a healthy woman who is not looking forward to have kids soon. Your reproductive health seems to be fine as you undergo annual complete health checkups with general physician. But there are certain tests like Pap smear, treating infections etc. which is limited and only specialized by a gynecologist. Being woman’s health specialists, gynecologists can tackle more complicated issues related to woman’s health. Obstetrics is a branch of medicine where medical and surgical care is provided to a woman before, during and after giving birth. Are you looking for the Best Gynecologist in Mumbai? Your search ends here as Dr Neelima Mantri is one of the Top Gynecologist Obstetricians In Navi Mumbai. Most women would be more comfortable to discuss their issues with a Female Gynecologist rather than a male gynecologist. Doctors, especially gynecologists, mainly concentrate on four areas when it comes to female reproductive issues
- Diagnosis
- Treatment
- Management
- Prevention
Gynecologists can help you in treating many conditions such as endometriosis, urinary incontinence, breast disorders, hormonal disorders, infertility and pelvic pain to mention a few. Even Though you feel healthy and is not experiencing any reproductive issue, it is better to always have an annual preventive check u →
Pregnancy makes women jitter even about regular food, understandably so. Now that you are sharing your food with the baby, you will have to be extra careful about your food habits as it directly affects the baby’s health. Even some of the healthiest foods which are consumed without any hesitation normally, have to be double checked. And Seafood falls under this category. So, is consuming fish safe for pregnant women? Yes but only if you take necessary precautions. Fish being a fantastic source of omega-3 fatty acids and lean protein, it is one of the critical components for the optimal development of your child. But not all types of fish are safe for you too. So, the key here is choosing the right fish for consumption. But the problem with fish as a food is it harbors Mercury, a heavy metal that is dangerous for the development of the baby’s brain, sensory and motor skills development. A lot of industries drain their toxic mercury wastage into the seas and oceans. The mercury is converted into methyl-mercury by the bacteria in the water. And when the fish consume these bacteria, the mercury enters the fish and stay in their body binding at the cellular level. These Mercury contents are generally found in the cells of predators at the top of the food chain. The bad thing about the mercury content is that it cannot be eliminated through cooki →
What are Symptoms and Treatment of Premature Contractions in Pregnancy? A normal pregnancy last about 40 weeks, but sometimes labor may begin earlier, before 37th week of pregnancy. This happens because uterine contractions cause the cervix to open up earlier than normal. In such the case the baby is born premature and may be at health risks. However, by knowing the symptoms of and by avoiding some of the risk factors, such a condition may be avoided. A contraction is when the muscles of your uterus contract and as a result your abdomen hardens, as the contraction goes away your uterus becomes soft. Warning signs and symptoms of premature contractions:
- More than 5 uterine contractions in an hour.
- Watery fluid leaking from your vagina.
- Menstrual-like cramps in the lower abdomen.
- Backache felt below the waistline that may come and go or be constant.
- Pelvic pressure that feels like your baby is pushing down.
- Abdominal cramps may occur with or without diarrhea.
- Increase or change in vaginal discharge
If you suffer from 1 or more of these symptoms, Contact Your Doctor. While you w →
The Changes in Early and Late Sleep Characteristics during Pregnancy Pregnancy is one gruelling exercise for us, women. It is tiring; both physically and mentally as it primarily affects almost every part of the human body finding us at our vulnerable self. But unlike other physical and mental tasks, pregnancy can seriously dent the quality of sleep too. Most women are presently surprised by the fatigue and sleeplessness they experience during the first trimester. So, this is an effort to help you gain a good picture of your sleep cycle you’ll go through your pregnancy. So ladies, buckle-up and jump right in! Your Sleep in First Trimester: Sleep and the First Trimester are the friends who fight often. In fact, sleep is one of the first complaints that precedes the realization of pregnancy. A wide medical study has reported that there is an average 0.7 hours increase in the sleeping period among the women in their first trimester. But here comes the ‘fighting’ part: though they will be an increase in the sleeping period, the effectiveness of the sleep is considerably reduced owing to the changes pregnant women go through, in their first trimester. The sudden surge in reproductive hormones results in drowsiness-caus →
Whatever you put in your body directly affects the well-being of your child. And that is why the diet is deemed out to be the most important factor during pregnancy. It’s not just about what you put inside but it is also about what you put on your skin too. Perplexed? Yes, you read that right. Skin absorbs almost 50% of what you put on it. So are you sure they are safe? Most of them might be safe in normal conditions but pregnancy is a special condition, isn’t it? The hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy throw your body out of its balance and that’ll surely show up on the outside. This may allure you to stack-up your shelf with lot cosmetics onto your skin, but we advise you to stay put. Not all the cosmetics are your friends now, few of them do more harm than good. But it’s not the cosmetics that you must avoid but the harmful ingredients they are made of. So, avoiding the cosmetics with certain ingredients can help you avoid any potential complications. Here is the list of ingredients that you must be wary of before using them: Retinoids: Retinoid is a type of Vitamin A that is widely used to treat acne and is known for its moisturizing and anti-aging properties. When taken orally, these retinoids are found to induce Fetal Retinoid Syndrome i.e. characteristic pattern of mental and physical birth defects that results from maternal →
Laparoscopy is procedure in which we look organs inside body. Pelvic laparoscopy comes under the category of Gynecologic laparoscopy. Gynecologic laparoscopy is used as an alternative for open surgery.You should consider to best laparoscopic surgeon for successful laparoscopy. It is used to look inside your lower part of tummy which includes womb, bowel, bladder, uterus etc. It is also a form of treatment. In which doctor uses miniaturized instruments to perform various surgeries such as-
- Ovarian cyst removal
- Tubal ligation, which is surgical contraception
- Hysterectomy
Gynecologic laparoscopy contains shorter time for healing as compared to open surgery. A gynecologist performs this type of surgery. DR.Neelima Mantri is best laparoscopic surgeon Mumbai.She has experience of 10 years in her work. Reasons for laparoscopy –
- Unexplained pelvic pain
- Unexplained infertility
- A history of pelvic infection
Laparoscopy treatment consists-
- Investigation of infertility
- Ovarian cyst
- Hysterectomy
- Chronic Pelvic Pain
- Ectopic pregnancy
- Poly cystic ovary
- Tubal ligation, sterilisation
Risk for any laparoscopy include-
- Bleeding
- Blood clots in the leg or pelvic veins, which could travel to the lungs and, rarely, be fatal
As we all know that girls are more sensitive than boys. Behind this quote there are many physical factors which is responsible for the sensitivity of female. There is a stage in life of female due to which role of female is important and that role is pregnancy. Pregnancy is a situation in which a female get ready to give the birth to young one. This situation is more critical as compared to other cycles and stages which takes place in the life of female. At this stage good care is needed. But, beside of all this, a good advice is must. In general we see that ladies do not take expert advice in stage of pregnancy which is the biggest mistake of ever. For this reason many problems in pregnancy stage happens like miscarriage of baby etc. So a good advisor is needed as a doctor. A doctor which is specialist for pregnant women or delivery is called Gynaecologist. Dr. Neelima Mantri is best Gynaecologist mumbai who advice you in stage of pregnancy. She has the experience of 10 years in her work. In many cases some females get fail to give the birth to baby due to some inner problems this condition is called infertility. But Dr. Neelima Mantri helps to overcome your infertility problem. Dr.Neelima Mantri and her whole staff try their best to give you chance to become a mother. Dr. Neelima works on Obstetrics, General Gynaecology and laparoscopy. →