All You Need to Know About Cervicitis

0 26 July 2023
All You Need to Know About Cervicitis

Cervicitis is the inflammation of the cervix, the lower part of the uterus. While inflammation is commonly considered a simple condition, Cervicitis can be complicated and may increase the risk of pregnancy complications, infertility, and pelvic inflammatory disease. It also significantly increases the chance of sexually transmitted infections. So, what is Cervicitis, and how is it identified and treated to lower its impact on women’s reproductive health? We asked the top gynaecologist in Mumbai, Dr. Neelima Mantri, and read on to find the answers.

What is Cervicitis? What are its Symptoms?

The cervix is a narrow, tunnel-like structural pathway that connects the vagina with the uterus. When a woman has her period, the discharge comes from the uterus through the cervix and the vagina. So, when this pathway becomes inflamed due to one reason or another, a woman may develop Cervicitis. Cervicitis manifests in women as abnormal vaginal bleeding, back pain, prolonged vaginal discharge, vaginal pain, pain during sexual intercourse, and a pressure sensation on the pelvis. In severe cases of Cervicitis, women may experience pus-like vaginal discharge too.

What Causes Cervicitis?

The causes for inflammation are usually sexually transmitted infections like Chlamydia, Herpes, Gonorrhoea, and , , ,

0 29 March 2023
What Are The 4 Stages Of the Menstrual Cycle?

A woman’s body undergoes a monthly hormonal process known as the Menstrual Cycle, which readies it for the potential of pregnancy. The duration of the cycle varies from one woman to another but typically lasts between 28-32 days. According to the top 10 gynecologists in Mumbai, the Menstrual Cycle consists of four distinct phases, each with its specific characteristics and alterations.

Stage 1: Menstrual Phase

The first stage of the Menstrual Cycle is called the menstrual phase. This phase starts the Menstrual Cycle and lasts between three to seven days. The menstrual phase is characterized by the shedding of the endometrial lining, which lines the uterus, resulting in menstrual bleeding. Low levels of estrogen and progesterone hormones are present in the body during this phase. These hormones regulate the menstrual cycle, and when their levels decrease, the body sheds the endometrial lining. As the lining sheds, it exits the body through the cervix and vagina, which causes menstrual bleeding.

Stage 2: Follicular Phase

The second of the four stages of the menstrual cycle,  the follicular phase is the second stage that occurs after the menstrual phase ends. This phase usually lasts for around 10-14 days and is marked by a surge in estrogen levels in the body.

0 6 November 2020
Best Gynaecologist in Mumbai for Pregnancy | Types of Delivery

Pregnancy is a significant and memorable journey for every woman and surely it is always a challenging one. Though there is a certain common timeline for the pregnancy, from early signs to symptoms in each stage to the delivery procedures, every journey can be different and unique in its own way. Especially during the delivery variety of procedures that come to rescue for safe and secure delivery. Being one of the best maternity doctors in Mumbai, Dr Neelima Mantri has helped hundreds of pregnant with a variety of delivery procedures based on their specific condition. If you are pregnant it is a good idea to get to know about the delivery procedures and in this blog, we are going to give help you with the same. Here is the list of different assisted delivery procedures that may take place during your labour:  Episiotomy: An episiotomy is an assisted delivery procedure where a surgical incision is made in the area between anus and vagina to enlarge the vaginal opening and make it the passage of the baby’s head easy. This procedure decreases the risk of tearing of mother’s skin. An episiotomy is a special procedure that is reserved for special situations, most women may not be needing one. Induced labour: In situation

0 20 November 2019
5 Facts Every Couple Should Know About Miscarriages

Nothing is more tragic than the loss of pregnancy for women. It is an abrupt end to the memorable journey which shatters the parental dreams of the couple. Miscarriage is the most common type of pregnancy loss that is experienced by women around the world. And due to various myths and misconceptions that surround the miscarriage, women particularly are blamed for the accidental loss. In addition to the anxiety and grief experienced by the women, the baseless blame put on them can further affect the maternal health and could impact the further pregnancy chances. Having treated with hundreds of miscarriage cases, we believe that the whole situation could be drastically improved by simply making everyone aware of the basic facts about the miscarriage of its effects. So here are 5 facts about miscarriages that we want every couple to know:   Miscarriage is not rare, they are very common today:  Yes, miscarriage was a very rare occurrence a few decades back. But we will have to inform you that they have become very common, especially in urban India. Having been providing the best treatment for miscarriages in Mumbai for years now, we estimate that almost 35% of the pregnancies end in miscarriages. The percentage of pregnancy loss could be even higher if other causes of pregnancy loss are also taken into accoun

0 26 July 2019
High Blood Pressure during Pregnancy: Types, Complications and Preventive measures

Termed as silent killer by medical professionals, Hypertension is one of the most common medical conditions experienced by people around the world. And being pregnant puts women at a higher risk of hypertension. According to statistics, number of pregnant women who have developed hypertension tripled in last 5 years in India. Though hypertension and pregnancy is not generally a dangerous combination, hypertension sometimes can result in fatal complications for both mother and baby when left untreated. As most of the women are unaware of the impact of hypertension, here’s a brief guide about Hypertension during pregnancy, its complications, treatment and preventive measures: What is hypertension? Heart pumps the blood into the arteries which carry blood to the other parts of the body. The pressure exerted by the pumped blood on the walls of arteries is called as blood pressure. When this pressure exceeds the normal range, it exerts an undue stress on the heart, kidneys causing health problems, this condition is called as hypertension. A reading of 120/80 is considered normal and anything above 140 in the numerator is termed as high blood pressure or hypertension. In general during the first and second trimester the blood pressure in pregnant women lowers

0 24 July 2019
Uterine Fibroid Treatment- Is Minimally invasive Surgery better than Traditional Surgery?

Uterine fibroids are the muscular tumors that are formed near the wall of the uterus. Formed as a single tumor or a cluster of tumors, they can fibroids in uterus can develop inside the uterine (womb) or sometimes grow attached to it. Being one of the most common causes of abnormal bleeding in women, there is approximately 60% chance of formation of uterine fibroids in women. Though not all the uterine fibroids exhibit symptoms, the ones which do can have a serious impact on a women health and reproductive ability based on their size location and severity. Some of the common symptoms experienced by women due to the formation of uterine fibroids are: • Abnormal bleeding between menstruations. • Heavy menstrual period lasting more than a week. • Frequent urination or prolonged constipation problems. • Pelvic pain, backaches or leg pains. Though fibroids are benign tumors, sometimes they can cause the above problems or even interfere with the pregnancy by creating fertility problems. So when the fibroids tend to be bothersome, you surgeon may recommend treatment options which range from medications to traditional and minimally invasive surgeries based on patient’s age, size of the fibroid, location and patient’s desire to have the children in future. Traditional surgery procedures: Though both surgical and non-

0 4 April 2019
How to Get a Better Sleep During Pregnancy

Sleep deprivation is the most common complaint reported by men as soon as the baby arrives in their lives. Ever wondered why most of the sleep deprivation complaints are from men? Well, that is because a woman is already habituated with sleep problems during their pregnancy. In fact according to a 2017 study concluded that almost 80% of the women face sleep problems during their pregnancy, especially during the final trimester. Why do sleep problems occur in women during pregnancy? Frequent urination during the first trimester can disrupt your sleep and then add the anxiety of newbie mother to the mix, a woman in first-trimester is bound to experience moderate sleep disruptions. With the baby slightly moving up, night urination becomes less frequent and things do become better in the second trimester. However, growing belly in the third trimester puts pressure on the bladder resulting in an increase in the frequency of urination and also adds to the discomfort during the sleep. With the addition of other problems like cramps, heartburn, back pain, and stress, the third trimester becomes the most difficult period for pregnant women. Almost every woman go through the sleep problems above, but here are a few simple tips that can help them minimize the sleep disturbances and have a good sleep in between: Limit napping: The first tr

0 25 March 2019
How to get Rid of Insomnia at Early Pregnancy

A new mom-to-be will be excited and worried at the same time. She will be excited thinking of welcoming a bundle of joy to her house while she may be anxious on the labor process and taking care of baby thereafter. Some pregnant women experience insomnia due to their inner worries during the first trimester of pregnancy. Understanding insomnia Insomnia means difficulty in falling asleep, staying asleep or both. Women may experience insomnia in all stages of pregnancy but it may be more common in first and third trimesters of pregnancy. You may feel miserable if you have insomnia but the good thing is that it’s not at all harmful for the baby. Factors which cause insomnia during pregnancy There may be many reasons for you to stay awake during the wee hours of the day. It may include:

  • Need to urinate frequently
  • Back pain
  • Vomiting or nausea
  • Leg cramps
  • Abdominal discomfort
  • Heartburn
  • Shortness of breath
  • Leg cramps

Managing Insomnia

  • Diet and exercise: Diet and exercise can have a great impact on your sleep. Keep yourself hydrated by drinking lots of water and avoid caffeine intake from late afternoon
  • Eat to sleep: Eat

0 18 March 2019
Cool Ways to Announce your Pregnancy

Going to be a mother? Congratulations! You may be excited in finding out that you are going to be a mother and embrace the process of pregnancy followed by motherhood as you welcome a newest addition to your family! It’s even exciting to share the news with your partner but even more exciting would be announcing it to the world. Let’s take a look at few cool ideas to announce to the world that you are expecting. #1 New Pair of “Genes” Let the world know that you are getting a new pair of “genes”. For fun, you can also add in which season, your new pair of “Genes” will arrive. For eg: Baby Clara: Spring/summer collection 2019 #2 Announce the next generation Let the world know that you are ready to welcome the next generation with a bang! Just like new generation smart phones are launched, convey this idea using actual smart phones and a toy phone #3 Guard Dog Duty If you have a pet, you can convey it through him. Announce that he will be doing a guard dog duty starting the baby due month. You can write it somewhere near to your pet and place it next to him #4 Movie poster This is one of the coolest ideas to announce it to your family. Create a movie poster by adding your and spouse’s name on it along with the “release date”. This is a cute and creative idea at the same time #5 Mug s

0 11 March 2019
How to Recover from a C-section

Motherhood is a beautiful and fulfilling phase where the new mothers are anxious and excited in welcoming their new born and taking care of them. Some mothers will be also busy in thinking of shedding their weight after pregnancy. Having a baby can be a strainful experience to your body, especially if you are opting for a c- section delivery. Vaginal delivery is easier to recover when compared to C-section. The practice of tying a belt post pregnancy is believed to help in tightening the muscles, reduces the swelling and also helps in supporting the back. This belt can Support your abdomen as it won’t contract immediately after delivery naturally. There are different types of binds available to use such as wraps which are made out of cloth which can be used immediately after delivery, belts or splints which can be adjustable so as to increase or loosen the tightness in the abdomen. If it is a normal delivery, the mother can use binds within few hours post delivery. If it is a c-section, the doctor may recommend you to use binds only after the wound is healed which may take around six to eight weeks. It is advisable to use binds only after speaking your gynecologist regarding the same. Such belts can help in reducing tummy fat, to enhance your posture, toning tummy muscles and in back support and back pain reduction. Let’s find out certain tips to