Polyhydramnios – Symptoms and Causes

0 19 July 2024
Polyhydramnios – Symptoms and Causes

We all understand the crucial role of amniotic fluid, which envelops the womb to safeguard the baby. But what if the fluid levels are too high? This condition, known as Polyhydramnios, involves an excessive secretion of amniotic fluid in the uterus during pregnancy. In its mildest form, it doesn’t pose any problems or symptoms. However, severe cases may necessitate treatment. This condition is typically identified after the middle stages of pregnancy. Severe cases can lead to preterm labor, shortness of breath, and other symptoms. Yet, with early detection and proper management, the risks can be minimized. Mild cases often resolve on their own, but severe ones require close attention. To help you understand this condition better, check out this post for more information!  An Overview of Polyhydramnios Polyhydramnios is a medical condition found in pregnant mothers in the middle term during pregnancy. The condition arises when there is a sudden spike in the amniotic fluids around the womb in the uterus. Ideally, the amniotic fluid plays a significant role in the development and growth of the fetus. Doctors identify this condition in the second half of the pregnancy stage. This is a rare condition that affects 1% of pregnant women

0 12 April 2024
Placenta Accreta – Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

A serious pregnancy challenge known as Placenta Accreta occurs when the placenta adheres to the uterine wall too firmly and occasionally spreads to neighboring organs. This condition has to be carefully managed since it presents serious dangers to the mother and the unborn child during delivery. Comprehending the signs, origins, and available therapies for Placenta Accreta female gynecologists in Mumbai is essential for prompt identification and suitable medical assistance to guarantee optimal results for both the mother and the kid. We will go over the warning signs and symptoms, underlying causes, and potential treatment options for Placenta Accreta in the following section.

Learning About the Symptoms

Symptoms of Placenta Accreta may vary depending on the severity of the condition. Nevertheless, frequent indicators to look out for are as follows:

  • Vaginal Bleeding: One of the main signs of Placenta Accreta is abnormal bleeding during pregnancy, particularly in the third trimester.
  • Preterm Labour: Premature contractions or labor before the due date are possible in women with Placenta Accreta.
  • Pelvic Discomfort: As the placenta penetrates farther into the uterine wall, persistent or severe

0 15 December 2023
Advanced Maternal Age: Risks, Complications, Management and Treatment

There was a time when being above the age of 35 was considered challenging for pregnancies. It’s no wonder women above this age faced difficulties in healthy conceptions. Thanks to improved awareness, technology, treatments, and fertility procedures, women in their late 30s can now embark on this remarkable journey with greater possibilities. However, the journey of pregnancy in advanced maternal age does come with its own set of challenges and complications. “Pregnancy, in itself, is a challenging journey for every woman. This journey can be a bit more challenging for women who conceive in advanced maternal age, primarily after the age of 35,” says the renowned gynecologist in Mumbai, Dr. Neelima Mantri. If  you are a woman in this age bracket, the best thing you can do is improve awareness about the pregnancy journey in advanced maternal age—its risks, complications, and treatment options for safe management—before embarking on this remarkable journey. With insights from leading female gynaecologists in Mumbai, Dr. Neelima Mantri, we delve into these commonly asked questions in this blog today.

Pregnancy above Age 35 – Risks and Complications:

Increased risk of chromosomal abnormalities: The quality of the eggs women produce is inversely proportional to their age. Consequently

0 21 November 2023
Understanding Anovulation: Is it Permanent? Causes & Treatment

Anovulation is a condition where a woman’s ovaries do not release eggs during their regular menstrual cycle. Without the release of eggs by the ovary, there is no chance of fertilization, making conception impossible. “A common cause of infertility, anovulation happens in 1 in 10 women, yet it is the reason for infertility in almost 25% of cases,” says the leading gynaecologist in Mumbai, Dr. Neelima Mantri. Is anovulation permanent? Do women suffering from Anovulation lose the ability to conceive forever? What causes it, and how is it treated? We have asked the gynaecologist and infertility specialist in Mumbai, Dr. Neelima Mantri, and all the frequently asked questions. Read on to know her answers:

What happens in Anovulation?

A regular menstrual cycle begins after the uterus sheds its lining. Typically lasting for 28 days, various hormonal fluctuations occur. In chronic cases, the egg matures in the ovaries for 14 days, and around the 14th day, luteinizing hormone surges to trigger the release of the egg. The egg then moves into the fallopian tube for fertilization. However, in cases of Anovulation, the hormonal changes that lead to the release of eggs are disrup

0 19 October 2023
Arrhythmia in Pregnancy – Everything You Need to Know

Arrhythmia is a medical term for an irregular heartbeat, where the heart beats too quickly, too slowly, or in an uneven, out-of-rhythm manner. An irregular heartbeat leads to decreased blood flow to organs, reduced oxygen delivery, the development of blood clots, and, in severe cases, it may cause heart failure and stroke. “The possibilities of these complications depend on the severity or type of the Arrhythmia. But Arrhythmia during pregnancy doubles the risk of these complications, as both the mother and baby may be impacted by this medical condition,” says a female gynaecologist in Mumbai, Dr. Neelima Mantri. Arrhythmia can happen in women even with no underlying heart conditions. During pregnancy, it can increase the risk of blood clots and stroke and may even result in premature delivery when proper treatment is not taken, adds Dr Neelima Mantri, the best obstetrician in Mumbai, who has treated hundreds of arrhythmia cases in Mumbai. But what causes arrhythmias, how do we know the symptoms, what are the treatment options available? We have asked Dr. Mantri the most frequently asked questions on Arrhythmia. Read on to know her answers.

Arrhythmia in Pregnancy: Causes

As mentioned earlier, arrhythmias can occur

0 23 June 2023
What Causes Cephalopelvic Disproportion?

Cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD) refers to a situation where a mother’s pelvic structure is mismatched with the dimensions and form of her baby’s head, rendering natural delivery difficult or impossible. Cephalopelvic disproportion can result from diverse causes, such as the infant being comparatively larger, fetal positioning abnormalities, unconventional pelvic structures, or maternal conditions that entail possessing a narrow pelvis. To ensure a safe and successful delivery, healthcare professionals need to understand the underlying reasons behind CPD and be able to identify potential risks while devising appropriate management strategies.

  • Cephalopelvic disproportion, a condition where the fetal head is too large for the birth canal, often stems from fetal macrosomia – an anomaly where the baby has an excessively large body size. The outcome could be linked to maternal elements, including gestational diabetes or increased weight during pregnancy. Fetal macrosomia increases the chances of cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD) due to the possibility of the infant’s head being too large to pass through the mother’s pelvis.
  • Certain fetal positions, like breech or transverse, may cause a size difference between the baby’s head and the mother’s pelvis. Sometimes, when the infant’s head and the mother’s pelvic region do not align correctly, it can m

0 22 June 2023
Uterine Rupture Causes Symptoms and Treatment

An uncommon but possibly fatal condition that can happen during pregnancy or delivery is uterine rupture. It describes the ripping or splitting of the uterine wall, which might cause serious bleeding and put both the mother and the unborn child in jeopardy. During pregnancy, the uterus, a muscular organ, takes care of and defends the developing foetus. The uterine wall is durable and sturdy under normal conditions. Healthcare providers and expectant moms must understand the risk factors, symptoms, and proper management of uterine rupture to provide prompt and efficient care during childbirth.


  • Previous uterine surgery: Compared to women with an intact uterus, women withprevious uterine operations, such as caesarean sections (C-sections) or myomectomy (removal of fibroids), are at a greater risk of uterine rupture.
  • Uterine overdistention: The risk of rupture rises when the uterus is overextended or overly strained. Multiple pregnancies, polyhydramnios (high amniotic fluid), and macrosomia (a huge fetus) are situations where this might happen.
  • Augmentation of labour: Utilising some drugs, like oxytocin, to hasten or intensify labour contractions might raise the risk of uterine rupture, particularly if contractions are too frequent, strong,

0 19 September 2022
How to Increase Amniotic Fluid during Pregnancy?

Amniotic fluid is a clear, yellowish fluid in the womb during pregnancy. Thus fluid surrounds the baby in the womb and plays a vital role in the optimal development of the baby. This key fluid is generated by the mother within 12 days of the pregnancy and a mother needs to maintain optimal levels of this fluid for safe pregnancy. Too much or too little – both these conditions can cause complications for the baby. What exactly happens when the optimum levels of this fluid are not met? And how to ensure the right amount of amniotic fluid during pregnancy? Let us know answers from the best gynaecologists in Mumbai Dr Neelima Mantri in this blog.

What is Amniotic Fluid?

The baby in the womb grows in a bag-like structure which is formed by two membranes – the amnion and chorion. The baby grows inside the amniotic sac which is filled with amniotic fluid that is generated as early as 12 weeks into pregnancy. In the early weeks of pregnancy, the amniotic fluid is mostly the water produced by the mother’s body. By 5th month of pregnancy, this amniotic fluid gradually becomes a mix of water and foetal urine, consisting of key nutrients, antibodies and hormones. The baby swallows the fluid and excretes it increasing its volume over time.  This versatile fluid can be said as the bread and butter of the b

0 21 June 2022
Vaginal Laxity: What You Need To Know

Women’s bodies are home to new lives and roller-coaster rides for all dancing hormones. Throughout their life, a woman’s body goes through lots of changes, which directly or indirectly affect her libido and sexual pleasure. One of the most drastic events for the body and psyche is being pregnant, carrying the life for nine months, delivering the same life, and the tornado of emotions with all the stress of being a mum takes a toll on the woman’s body. In this progressive era, the aftermath of delivery is still overshadowed by the ‘happiness of being a mum’. The concept of ‘VAGINAL LAXITY’, is experienced by all the new mothers after delivering their babies. Vaginal laxity, which is commonly abbreviated as VL is caused mostly due to pregnancy and vaginal birth, it is generally associated with vaginal looseness which leads to the loss of sensation in the vagina during intercourse or causes obstacles to healthy and satisfactory sexual relationships.

Understanding Vaginal Laxity

Vaginal laxity is as common as mass love for pizzas, but the catch here is love for pizzas is well known and well talked about, and on the other hand vaginal laxity is an underlying issue that is common among the world of new bee mums, however not talked about. Despite how common it is, females still are shy about VL. Instead of consulting the ob-gyn, m

0 18 February 2022
Breech baby Causes & Complications | Dr Neelima Mantri

In a normal pregnancy, days before the delivery, the baby turns upside down, ready for delivery with his head towards the birth canal. But when the opposite is seen where the feet of the baby are towards the birth canal, it is the case of a breech baby, resulting in a breech delivery. Breech delivery has its complications for both the baby and the mother. There are different kinds of breech pregnancies depending on the position of the baby in the womb, namely, footling breech, complete breech and frank breech. But in all three cases, the baby’s head is away from the birth canal while the feet are nearer to it.

Causes of breech pregnancies

Doctors have still not found the exact causes that result in breeching of the baby but APA (American Pregnancy Association) has mentioned a few reasons which can result in breech pregnancies. And many top gynaecologists have also approved the following causes.

  • > The amount of amniotic fluid greatly influences the movement of the baby. Either there can be more fluid or less than it is in normal pregnancy. In either case, the baby has got a lot of movement facilities or has got no such facility at all.
  • > The shape of the uterus also determines the position of the b