The cancer that begins in the female organs such as ovaries is called as ovarian cancer. And it is no more a silent killer, doctors and specialists say it does have symptoms but they are non-specific. So many people do not take it seriously and only realise when the cancer spreads, reaches to the advanced state. One should never ignore and be attentive to ongoing abnormalities like:
- Severe bloating
- Pelvic or abdominal pain
- Difficulty in eating or feeling full quickly
- Frequent urine urging
- Breast tenderness
- Vaginal secretions
- Enlarging abdominal mass
- Facial hair growth in prepubertal girls
See the doctor, if you have those unusual symptoms more than 12 times in a month. Dr. Neelima Mantri is the Best Lady Gynaecologist in Mumbai and also for infertility treatment, consult her for special care and a complete understanding of the cancer. Causes of Ovarian Cancer: The exact causes of the cancer are not known, but it is higher in women who has one or more ovarian risk factors. Let us learn what are those risk factors behind ovarian cancer. Age: It is the key factor and most women who are found with the cancer are a →