Premature Infant – Causes and Complications:

0 18 March 2021
Premature Infant – Causes and Complications:

Babies born before 37th week of pregnancy are medically termed premature babies. On average, 1 in 10 babies born in Mumbai tends to be born prematurely due to a variety of reasons. Premature babies tend to have health problems growing up and a few can even have long-term challenges. Pregnancy is a challenging journey and a woman planning for pregnancy must beware of all the challenges ahead. At our gynaecology clinic in Mumbai, we help hundreds of pregnant woman get set and prepare for a healthy pregnancy – and premature infants are one of the topics gynaecologists Dr. Neelima Mantri we focuses on thoroughly. If you are planning for pregnancy too, it is important to be aware of the premature infant situation – its causes, complications and preventions to improve your chances of having a healthy baby. And this blog here we try to give a brief intro into this topic read on: Premature Baby – Causes: Premature birth in most cases can happen due to premature rupture of the foetal membrane that initiates early labour resulting in a premature baby. There is no one single cause for premature birth, the causes can include:

  • > Abruption of placenta
  • > Incompetent cervix which opens before it is tipped to.
  • > Infections – untreated vaginal infection

0 12 January 2021
Early Morning Habits of Pregnant Woman to Help Your Day Go Smoother

Pregnancy can be quite a daunting experience. You are growing another human being inside you, and that is a very complicated process. Your body goes through a lot of physical and hormonal changes that affect your physical as well and mental health. It is quite normal to make mistakes here and there, especially if it’s your first pregnancy. But it is also very important to maintain a healthy lifestyle and not give up on good habits during pregnancy. Taking care of yourself comes first. This is the advice from the best gynecologist doctor in India. Complications with pregnancy Pregnancy is a very intricate process and it puts a huge strain on the human body. The human body goes through a lot of changes that might be pleasant. Some of these complications are:

  • Puking: It is very common for women to pike through their pregnancy. While this might not seem like a big deal, it can be quite embarrassing for some and annoying for everyone
  • Weight Gain: Gaining weight and a chance in the shape of your body is something most women loath.
  • Inflammation: There is inflammation in different parts of the body like feet, hands

0 16 July 2020
Pregnancy in Diabetes: 4 Most Frequently Asked Questions Answered

The total journey of the pregnancy and birth experience of diabetic mothers could be different as compared to others, but with the right medical help, diligent self-care, a healthy pregnancy is a certainty. If you are a diabetic woman looking to conceive you must know all the necessary information beforehand as you embark on your journey. Mumbai’s best female gynaecologist and laparoscopic surgeon, Dr. Neelima Mantri has helped hundreds of diabetic mothers with their pregnancy. Over the years we get plenty of questions regarding pregnancy, and this article aims to provide you essential information for these frequently asked questions about diabetes and pregnancy. So, read on: How does pregnancy affect my diabetes? Hormonal and other physical changes in the woman’s body during pregnancy can significantly impact the blood glucose levels. So from eating habits, medicine requirements to exercise, and physical activity routines, change in diabetic management plans is needed. As a woman gets closer to her delivery date, further change in management in again needed according to the medical status and health. As soon as you decide to have a baby it is important to consult a gyna

0 20 November 2019
5 Facts Every Couple Should Know About Miscarriages

Nothing is more tragic than the loss of pregnancy for women. It is an abrupt end to the memorable journey which shatters the parental dreams of the couple. Miscarriage is the most common type of pregnancy loss that is experienced by women around the world. And due to various myths and misconceptions that surround the miscarriage, women particularly are blamed for the accidental loss. In addition to the anxiety and grief experienced by the women, the baseless blame put on them can further affect the maternal health and could impact the further pregnancy chances. Having treated with hundreds of miscarriage cases, we believe that the whole situation could be drastically improved by simply making everyone aware of the basic facts about the miscarriage of its effects. So here are 5 facts about miscarriages that we want every couple to know:   Miscarriage is not rare, they are very common today:  Yes, miscarriage was a very rare occurrence a few decades back. But we will have to inform you that they have become very common, especially in urban India. Having been providing the best treatment for miscarriages in Mumbai for years now, we estimate that almost 35% of the pregnancies end in miscarriages. The percentage of pregnancy loss could be even higher if other causes of pregnancy loss are also taken into accoun

0 31 October 2019
Everything You Need to Know Premature Birth

Premature birth of children had been the causing of grief to the millions of parents worldwide for centuries now. Fortunately today we are in a position to take proper care of a premature child which is not exactly the case a few decades back. Today’s premature birth treatments can help you provide proper health care to ensure the proper development of the child. It is quite common for parents to have questions regarding premature births. So here are few frequently asked questions that can help you know about the premature birth: What is premature birth? While 40 weeks is the normal duration of a full-term pregnancy, if a baby is born before the 37th week of the pregnancy then the baby is considered as a premature baby and the birth is called premature birth in medical terminology. Is premature birth common? Premature births are very common in the early days when medical and preventive care are not as developed as they are now. Even today on an average one in every ten babies is born before 37-38 weeks of pregnancy. What caused premature birth? Premature birth can be caused by various risk factors. Though not all of the causes of premature birth are completely discovered, the following are the causes that account for more than 60% of premature births:

0 24 July 2019
Uterine Fibroid Treatment- Is Minimally invasive Surgery better than Traditional Surgery?

Uterine fibroids are the muscular tumors that are formed near the wall of the uterus. Formed as a single tumor or a cluster of tumors, they can fibroids in uterus can develop inside the uterine (womb) or sometimes grow attached to it. Being one of the most common causes of abnormal bleeding in women, there is approximately 60% chance of formation of uterine fibroids in women. Though not all the uterine fibroids exhibit symptoms, the ones which do can have a serious impact on a women health and reproductive ability based on their size location and severity. Some of the common symptoms experienced by women due to the formation of uterine fibroids are: • Abnormal bleeding between menstruations. • Heavy menstrual period lasting more than a week. • Frequent urination or prolonged constipation problems. • Pelvic pain, backaches or leg pains. Though fibroids are benign tumors, sometimes they can cause the above problems or even interfere with the pregnancy by creating fertility problems. So when the fibroids tend to be bothersome, you surgeon may recommend treatment options which range from medications to traditional and minimally invasive surgeries based on patient’s age, size of the fibroid, location and patient’s desire to have the children in future. Traditional surgery procedures: Though both surgical and non-

0 4 April 2019
How to Get a Better Sleep During Pregnancy

Sleep deprivation is the most common complaint reported by men as soon as the baby arrives in their lives. Ever wondered why most of the sleep deprivation complaints are from men? Well, that is because a woman is already habituated with sleep problems during their pregnancy. In fact according to a 2017 study concluded that almost 80% of the women face sleep problems during their pregnancy, especially during the final trimester. Why do sleep problems occur in women during pregnancy? Frequent urination during the first trimester can disrupt your sleep and then add the anxiety of newbie mother to the mix, a woman in first-trimester is bound to experience moderate sleep disruptions. With the baby slightly moving up, night urination becomes less frequent and things do become better in the second trimester. However, growing belly in the third trimester puts pressure on the bladder resulting in an increase in the frequency of urination and also adds to the discomfort during the sleep. With the addition of other problems like cramps, heartburn, back pain, and stress, the third trimester becomes the most difficult period for pregnant women. Almost every woman go through the sleep problems above, but here are a few simple tips that can help them minimize the sleep disturbances and have a good sleep in between: Limit napping: The first tr

0 9 March 2019
The Best Parts of Pregnancy

Pregnancy is undoubtedly one of the best phases in a woman’s life. Along with the bad stuff like morning sickness, weight gain etc, there are certain good things which a mother-to-be enjoys during her phase of pregnancy. Let’s find out what they are.

  • Feeling baby move: The whole idea of life growing inside you itself makes you feel good. When the baby starts moving inside, it signifies the connection between the mother and the baby. So when you feel your baby moving, that can make you feel happy
  • People are nicer: People are nicer to you nice they see that you are pregnant. They help you out in lifting heavy stuff, hold doors for you and even smiles at you which can make your day better
  • Baby hiccups: A pregnant woman can understand when the baby gets hiccups. Here will be movement in every ten seconds or so. Some may enjoy this feeling as the baby movement reminds you of your motherhood and the unborn child whom you love a lot
  • Whole second trimester : This can be one of the best phases in your entire pregnancy as you don’t feel like throwing up or sick, your belly is not that big, you can sleep well and even eat t

0 28 January 2019
Breastfeeding Benefits for Mothers Health

Breastfeeding is not only good for infants for improving their general health, but also beneficial for mothers, as they carry lesser risks of cancer and cardiovascular disease for long years to come. Lactation period is an essential stage, where infants get the right type of nourishment, and mothers who fail to breastfeed carry more risks of breast cancer, diabetes, ovarian cancer and other serious health issues. Timely breastfeeding can help mothers to ensure that the important functions of the body work in harmony and prevent the risk of many diseases, otherwise the effects of the systems going out of order can last for evn decades. Beneficial hormones are released within he mother’s body due to breastfeeding, where prolactin and Oxytocin hormones help the mother to stay relaxed and to enhance the response in nurturing the baby. In fact, Oxytocin level helps the uterus to contract more quickly, thus reducing the risk of bleeding soon after the birth of the child. Pitocin is a synthetic hormone which is based on Oxytocin that helps the uterus to contract. Breast milk contains all the essential nutrients and vitamins that are needed for the growth of a baby for the first six months. Moreover, breast milk contains the essential substances that help in fighting diseases, thus keeping the baby in good health. A myriad of consequences can take place after a child

0 25 January 2019
Best Lady Gynecologist In Mumbai

Every woman in the modern day would have visited a gynaecologist sometime or the other in their lives. Women are usually reluctant to visit gynaecologists, even today, as they have been growing up in a conservative environment or may be feeling embarrassed to share their personal details regarding gynaecology to a stranger. Women, especially adolescents, would be reluctant group. However, Most of the womenfolk out there may still have a question in their minds on the best lady gynecologist & obstetrician doctors in Mumbai. Well… You can stop searching for the best as you have landed into the right hands! It’s none other than Dr. Neelima Mantri. She is a gynaecologist, a laparoscopic surgeon and an obstetrician, who has over a decade of experience in the field. She even performs minimal access surgeries apart from the conventional gynaecology. Dr Neelima Mantri has extensive training in high risk obstetrics and has dealt thousands of risky cases successfully. When a woman wants to find out whether she is pregnant, obviously, she would look out for meeting a gynaecologist, who is well-experienced in the field. Dr Neelima Mantri Being one of the best gynecologist obstetricians in Mumbai, can help you from the initial stage of assess