Thyroid Disease in Pregnancy | Dr Neelima Mantri

0 25 February 2022
Thyroid Disease in Pregnancy | Dr Neelima Mantri

The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland that is wrapped around the windpipe at the front of the neck. Like every other gland in the human body, thyroids produce hormones that are responsible for a specific function in the body. In the case of the thyroid, it produces hormones that are responsible for controlling the metabolic rate of the body by monitoring digestive, heart and muscle functions in the body. The thyroid gland produces optimal hormones to keep the body running at an optimal rate. Thyroid disease is a medical condition where the thyroid fails to produce the right amount of these hormones and as result impact the normal functioning of the body leading to a variety of problems. The impact of his thyroid disease in pregnancy is even more given the sensitive nature of the health of the women during this stage. In this blog today we are going to discuss the case of thyroid in pregnancy – its types, symptoms and complications with the help of the best gynaecologist in Mumbai, Dr Neelima Mantri.

Role of Thyroid during Pregnancy:

Thyroid hormones are essential for the essential for normal development of the baby’s nervous system and brain. The babies

0 27 January 2022
Cervical Dysplasia Treatment in Mumbai

The precancerous condition in which there is abnormal cell growth on the surface lining of the cervix, opening between the uterus and on the vagina is referred to as cervical dysplasia. Even though women below thirty years of age are most prone to this condition, it can affect women belonging to any age group. Getting a routine test from your gynecologist specialist helps diagnose it at the right time.

Causes of Cervical Dysplasia

One of the most common causes of cervical dysplasia is the human papillomavirus (HPV) in cervical cells. While the immunity system of most people is efficient enough to get rid of such a virus, the infection can still manage to survive in a few cases. HPV is most commonly transmitted from one person to another sexually. This includes vaginal, anal, and oral intercourse. Even though it is primarily a sexually transmitted virus, it is also capable to spread by contact with the skin.

Treating Cervical Dysplasia

Just as in the case of any medical condition, the treatment options for cervical dysplasia also depend on the severity of the condition. For instance:

  • > Mild cervical dysplasia: in most cases, the treatment of mild cervical dysplasia only consists of

0 2 November 2021
What is Ovulation Induction Treatment?

Couples who are falling short of natural conception even after trying out treatment plans no longer have to worry about their parenthood. Today, gynaecologists are equipped with powerful procedures using Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) that can help parents realize their parenthood. Out of all the advanced procedures available and Ovulation Induction is the simplest procedure that can help the couple trying to conceive. But what is Ovulation Induction? How it performed and what is are the chances of conception with Ovulation Induction? With the help of the top gynaecologist in Mumbai, Dr Neelima Mantri, We answer all your question in this blog here. Read on: What is Ovulation Induction? Inducing ovulation through medications to increase the chances of successful fertilization is called Ovulation Induction. Why is Ovulation Induction performed? Regular ovulation is the release of the mature egg every 28 days in general. The interval of 21 to 35 days is considered normal, but the release of an egg sooner or later in this interval is generally considered abnormal. More women suffer inconsistent and irregular periods (later than 35 days) and suffer fertility problems. On average 25 to 30% of the infertility problems are due to inconsistent a

0 17 August 2021
Painful Bladder Syndrome Treatment (Interstitial Cystitis)

The human body is fallible and hence our body has a built-in immune system to protect us against all sorts of diseases, disorders, bacteria, etc. But sometimes even despite these protective mechanisms a few diseases can get through and start impacting the body. Among these is a wider range of diseases called painful bladder syndrome that comprises many other diseases that affect the bladder and can be painful. This article will examine a condition within painful bladder syndrome known as Interstitial Cystitis. What is Interstitial Cystitis? Interstitial Cystitis is a chronic condition that can cause bladder pain, bladder pressure, or even pelvic pain in some cases. The pain can be mild or it can be severe depending on individual instances. The bladder is a muscular organ in charge of storing urine. When the bladder is full it expands and sends a signal to the brain through pelvic nerves that it’s time to urinate. This then creates the urge or impulse to use the washroom. However, with Interstitial Cystitis, the urge to urinate happens more often and for smaller amounts of urine because the signals get mixed up. This condition is more likely to affect women than men so it’s best to visit your gynaecologist

0 30 July 2021
What Causes Yeast Infection in Women

Yeast infection is one of the most common vaginal infections suffered by women. Around 3 out of 4 women suffer this infection at some point in their lifetime. But what is a yeast infection, what causes it and how this vaginal yeast infection is treated? Read on to know: What is a vaginal yeast infection? The vagina consists of a balanced environment of healthy bacteria and yeast cells. And when this balance is disrupted, the yeast cells multiple causing itching, burning, redness, itching or irritation in the vagina. In few cases, this may also lead to white discharge. This yeast infection in the vagina comes under vaginitis. There are many types of vaginitis each with symptoms of some kind, but yeast infection is the most common among them. What are the symptoms of yeast infection? An itchy sensation in the vulva, white discharge and burning feeling during urination are some of the common symptoms reported by patients to the gynaecologist in Mumbai, Dr Neelima Mantri. In addition, the other common symptoms include redness, swelling, tiny cuts or cracks, rash and pain during sex. What causes yeast infection in women? As said, the yeast cells present in the vagina multiply when the balance is disrupte

0 16 July 2021
Normal Delivery Tips from Gynaecologist Dr Neelima Mantri

Feeling anxious and tensed is common for first-time moms as the due date approaches. “It’s absolutely fine to be nervous. Please do now that it’s natural and knowing what comes your way and being prepared for it will not only help you ease your nerves but also smoothens your whole experience”, says Dr Neelima Mantri leading gynaecologist who has helped hundreds of women with successful normal delivery in Mumbai. But how does a woman get to know what exactly is coming her way and how does she prepare for it? This blog is our answer. Here we discuss the final trimester and give you handy delivery tips from Dr Neelima Mantri that can help pregnant women better prepare for labour. Read on: Prepare your body: Normal delivery requires strength to help you endure and exercises are the best way to develop your strength and stamina as you prepare for your labour. This doesn’t mean you will have to lift weights and perform aerobics, you will just have to perform simple exercises within your capacity. Look up for antenatal exercises, pregnancy yoga, and pelvic floor exercises, simple walking during this period to improve your pelvic strength and general mobility. As every woman’s condition is different we advise your contact your

0 18 May 2021
Ectopic Pregnancy in Mumbai | Dr Neelima Mantri

In normal pregnancy, the fertilization of egg and sperm occurs in the fallopian tube which then travels to the womb where the baby starts growing. But in the case of ectopic pregnancy, the situation is a bit complicated. The fertilized egg doesn’t grow in the womb rather settles and grows in the cervix, ovary, or tube and sometimes in the abdomen. Though this case happens rarely, it is a severe problem that can be fatal for the mother. This is why precautions should be taken. Let us first learn about the symptoms of this critical pregnancy. Below are mentioned some symptoms of ectopic pregnancy.

  • >  The very first symptom is vaginal bleeding and bleeding inside the tummy.
  • >  The patient may suffer from severe pain in the stomach.
  • >  Symptoms like nausea and puking are very common in this case.
  • >  The patients may suffer from extreme pain in the shoulder tips that can be a result of blood in the abdomen.
  • >  The patient may feel uncomfortable and irritated while peeing and pooping.
  • >  Due to excessive bleeding, there is a chance of fainting and collapsing.

The normal pregnancy symptoms are also shown in this critical pregnancy. However, if the abdominal pain, vaginal bleeding, shoulder pain, and fainting become se

0 8 April 2021
Natural Pregnancy Cures: Back, Pelvis, and Hip Pain

Pregnancy is special and beautiful. But the struggle of bringing a child on the Earth is massive. While family and friends celebrate when they see the baby bump, the mother may suffer from pain and discomfort. During pregnancy, some health difficulties are quite natural yet hard to bear with. The best gynecologist in India has suggestions for pregnant women who are enduring natural pregnancy problems. The most common side-effect of pregnancy is a pain in various body parts, especially in the back, pelvic area, and hip. Let us look into the advice of the top Gynecologist in Mumbai to cure the common pregnancy problems.

  • Back pain

Back pain is a very common problem among most would-be mothers. Therefore, doctors always suggest women strengthening their backs before they try to get pregnant. Regular exercise suffices to keep the back healthy. Yoga, swimming, cycling, walking, and sitting straight can help women to make their backs strong. As the baby grows in the womb, the body becomes heavier naturally changing the body posture of the mother. This makes the back muscles fatigued. The weight gain also often causes pain and fatigue in the neck and shoulder. Th

0 4 February 2021
World Cancer Day Feb 04 2021 | Most Common Cancers in Women

This world cancer day, let us take a look at the most common types of cancers that affect women. Cancer during pregnancy, cervical cancer, the effects of cervical cancer in pregnancy is some of the areas of focus in this article.  In most cases, these cancers are highly treatable and if diagnosed early, have the potential for a complete recovery. Knowing what these cancers are could potentially help in their prevention. The following are the most common types of cancers in women:

  • > Breast cancer: Cancer of one or both the breasts
  • > Endometrial cancer: Cancer of the uterine lining.
  • > Cervical cancer: Cancer of the cervix.
  • > Ovarian cancer: Cancer of one or both the ovaries
  • > Lung cancer: Cancer that affects the lungs
  • > Skin cancer: Also known as melanoma, caused due to excessive exposure to the sun or a variety of other factors.
  • > Colorectal cancer: A cancer of the colon and the rectum. Its counterpart in men is prostate cancer.

Breast Cancer It is the most common type of cancer in women which is why we are devoting a whole section to it. The risk of this ca

0 24 July 2019
Uterine Fibroid Treatment- Is Minimally invasive Surgery better than Traditional Surgery?

Uterine fibroids are the muscular tumors that are formed near the wall of the uterus. Formed as a single tumor or a cluster of tumors, they can fibroids in uterus can develop inside the uterine (womb) or sometimes grow attached to it. Being one of the most common causes of abnormal bleeding in women, there is approximately 60% chance of formation of uterine fibroids in women. Though not all the uterine fibroids exhibit symptoms, the ones which do can have a serious impact on a women health and reproductive ability based on their size location and severity. Some of the common symptoms experienced by women due to the formation of uterine fibroids are: • Abnormal bleeding between menstruations. • Heavy menstrual period lasting more than a week. • Frequent urination or prolonged constipation problems. • Pelvic pain, backaches or leg pains. Though fibroids are benign tumors, sometimes they can cause the above problems or even interfere with the pregnancy by creating fertility problems. So when the fibroids tend to be bothersome, you surgeon may recommend treatment options which range from medications to traditional and minimally invasive surgeries based on patient’s age, size of the fibroid, location and patient’s desire to have the children in future. Traditional surgery procedures: Though both surgical and non-