Couples who are falling short of natural conception even after trying out treatment plans no longer have to worry about their parenthood. Today, gynaecologists are equipped with powerful procedures using Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) that can help parents realize their parenthood. Out of all the advanced procedures available and Ovulation Induction is the simplest procedure that can help the couple trying to conceive. But what is Ovulation Induction? How it performed and what is are the chances of conception with Ovulation Induction? With the help of the top gynaecologist in Mumbai, Dr Neelima Mantri, We answer all your question in this blog here. Read on: What is Ovulation Induction? Inducing ovulation through medications to increase the chances of successful fertilization is called Ovulation Induction. Why is Ovulation Induction performed? Regular ovulation is the release of the mature egg every 28 days in general. The interval of 21 to 35 days is considered normal, but the release of an egg sooner or later in this interval is generally considered abnormal. More women suffer inconsistent and irregular periods (later than 35 days) and suffer fertility problems. On average 25 to 30% of the infertility problems are due to inconsistent a →
2 November 2021
Posted in Infertility Treatment by Dr.neelimamantri | Tags: Best Female Gynaecologist in Mumbai, Best Gynecologists In Mumbai India, Gynecologist in Mumbai, Ovulation Induction Treatment In Mumbai