Advanced Maternal Age: Risks, Complications, Management and Treatment

0 15 December 2023
Advanced Maternal Age: Risks, Complications, Management and Treatment

There was a time when being above the age of 35 was considered challenging for pregnancies. It’s no wonder women above this age faced difficulties in healthy conceptions. Thanks to improved awareness, technology, treatments, and fertility procedures, women in their late 30s can now embark on this remarkable journey with greater possibilities. However, the journey of pregnancy in advanced maternal age does come with its own set of challenges and complications. “Pregnancy, in itself, is a challenging journey for every woman. This journey can be a bit more challenging for women who conceive in advanced maternal age, primarily after the age of 35,” says the renowned gynecologist in Mumbai, Dr. Neelima Mantri. If  you are a woman in this age bracket, the best thing you can do is improve awareness about the pregnancy journey in advanced maternal age—its risks, complications, and treatment options for safe management—before embarking on this remarkable journey. With insights from leading female gynaecologists in Mumbai, Dr. Neelima Mantri, we delve into these commonly asked questions in this blog today.

Pregnancy above Age 35 – Risks and Complications:

Increased risk of chromosomal abnormalities: The quality of the eggs women produce is inversely proportional to their age. Consequently

0 28 November 2023
Amniocentesis for Genetically Healthy Child: Benefits & Risks

Amniocentesis is an advanced prenatal test that is performed to check for genetic or chromosomal abnormalities in the growing foetus. Amniocentesis procedure is performed in the 15-16 weeks of pregnancy by collecting a sample of the amniotic fluid. By evaluating the genetic health beforehand it gives hope, instils confidence, and ensures more informed and supportive parenthood journey. However, given the advanced nature and invasive nature of the surgery, there is also uncertainty about the safety of the procedure for new parents, which is understandable. In this blog, with inputs from the lady gynaecologist in Mumbai Dr. Neelima Mantri, we uncover the process, its benefits, and possible risk factors, if any.

Benefits of Amniocentesis:

There was a time when each precious new-born faced the shadow of potential genetic challenges that only revealed themselves later in life. These looming uncertainties remained hidden, preventing proactive measures and leading to distress and dilemma. “Thanks to the rapid strides in advanced medical research and technology, today, one can easily assess the risk of genetic conditions in the early weeks of pregnancy. This remarkable opportunity identifies the potential genetic complications of the child to help expectant paren

0 21 September 2022
Low Blood Pressure: How Does It Affect Your Pregnancy?

A majority of women experience low blood pressure during pregnancy which usually gets sorted in their third trimester without medications. However, like everything in medical science, symptoms and their impact on health need not always be the same in every case. For example, low blood pressure which is considered common in pregnant women could be assigned to ectopic pregnancy where the fertilised egg is implanted outside the uterus. “Sometimes the symptoms caused by low blood pressure can be severe. In a few cases, they can even harm the baby too. This is the reason gynaecologists continuously monitor the blood pressure levels in women” says the best gynaecologist in Mumbai, Dr Neelima Mantri. So how exactly does low blood pressure impact pregnant women and what steps can be taken to mitigate their impact? Let us find out in this blog with the inputs from gynaecologist Dr Neelima Mantri here:

What causes low blood pressure during pregnancy?

As the woman has to support a baby now, the pregnancy demands an expansion of blood circulation in the body. The hormonal changes during the pregnancy also tend to dilate the blood vessels which also results in a lowering of blood pressure in the body. The blood pressure

0 19 September 2022
How to Increase Amniotic Fluid during Pregnancy?

Amniotic fluid is a clear, yellowish fluid in the womb during pregnancy. Thus fluid surrounds the baby in the womb and plays a vital role in the optimal development of the baby. This key fluid is generated by the mother within 12 days of the pregnancy and a mother needs to maintain optimal levels of this fluid for safe pregnancy. Too much or too little – both these conditions can cause complications for the baby. What exactly happens when the optimum levels of this fluid are not met? And how to ensure the right amount of amniotic fluid during pregnancy? Let us know answers from the best gynaecologists in Mumbai Dr Neelima Mantri in this blog.

What is Amniotic Fluid?

The baby in the womb grows in a bag-like structure which is formed by two membranes – the amnion and chorion. The baby grows inside the amniotic sac which is filled with amniotic fluid that is generated as early as 12 weeks into pregnancy. In the early weeks of pregnancy, the amniotic fluid is mostly the water produced by the mother’s body. By 5th month of pregnancy, this amniotic fluid gradually becomes a mix of water and foetal urine, consisting of key nutrients, antibodies and hormones. The baby swallows the fluid and excretes it increasing its volume over time.  This versatile fluid can be said as the bread and butter of the b

0 24 May 2022
Is Cramping During Early Pregnancy a Sign of Miscarriage?

If you’re pregnant, you’re undoubtedly paying extra close attention to your body. If you are cramping, you may be frightened that it indicates a miscarriage, especially if it happens in the early stages of pregnancy. If you have any pain during your pregnancy, see an obstetrician and gynaecologist. Even though miscarriage is most common during the first three months, cramping can develop for a variety of reasons. The timing, severity, and existence of additional symptoms all play a role in determining if cramping signals a miscarriage. Pains in your lower abdomen or lower back during the first three months of pregnancy almost often suggest one of three things: a deranged pregnancy, a miscarriage, or regular discomfort. There is still a one in three probability of a miscarriage, so let’s look at some more facts and observations concerning early pregnancy cramps. However, before getting paranoid, let’s look at the general symptoms, and causes of the disease so that you can take care of the situation in the best possible way.

General Symptoms of Miscarriage

During the first trimester, keep an eye out for these miscarriage signs and symptoms.

  • > Bleeding of a dark brown or bright red colour
  • > Clots of tissue

0 25 February 2022
Thyroid Disease in Pregnancy | Dr Neelima Mantri

The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland that is wrapped around the windpipe at the front of the neck. Like every other gland in the human body, thyroids produce hormones that are responsible for a specific function in the body. In the case of the thyroid, it produces hormones that are responsible for controlling the metabolic rate of the body by monitoring digestive, heart and muscle functions in the body. The thyroid gland produces optimal hormones to keep the body running at an optimal rate. Thyroid disease is a medical condition where the thyroid fails to produce the right amount of these hormones and as result impact the normal functioning of the body leading to a variety of problems. The impact of his thyroid disease in pregnancy is even more given the sensitive nature of the health of the women during this stage. In this blog today we are going to discuss the case of thyroid in pregnancy – its types, symptoms and complications with the help of the best gynaecologist in Mumbai, Dr Neelima Mantri.

Role of Thyroid during Pregnancy:

Thyroid hormones are essential for the essential for normal development of the baby’s nervous system and brain. The babies

0 7 January 2021
Pregnancy and Infant Loss Precautions – Best Infertility Treatment in Mumbai

Pregnancy and infant loss has a huge impact on families, their mental state, and well being. Even though many facilities offer to help, the loss is still irreparable. Organizations offer compassionate, skilled, and individualized support from professionals and it’s very important but it’s better to prevent the loss from happening in the first place. Pregnancy is a very crucial and tender stage of every woman’s life, as a study shows that almost 15% of women experience a miscarriage. This could be because of random chromosomal abnormalities or because of obesity, diabetes, advancing age, thyroid disorders, and hypertension, which also increase the chances of miscarriage. These are the issues that are not completely in your control but other ways can reduce the risk of miscarriage, infant loss, or stillbirth. Doing the best and taking great pregnancy and infant loss precautions is a necessity and must be kept in mind. Here is a list of certain precautions every woman must follow during pregnancy to decrease the risk of child loss.

  • Flu shots
  • Being careful in the kitchen
  • Being hygienic
  • Proper diet
  • Taking medications
  • Quitting bad habits

 Infertility Treatment in Mumbai Besides taking precautions,

0 30 January 2020
Anemia in Pregnancy – Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Pregnancy is the most memorable journey of every woman. It is also a phase their vulnerable to many health problems, a woman braves everything that the pregnancy hurls at her to make it to the delivery phase. One such problem most commonly experienced by the women in their pregnancy in Anemia. Anemia in Pregnancy: The women’s body goes through a series of significant changes over the course of pregnancy. The volume of blood in pregnant women increases by almost 25% and this increases the iron requirement to make sufficient haemoglobin. Most of the women do not get a sufficient amount of iron to their body in 2nd and third trimester resulting in Anemia. Iron is not the only nutrient required for the optimal production of red blood cells, Vitamin B12 and Folate play an important role, which is why their deficiency can lead to Anemia too. Although there are many kinds of this condition, Iron-deficiency, Vitamin B12 deficiency & Folate Deficiency Anemia are most common among pregnant women. 50% of Pregnant Women in India Suffer from Anemia:  A pregnant woman might suffer a higher risk of becoming anemic if she doesn’t consume enough iron, suffers a high pre-pregnancy menstrual flow, or conceive immediately after pregnancy without giving the body enough time to recuperate. Thou

0 24 December 2019
Reducing your stress can boost your fertility – Here are 4 ways how you can do it

One out of every six women experience infertility problems and find it difficult to conceive. Infertility need not always be about physical problems either, 1 out of every 5 couples we treat at our infertility centre suffer infertility due to emotional problems like extreme stress, nervousness, and anxiety. According to researchers, stress and anxiety may not lead to a successful conception and around 20% of the women face these emotional issues, on an average. It’s completely natural for women to feel stressed and nervous about the biggest change that is going to come into her life. While the thoughts of pregnancy running in the mind of the first-timer make her nervous and anxious, the same thoughts can increase the stress for the women who had been trying for so long. This stress experienced by the woman automatically signals her body that it is not the right time for pregnancy thereby decreasing your chances of conception. Then how should a woman keep herself in proper emotional health while trying for conception? Here are four best ways to de-stress and boost your conception chances:

  1. Take a Break:

It is only natural to feel trapped inside and stopping you to go outside. But make an effort if not force y

0 25 March 2019
How to get Rid of Insomnia at Early Pregnancy

A new mom-to-be will be excited and worried at the same time. She will be excited thinking of welcoming a bundle of joy to her house while she may be anxious on the labor process and taking care of baby thereafter. Some pregnant women experience insomnia due to their inner worries during the first trimester of pregnancy. Understanding insomnia Insomnia means difficulty in falling asleep, staying asleep or both. Women may experience insomnia in all stages of pregnancy but it may be more common in first and third trimesters of pregnancy. You may feel miserable if you have insomnia but the good thing is that it’s not at all harmful for the baby. Factors which cause insomnia during pregnancy There may be many reasons for you to stay awake during the wee hours of the day. It may include:

  • Need to urinate frequently
  • Back pain
  • Vomiting or nausea
  • Leg cramps
  • Abdominal discomfort
  • Heartburn
  • Shortness of breath
  • Leg cramps

Managing Insomnia

  • Diet and exercise: Diet and exercise can have a great impact on your sleep. Keep yourself hydrated by drinking lots of water and avoid caffeine intake from late afternoon
  • Eat to sleep: Eat