Normal Delivery Tips from Gynaecologist Dr Neelima Mantri

by | Jul 16, 2021 | Blog, Pregnancy Tips

Feeling anxious and tensed is common for first-time moms as the due date approaches. “It’s absolutely fine to be nervous. Please do now that it’s natural and knowing what comes your way and being prepared for it will not only help you ease your nerves but also smoothens your whole experience”, says Dr Neelima Mantri leading gynaecologist who has helped hundreds of women with successful normal delivery in Mumbai.

But how does a woman get to know what exactly is coming her way and how does she prepare for it? This blog is our answer. Here we discuss the final trimester and give you handy delivery tips from Dr Neelima Mantri that can help pregnant women better prepare for labour. Read on:

Prepare your body: Normal delivery requires strength to help you endure and exercises are the best way to develop your strength and stamina as you prepare for your labour. This doesn’t mean you will have to lift weights and perform aerobics, you will just have to perform simple exercises within your capacity. Look up for antenatal exercises, pregnancy yoga, and pelvic floor exercises, simple walking during this period to improve your pelvic strength and general mobility. As every woman’s condition is different we advise your contact your gynaecologist for exercise suggestion based on your current condition.

De-stress – Relax & Meditate: We know how antsy you can end up in the final trimester with all the anticipations. It’s common for you to be restless and this is why you need to actively practise meditation to relax and refresh. We recommend you practice breathing exercises to control pain and calm your nerves. In fact for women aiming for normal delivery in Mumbai, at our clinic we strongly recommend the pregnant women to continue breathing exercise and medication to the due date to help them improve their comfort levels as the labour arrives.

Reach out to Gynaecologist and empower yourself with the right information: As the delivery date approaches you to hear many anecdotes both good and bad which can fuel your imaginations that foster your fears and raise doubts.

Please understand that everybody is different so is every pregnancy journey and this is why it is highly important to empower yourself with the right information about labour and pregnancy in general right from your gynaecologist. This way you get authentic information about your health status, your options, pros and cons of every option available, exercise you need to adopt, care you must take at every step of your journey for successful normally delivery. Knowing the right information improves your confidence and also help you make the right decision.

Over time we have come across many cases who follow misinformation half-information, which are rampantly given to pregnant women. We advise you to contact an expert gynaecologist in Mumbai who can assist you at every step in your process.

If you are looking for a normal delivery doctor in Mumbai who can be your able support system and help you successfully make through this pregnancy journey, you can mail Dr Neelima Mantri here:

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Dr Neelima

MS & Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery – Obstetrics & Gynaecology, MBBS Obstetrician, Gynecologist

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