Fibroids in Pregnancy What You Should Know?

0 13 October 2022
Fibroids in Pregnancy What You Should Know?

Uterine fibroids are smooth muscle tumours that grow in the uterus of women. They are considered benign in a few cases they may negatively impact fertility and even cause pregnancy complications. Given this mostly happens in women of reproductive age, they surely are cause for concern due to the potential pregnancy complications they can trigger. “Pain, preterm labour and birth, obstetric complications, foetal malpresentation and placental abruption are some of the common pregnancy complications fibroids can cause”, says lady gynaecologist in Mumbai Dr Neelima Mantri. Fibroids are often considered the common cause of infertility in women. But not many know that they can pose a risk for pregnancy too. So how do fibroids impact pregnancy, what exactly are these symptoms and how are these fibroids managed and treated during pregnancy? Read on to know the answers from Dr Neelima Mantri herself:

Fibroids & Their Impact on Pregnancy:

Fibroids are common among women of reproductive age. While they do hamper fertility they are easily treatable. However, fibroids during pregnancy can be a serious condition due to the nature of the complication they trigger. While there are cases where they do not pose any risk, the chances of complications are slowly rising in the past few years. Some of the complicat

0 19 September 2022
How to Increase Amniotic Fluid during Pregnancy?

Amniotic fluid is a clear, yellowish fluid in the womb during pregnancy. Thus fluid surrounds the baby in the womb and plays a vital role in the optimal development of the baby. This key fluid is generated by the mother within 12 days of the pregnancy and a mother needs to maintain optimal levels of this fluid for safe pregnancy. Too much or too little – both these conditions can cause complications for the baby. What exactly happens when the optimum levels of this fluid are not met? And how to ensure the right amount of amniotic fluid during pregnancy? Let us know answers from the best gynaecologists in Mumbai Dr Neelima Mantri in this blog.

What is Amniotic Fluid?

The baby in the womb grows in a bag-like structure which is formed by two membranes – the amnion and chorion. The baby grows inside the amniotic sac which is filled with amniotic fluid that is generated as early as 12 weeks into pregnancy. In the early weeks of pregnancy, the amniotic fluid is mostly the water produced by the mother’s body. By 5th month of pregnancy, this amniotic fluid gradually becomes a mix of water and foetal urine, consisting of key nutrients, antibodies and hormones. The baby swallows the fluid and excretes it increasing its volume over time.  This versatile fluid can be said as the bread and butter of the b

0 23 August 2022
Uterine Polyps Symptoms and Causes

Uterine polyps as the name suggest are the soft fleshy overgrowth of uterine cells which tend to extend into the uterine cavity. Also called endometrial polyps these polyps can be benign or cancerous, single or multiple, and can range in sizes from millimetres to centimetres (golf-ball size). These polyps are thatched to the uterus with a stalk-like structure and in rare cases, they can even slip into the vagina too. “Though uterine polyps are usually associated with women going through menopause they can also occur in young women causing infertility,” says lady gynaecologist in Mumbai Dr Neelima Mantri. In the majority of cases, uterine polyps tend to be the reason for pregnancy and other fertility problems What causes uterine polyps and what are the uterine polyps’ treatment options in Mumbai? Read on to the answers from gynaecologist Dr Neelima Mantri:

Uterine Polyps Symptoms:

The overgrowth of the tissues will interfere with the regular reproductive function of women. Irregular menstrual periods, bleeding between periods, abnormal blood flow during menstruation, vaginal bleeding and spotting and , , ,

0 9 August 2022
Adenomyosis vs Endometriosis Causes Diagnosis & Treatment

Adenomyosis is a disorder that causes heavy painful periods, blood clots during menstrual bleeding, and painful sexual intercourse. These symptoms are similar to that of Endometriosis and as a result, can be tough to detect. But the causes of both these conditions vary and so does the treatment. More often than not patients confuse take one condition to another. So with the inputs from a female gynaecologist and laparoscopic surgeon in Mumbai, Dr Neelima Mantri, we delve into this condition and help you understand eh difference between Adenomyosis and Endometriosis:

What is Adenomyosis?

Adenomyosis as a benign uterine condition is one of the causes of pelvic pain in premenopausal women. The endometrial tissue burrows deep into the muscle spaces that are between the inner and outer layers of the uterus.  This misplaced tissue thickens the muscle walls, distorts the vasculature of thru uterus and causes heavy painful periods in women.

Difference between Adenomyosis and Endometriosis?

Adenomyosis like endometriosis is also caused by misplaced growth of the endometrial tissue that lines the uterus. However, the key difference lies in the place of growth. In Endometriosis, the tissues can displace, attach and grow anywhere outside the uterus

0 21 July 2022
Pelvic Floor Exercises During Pregnancy | Dr Neelima Mantri

Pregnancy, as we all know is the most challenging journey a woman gets to experience in her life. The sheer amount of physical and mental changes bring on a lot of new problems in due course. The back pains, cramps, heart burns, indigestion and the list go on and on. Of all the problems, the final act of hard labour is the most aggravating of the lot. Fortunately, there are pelvic floor exercises that can also help you give shorter labour and also accelerate your post-birth recovery. Millions of women all around the world work have benefitted by ingesting them into their daily routine. With the input of the best gynaecologist in Mumbai Dr Neelima Mantri, we give a short intro to these pelvic exercises in this blog here. Read on to know:

What is the Pelvic Floor?

This Pelvic Floor is a group of muscles that bind together to form a base hammock that supports your internal organs: The Bladder, Uterus, Rectum and Vagina (in the case of women). This Pelvic floor is responsible for your Pee and Poo and importantly controls their outflow. Needless to say, this Pelvic Floor also plays a huge part in amplifying your sexual pleasure during the Orgasm. But the most important for the moment is its ability to stretch enormously which is of real help in letti

0 21 June 2022
What Causes Round Ligament Pain During Pregnancy?

Round ligament pain is sharp or cramping-like pain that is experienced most likely during her second trimester. The pain can jab on one side or both side of the abdomen and usually springs up when you (pregnant women) sneeze, laughs or changes sleeping positions. Round ligament pain is not harmful to the health of you are your baby. It is considered normal in pregnancy and is often experienced by 30% of women worldwide. However since its symptoms coincide with other health problems during pregnancy, pregnant women can ignore them assuming round ligament pain. So it is important to know about round ligaments beforehand to better avoid stress beforehand. So with the input of one of the top 10 gynaecologists in Mumbai, Dr Neelima Mantri we give you a brief introduction to round ligament pain in this blog here by answering a few frequently asked questions. Read on.

What Causes Round Ligament Pain?

The human pelvis consists of two specific ligaments that are located around the uterus. These ligaments stretch out and thicken to accommodate and support this growing uterus during pregnancy. This sudden change may once in a while prod mild spasms that are harmless. However, when the body is acutely stressed while changing sleeping position, coughing or sneezing, the

0 20 June 2022
5 Menstrual Hygiene Tips Every Woman Must Know

Women seldomly speak when it comes to their menstrual health and hence, they tend to avoid proper guidance on Menstrual Hygiene which further increases the risks of getting infections. If you struggle from any discomfort or infection related to intimate health, you can seek the advice of a gynaecologist in Mumbai and get proper treatment.

What is Menstrual Hygiene?

Menstrual Hygiene refers to the healthy practices that are necessary for women to follow during menstruation. These practices are associated with good menstrual health and are required to adopt in order to avoid infections.

Why is Menstrual Hygiene Important?

During the process of menstruation, the occurrence of vaginal bleeding is normal. In order to cope with the discharge of blood, women acquire several measures to maintain their hygiene. However, there have been various misconceptions around Menstrual Hygiene due to prejudice and lack of information. People especially in India, associate menstruation with impurity and embarrassment which cause insecurities among young females, resulting in neglecting their intimate hygiene which in turn can lead to numerous health issues such as- UTIs, Fungal infections, Reproductive infections, Bacterial vaginosis, toxic shock

0 20 May 2022
Stages of Prenatal Development

The process that occurs during the 40 weeks prior to the child birth is called prenatal development. It is divided in 3 trimesters and does not correspond with the stages. The first trimester ends when the embryo comes to an end, the second trimester ends on the 20th week and the third trimester ends when the child is born. Prenatal development is the development of the child inside the mother’s womb. The child does not just come out of the mother’s womb, it goes through stages of change and development. This stage of development is referred to as prenatal development. There are three major stages in the prenatal development:

1.     Germinal stage

The germinal stage occurs from the time of conception until 2 weeks. The conception occurs when the sperm fertilizes an egg to form a zygote. In the first week after conception, the zygote begins to divide and multiply from one cell structure to two cell structures and so on. This cell division process is called mitosis. Five days after the mitosis 100 cells are built up and later million cells are built up after 9 months. These cells get specialized and divided into the different organs of the body. During this stage the cells necessary for umbilical cord, placenta and amniotic fluid are differentiated to form the embryo.

2.     Embryo

0 20 May 2022
Things You Must Know About Getting Pregnant in Your 30s

Pregnancy in the 30s is no longer a rare choice as it used to be. With increased focus on career progression women today are consciously making their choice to conceive in their 30s. We could witness this significant change in our clinical facility ourselves as the average age of pregnancy has risen considerably as compared to the early 2010s. Though it is a welcoming change, it is always to be remembered that the peak reproductive years of women are their 20s. So pregnancy in the 30s does have its share of problems and hence the journey must be carefully planned and care must be taken with active consultation from gynaecologists. But how exactly the age impacts pregnancy and what care must be taken by women in their 30s before and during the pregnancy?  With the inputs from the best gynaecologist in Mumbai Dr Neelima Mantri, we have tried to answer questions in this blog here. Read on:

How do age impact pregnancy and its outcomes:

Every woman is born with a fixed number of eggs. As they age, both the quality and quantity of eggs gradually decrease.  Women in their 20s are considered to be at their reproductive peak as the standard of eggs (combined quality and quantity) is at an all-time high. As women become older

0 22 March 2022
Bartholin’s cyst Symptoms and Causes

The human body is a very complicated machine. Infinite vessels, multiple critical organs, a lot of bones, a network of nerves and what not fit into a small framework. To master the human body a lifetime may not be enough, such is the complicated build of the human system. This is the reason specialists exist, a bone doctor, a skin specialist, a brain surgeon, etc. every department is handled by different people no matter where you go. A common man may be forgiven for understanding the human body any more than a doctor who studies for years and this is why a lot of people may not even come to know that they are suffering from a disease or an ailment till it’s too late. Thus, today we talk about one of the problems that bother women, especially pregnant women who might not know how commonly they are affected by such problems. The problem in the spotlight is Bartholin’s cyst and we now look at the symptoms and causes of this condition.

Bartholin’s cyst

In the women’s labia there exists a Bartholin’s gland. This gland during the pregnancy tends to swell up in up to 2% of cases. When the glands swell it develops cysts which may make walking painful. This cyst is Bartholin’s cyst and it can also cause pain during intercourse.

What are the symptoms of Bartholin’s cyst