Arrhythmia in Pregnancy – Everything You Need to Know

0 19 October 2023
Arrhythmia in Pregnancy – Everything You Need to Know

Arrhythmia is a medical term for an irregular heartbeat, where the heart beats too quickly, too slowly, or in an uneven, out-of-rhythm manner. An irregular heartbeat leads to decreased blood flow to organs, reduced oxygen delivery, the development of blood clots, and, in severe cases, it may cause heart failure and stroke. “The possibilities of these complications depend on the severity or type of the Arrhythmia. But Arrhythmia during pregnancy doubles the risk of these complications, as both the mother and baby may be impacted by this medical condition,” says a female gynaecologist in Mumbai, Dr. Neelima Mantri. Arrhythmia can happen in women even with no underlying heart conditions. During pregnancy, it can increase the risk of blood clots and stroke and may even result in premature delivery when proper treatment is not taken, adds Dr Neelima Mantri, the best obstetrician in Mumbai, who has treated hundreds of arrhythmia cases in Mumbai. But what causes arrhythmias, how do we know the symptoms, what are the treatment options available? We have asked Dr. Mantri the most frequently asked questions on Arrhythmia. Read on to know her answers.

Arrhythmia in Pregnancy: Causes

As mentioned earlier, arrhythmias can occur

0 28 September 2023
Placenta Previa: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Placenta previa is a condition where the baby’s exit path from the womb is blocked by the abnormal positioning of the placenta. Naturally, this blockage can result in a number of serious complications, which include vaginal bleeding, preterm birth, blood loss, placental abruption, infection, foetal distress, and more. Since the exit route is blocked by the placenta, it may also necessitate choosing a caesarean-section to ensure safe delivery. While a C-section is performed to ensure safe delivery, the reasons for placenta previa being a serious condition lie in the complications it may cause over the course of pregnancy. “A C-section is performed only at the right time, and by the time the C-section is performed, the pregnant women may have to experience a range of complications from the placenta previa which may impact the overall health of the women and baby”, says leading female gynaecologist in Mumbai Dr Neelima Mantri. What exactly causes Placenta Previa, and how does a gynaecologist in Mumbai solve the complications and treat this condition? We asked gynaecologist in Mumbai, Dr. Neelima Mantri. Read on to know her answers:

What is Placenta Previa?

0 18 August 2023
Know About Transvaginal Mesh & Its Complications

Transvaginal mesh is a surgical mesh used to treat stress-related urinary incontinence, a condition where women, particularly those post-childbirth, experience urinary leakage from the bladder during high-impact activities such as running or jumping. Around 20% of women suffer from this problem, and surgery using a transvaginal mesh provides a low-complication method for treating the incontinence problem. But all this information only scratches the surface of the transvaginal mesh. The topic needs to be delved into deeply to understand the usage of transvaginal mesh, its uses and complications, and the reasons for the ongoing controversy in gynaecological treatment. With inputs from the best gynec laparoscopic surgeon in Mumbai, Dr. Neelima Mantri, we provide the complete information you need in this blog. Read on:

Transvaginal Mesh – A Treatment for Pelvic Disorders:

Urinary incontinence is only one aspect of pelvic disorder treated by transvaginal mesh surgery. Gynaecologists have been actively leveraging transvaginal mesh to treat various pelvic infections. To understand the role of transvaginal mesh, let us provide you with a backstory of the pelvic floor and its conditions. Pelvic Floor & Pelvic Organ Prolapse: The pelvic floor in women is a hammock-like stru

0 23 June 2023
What Causes Cephalopelvic Disproportion?

Cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD) refers to a situation where a mother’s pelvic structure is mismatched with the dimensions and form of her baby’s head, rendering natural delivery difficult or impossible. Cephalopelvic disproportion can result from diverse causes, such as the infant being comparatively larger, fetal positioning abnormalities, unconventional pelvic structures, or maternal conditions that entail possessing a narrow pelvis. To ensure a safe and successful delivery, healthcare professionals need to understand the underlying reasons behind CPD and be able to identify potential risks while devising appropriate management strategies.

  • Cephalopelvic disproportion, a condition where the fetal head is too large for the birth canal, often stems from fetal macrosomia – an anomaly where the baby has an excessively large body size. The outcome could be linked to maternal elements, including gestational diabetes or increased weight during pregnancy. Fetal macrosomia increases the chances of cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD) due to the possibility of the infant’s head being too large to pass through the mother’s pelvis.
  • Certain fetal positions, like breech or transverse, may cause a size difference between the baby’s head and the mother’s pelvis. Sometimes, when the infant’s head and the mother’s pelvic region do not align correctly, it can m

0 15 May 2023
Amniotic Fluid Embolism: Causes and Treatment

Pregnant women may have amniotic fluid embolism (AFE), an uncommon but potentially fatal condition that can happen just before, during, or right after labour and delivery. The majority of the time this happens during labour. It is believed that in this illness, a pregnant woman experiences an intense allergic response to amniotic fluid or other fetal substances that enter her system, such as fetal cells. Life-threatening consequences can include breathing issues, cardiac arrest, and severe bleeding. Researchers and female gynecologists in Mumbai do not fully comprehend why some pregnant women experience this reaction to amniotic fluid or fetal cells entering the mother’s bloodstream. Amniotic fluid embolism is a medical emergency that can be lethal and occurs abruptly and quickly. Early detection and quick supportive care are vital.

The Causes

Amniotic fluid embolism’s precise etiology is unknown, although several risk factors could raise a woman’s likelihood of developing this issue during childbirth. Healthy women may experience AFE during labour, following atypical vaginal delivery, during the second trimester of pregnancy, or following a cesarean section. It might potentially happen up to 48 hours after birth. The root cause of

0 12 April 2023
Asherman’s Syndrome: What are it’s Symptoms & Treatment?

Asherman’s syndrome is a condition that leads to infertility or miscarriage due to the formation of scar tissue inside the uterus. This condition is also referred to as intrauterine adhesions (IUA). Dr. Joseph Asherman, who described this condition in 1948, named it after himself. Medical attention is necessary as this condition can cause a range of symptoms.

Symptoms of Asherman’s Syndrome

Asherman’s Syndrome can produce various symptoms that depend on the amount of scar tissue formed. These symptoms may involve:

1. Causing infertility:

Asherman’s Syndrome is among the main causes of infertility in women, and it is not easy to get pregnant without undergoing treatment.

2. Irregular menstruation:

Women who have Asherman’s Syndrome may have irregular menstrual cycles, including light or missed periods.

3. Painful periods:

Adhesions in the uterus can cause menstrual cramps, leading to painful periods.

4. Recurrent miscarriages:

Asherman’s syndrome can cause recurrent miscarriages, which can be emotionally devastating for women.

5. Pelvic pain:

Women with this condition may experience chronic pelvic pain due to adhesions. Abnormal vag

0 29 March 2023
What Are The 4 Stages Of the Menstrual Cycle?

A woman’s body undergoes a monthly hormonal process known as the Menstrual Cycle, which readies it for the potential of pregnancy. The duration of the cycle varies from one woman to another but typically lasts between 28-32 days. According to the top 10 gynecologists in Mumbai, the Menstrual Cycle consists of four distinct phases, each with its specific characteristics and alterations.

Stage 1: Menstrual Phase

The first stage of the Menstrual Cycle is called the menstrual phase. This phase starts the Menstrual Cycle and lasts between three to seven days. The menstrual phase is characterized by the shedding of the endometrial lining, which lines the uterus, resulting in menstrual bleeding. Low levels of estrogen and progesterone hormones are present in the body during this phase. These hormones regulate the menstrual cycle, and when their levels decrease, the body sheds the endometrial lining. As the lining sheds, it exits the body through the cervix and vagina, which causes menstrual bleeding.

Stage 2: Follicular Phase

The second of the four stages of the menstrual cycle,  the follicular phase is the second stage that occurs after the menstrual phase ends. This phase usually lasts for around 10-14 days and is marked by a surge in estrogen levels in the body.

0 24 February 2023
Sciatica During Pregnancy: What Does It Happen?

Sciatic nerve pain is a common condition that most pregnant women suffer at least once during pregnancy. The sharp shooting pain in the lower back that travels down the leg, aches and numbness can be irritatingly uncomfortable during pregnancy. Fortunately, there are a few remedies that can help get relief from the discomfort caused by Sciatica during pregnancy. In this blog today, with inputs from the best gynaecologist in Mumbai, Dr Neelima Mantri, we explain the reasons behind Sciatica during pregnancy. And then provide you with remedies that can provide relief from Sciatica. Read on to know:

What is Sciatica? 

The sciatic nerve is the largest in the human body that runs from the lower spinal cord to the sole through the deep layers of the buttock and back of the legs. Sciatica is a neurological condition when the sciatic nerve is inflamed, irritated or compressed. This results in pain and other symptoms that originate in the lower back, radiate deep into the glutes and travel down the leg. In most cases, Sciatica happens when nerves get irritated or compressed by slipped, ruptured or bulging discs, arthritis or even spinal stenosis (narrowing of the spinal cord). However, during pregnancy, Sciatica can happen due to a variety of other reasons.

Why does Sciatic happen during pregnancy?

0 13 December 2022
How to Tackle Indigestion & Heartburn in Pregnancy?

First things first, heartburn has nothing to do with the heart. It is characterized by a burning feeling in the chest and throat which intensifies after eating when bending over or lying down. It is a discomfort that is common which most people can manage with the right medications. But in some cases, it can be a frequent condition that interferes with daily routine, even tougher in the case of pregnant women as it can impact her and the offspring in multiple ways if not treated. “Unfortunately, heartburn or indigestion is more frequent during pregnancy due to a variety of reasons”, says Dr Neelima Mantri, the top gynaecologist in Mumbai. So what causes heartburn during pregnancy and how to tackle it efficiently? Read on to know the answers:

What causes heartburn?

Heartburn occurs when the stomach acid flows back to the oesophagus – a tube that carries the food from the throat to the stomach. This can lead to a burning sensation in the chest accompanied by a mild sore sensation in the mouth. The flow back of acid is called acid reflux and the burning sensation that triggers it is called heartburn (again, it has nothing to do with the heart) It is quite normal when it happens occasional

0 15 November 2022
Vulvitis (Vulvar Itching) Causes Symptoms & Treatment

Vulvitis is one of the most common inflammatory conditions of female genitals that is experienced by women all around the world. It is similar to vaginitis that we talked about earlier – but with a minor difference. While vaginitis is inflame the insides of the vagina, Vulvitis refers to inflammation of the outer part of this reproductive organ. Though it is a common condition sometimes it can aggravate and cause persistent irritation, pain and swelling for several days at a stretch. We often get advanced cases of the Vulvitis which would be easily solved in days had they approached us earlier. Since most women overlook this condition as common itching, it tends to show up severe symptoms. So with the inputs from the top gynaecologist in Mumbai, Dr Neelima Mantri, we provide complete details about the symptoms, causes and options for Vulvitis treatment in Mumbai. Read on:

What is Vulvitis? What causes it?

The area outside the vagina is called the vulva and it includes a vaginal opening, labia majora, labia minora and clitoris.  This entire area is made up of soft skin and tends to be moist and warm all the time which makes it vulnerable to infections, allergies, irritations and skin disorders – e