What Are The 4 Stages Of the Menstrual Cycle?

0 29 March 2023
What Are The 4 Stages Of the Menstrual Cycle?

A woman’s body undergoes a monthly hormonal process known as the Menstrual Cycle, which readies it for the potential of pregnancy. The duration of the cycle varies from one woman to another but typically lasts between 28-32 days. According to the top 10 gynecologists in Mumbai, the Menstrual Cycle consists of four distinct phases, each with its specific characteristics and alterations.

Stage 1: Menstrual Phase

The first stage of the Menstrual Cycle is called the menstrual phase. This phase starts the Menstrual Cycle and lasts between three to seven days. The menstrual phase is characterized by the shedding of the endometrial lining, which lines the uterus, resulting in menstrual bleeding. Low levels of estrogen and progesterone hormones are present in the body during this phase. These hormones regulate the menstrual cycle, and when their levels decrease, the body sheds the endometrial lining. As the lining sheds, it exits the body through the cervix and vagina, which causes menstrual bleeding.

Stage 2: Follicular Phase

The second of the four stages of the menstrual cycle,  the follicular phase is the second stage that occurs after the menstrual phase ends. This phase usually lasts for around 10-14 days and is marked by a surge in estrogen levels in the body.

0 22 February 2023
How to Treat Seasonal Allergies During Pregnancy?

A woman is at her most sensitive self during pregnancy and hence she suffers a higher risk of common conditions like seasonal allergies. Persistent sneezing, coughing, itching and runny nose are commonly suffered by women due to seasonal allergies. It is common for a woman to worry about these allergy symptoms during pregnancy. So prior information about potential seasonal allergies and treatments can really help women stay well-prepared for the challenging journey she is about to take. So are allergies common during pregnancy? What causes them? How these allergies are treated? We identified the most common questions about allergies and asked the lady gynaecologist in Mumbai Dr Neelima Mantri for answers, read to know them:

What are allergies?

Our body’s natural immune system fights off the virus, bacteria and another disease-causing organisms. But sometimes our body’s immune system may even get triggered when it encounters things that don’t cause harm to the body. When we say a person is allergic to a certain thing, it means that the person’s immune system identifies ‘the thing’ as a potential threat and triggers an immune response which is responsible for the way the body reacts. The ‘things’ that cause allergy are called allergens

What causes seasonal allergies?

The allerge

0 10 February 2023
Postpartum Bladder Urinary Retention Causes & Treatment

Postpartum Urinary bladder retention is a condition in the urinary bladder of a woman who has recently given birth to a child after a normal delivery. If ignored, this may result in significant discomfort, suffering, and even more severe health problems. This disorder might have a number of reasons.

Causes of Postpartum Bladder Urinary Retention

Giving birth to children increases the chance of weakening of the pelvic floor muscles, which is among the main reasons for postpartum bladder retention condition. According to the best gynecologist in Mumbai, if the lady underwent an episiotomy during birth, this might exacerbate the effect of the condition. It is also possible that the bladder can’t fully relax, which makes it challenging to fully empty the bladder. Lack of water consumption, which can lead to difficulty in passing the fluid discharge, as well as several drugs, such as opioids, antidepressants, and aspirin, are other potential reasons for this medical condition. The illness may also include psychological problems, such as emotions of anxiety or hyper-anxiety. This psychological condition can fluctuate before and after the pregnancy. Therefore, with proper consultation of a gynecologist in Mumbai, one can get proper treatment

0 24 January 2023
Adnexal Torsion: Symptoms Diagnosis and Treatment

Adnexal Torsion is a complex and uncommon reproductive problem where the ovaries or even fallopian tubes happen to get twisted. This unintended twisting of these reproductive organs cuts off the arterial blood supply to these organs and may even result in the death of the tissue and, permanent infertility. “Prompt treatment is necessary to stop the death of the tissue and stop the serious problems it can trigger. However, Adnexal Torsion symptoms are mostly non-specific like other reproductive problems”, says the best gynaecologist in Mumbai, Dr Neelima Mantri. So how is Adnexal Torsion identified and treated to prevent further problems? With the inputs from a female gynaecologist in Mumbai Dr Neelima Mantri, we tried to answer these questions here. Read on to know:

What is Adnexal Torsion?

Twisting of the ovaries along with fallopian tubes is called Adnexal Torsion as mentioned above. Ovarian Torsion is when only ovaries get twisted and fallopian tubes are spared. Both conditions can block the blood flow to damage the tissues of these reproductive organs and hence they are considered surgical emergencies. Adnexal Torsion is mostly experienced in women of reproductive age. But it also can happe

0 26 December 2022
Fatigue During Pregnancy: Causes How to Fight Exhaustion

Pregnancy had to be the most exhaustive phase that every woman goes through in their life. Especially during the first 12 weeks and last 6, the changes brought by the body will trigger tiredness that was never felt before. It is natural to assume that something is wrong when they feel extremely tired. So naturally, tiredness and fatigue are the most common complaints we receive at our clinic in Mumbai. And we have created this blog to address the common concerns and douse the fear of fire in pregnant women. Read on to know complete information about fatigue during pregnancy – its causes and way to mitigate and fight it.

What causes fatigue and exhaustion during pregnancy?

While fatigue is common during the entirety of the pregnancy, it is more prominent during the first and third trimesters and mild during the second trimester. The cause of exhaustion and fatigue is as follows:

  1. Causes for fatigue during the first trimester of pregnancy: During the first trimester, the body increases the production of blood to ensure the transportation of more nutrients to the baby. Blood sugars and blood pressure lower, and progesterone levels increase too. These hormonal, physiological, physical and emotional changes do dissipate energy resulting in tiredness and fatigue.
  2. Causes for fatigue during the first

0 15 November 2022
Vulvitis (Vulvar Itching) Causes Symptoms & Treatment

Vulvitis is one of the most common inflammatory conditions of female genitals that is experienced by women all around the world. It is similar to vaginitis that we talked about earlier – but with a minor difference. While vaginitis is inflame the insides of the vagina, Vulvitis refers to inflammation of the outer part of this reproductive organ. Though it is a common condition sometimes it can aggravate and cause persistent irritation, pain and swelling for several days at a stretch. We often get advanced cases of the Vulvitis which would be easily solved in days had they approached us earlier. Since most women overlook this condition as common itching, it tends to show up severe symptoms. So with the inputs from the top gynaecologist in Mumbai, Dr Neelima Mantri, we provide complete details about the symptoms, causes and options for Vulvitis treatment in Mumbai. Read on:

What is Vulvitis? What causes it?

The area outside the vagina is called the vulva and it includes a vaginal opening, labia majora, labia minora and clitoris.  This entire area is made up of soft skin and tends to be moist and warm all the time which makes it vulnerable to infections, allergies, irritations and skin disorders – e

0 19 October 2022
Placental Abruption Symptoms and Causes

In our previous blog – Fibroids in Pregnancy What You Should Know? , we have mentioned how fibroid can lead to placental abruption during pregnancy. And we have received quite a few questions on the topic of placental abruption. To make it easy for everyone we have gathered all the answers from the best gynaecologist in Mumbai Dr Neelima Mantri, read on to know them.

What is Placental Abruption?

A fertilised egg divides into two components – an embryo and a placenta. While the embryo grows the baby, the placenta is the support system that helps its growth. By attaching itself to the inside wall of the uterus, the placenta provides oxygen and nutrients to the baby and removes waste products from the baby’s blood using the umbilical cord. “To put it simply – the placenta is a temporary organ that absorbs nutrients and oxygen from the mother and transports them to the baby using the umbilical cord”, says the best obstetrician in Mumbai, Dr Neelima Mantri In rare cases, the placenta may peel away partially or completely from the inner wall of the uterus before delivery leading to placental abruption. This disconnection can deprive the baby of essential nutrients and oxygen causing hea

0 13 July 2022
Macrosomia Causes Symptoms & Complications

On average, babies weigh between 2.3 kg and 3.8 kg at birth. Macrosomia is a medication that is used to describe a baby that is born with a weight greater than 3.8 kg. This higher weight usually makes the delivery difficult and increases the risk of health problems for the baby later in life. So what causes this Macrosomia and how does it impact Macrosomia on the health of baby and mother? With the input of the best gynaecologist in Mumbai, Dr Neelima Mantri, let us find out in this blog here:

What Causes Macrosomia?

On average 10% of the babies are born with Macrosomia in India. The common causes in these cases always tend to be medical conditions like diabetes and obesity in the mothers. Macrosomia can also happen in mothers who are free from these two conditions if they gain too much weight during pregnancy, have high blood pressure during pregnancy or conceive after 35 years of age. “Gestational diabetes also tends to result in Macrosomia in mothers free from above conditions”, says lady gynaecologist in Mumbai Dr Neelima Mant

0 21 June 2022
Bicornuate Uterus: Symptoms Effects on Pregnancy

Women’s sexual health is a topic which is frequently overlooked, even after significant steps have been taken towards raising awareness about various indispositions through web series, articles, podcasts, and what not. There are various menstrual issues which are still considered to be a taboo subject when it comes to discussing them in public, many due to religious aspects. India is one of those many countries who needs to generalize talking about various sexual health issues out in the open.  

The Symptoms and Effects of Bicornuate Uterus on Pregnancy

Conditions like PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) are more common than it seems especially for women in their child-bearing age. Women suffering from PCOS have high levels of androgens, they may not ovulate and have the presence of small cysts in their ovaries which may lead to infertility and obesity. Other conditions often seen are Amenorrhea or absence of menstruation, and some lesser-known conditions such as Bicornuate Uterus. Many female gynaecologists have not only treated women suffering due to bicornuate uterus but also experienced it themselves and hence know what they’re dealing with. A Bicornuate Uterus is a heart shaped uterus due to a rare, congenital condition caused

0 21 June 2022
Vaginal Laxity: What You Need To Know

Women’s bodies are home to new lives and roller-coaster rides for all dancing hormones. Throughout their life, a woman’s body goes through lots of changes, which directly or indirectly affect her libido and sexual pleasure. One of the most drastic events for the body and psyche is being pregnant, carrying the life for nine months, delivering the same life, and the tornado of emotions with all the stress of being a mum takes a toll on the woman’s body. In this progressive era, the aftermath of delivery is still overshadowed by the ‘happiness of being a mum’. The concept of ‘VAGINAL LAXITY’, is experienced by all the new mothers after delivering their babies. Vaginal laxity, which is commonly abbreviated as VL is caused mostly due to pregnancy and vaginal birth, it is generally associated with vaginal looseness which leads to the loss of sensation in the vagina during intercourse or causes obstacles to healthy and satisfactory sexual relationships.

Understanding Vaginal Laxity

Vaginal laxity is as common as mass love for pizzas, but the catch here is love for pizzas is well known and well talked about, and on the other hand vaginal laxity is an underlying issue that is common among the world of new bee mums, however not talked about. Despite how common it is, females still are shy about VL. Instead of consulting the ob-gyn, m