Everything You Need to Know About Follicular Study

0 22 July 2024
Everything You Need to Know About Follicular Study

Wonder how doctors monitor and optimize a woman’s ovulation cycle to increase the chances of conception? This is where the follicular study comes in. It is a series of ultrasound tests conducted to monitor the development of ovarian follicles, hence helping in ascertaining the exact time of ovulation. This study has a special application in cases of infertility problems. In this article, we will explain the fundamentals of follicular studies, their importance, and the process of these studies.

What is Follicular Study and Why is it Important?

Follicular study—successive monitoring of the growth of the follicles through regular ultrasound checks in the ovaries. Checking what size and how well they are developing will help in establishing one’s most fertile days. Through these changes, the doctors get to know the cycle of ovulation better, being able to time intercourses or intrauterine insemination easily for those couples who have infertility issues. Monitoring of the ovulation cycle is very important in case of infertility. The follicular study aids in ascertaining and giving information on the time of ovulation to expect, thereby helping a person to plan. This is more so the case in women with irregular periods. It may also lead to the diagnosis and treatment of fertility issues. Observing the growth of the follicles may note possi

0 19 June 2024
Intrauterine Growth Restriction Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR) refers to a condition in which a fetus fails to achieve its expected growth potential while in the womb. In this blog, let us shed light on the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for IUGR, a condition that requires careful monitoring and medical management.

What are the Causes of IUGR?

Several factors can contribute to Intrauterine Growth Restriction, including:

  1. Placental Insufficiency: Insufficient blood flow or function of the placenta, which provides nutrients and oxygen to the fetus, can hamper fetal growth.
  2. Maternal Health Conditions:Chronic conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, kidney disease, and autoimmune disorders can impact fetal growth.
  3. Infections: Certain infections during pregnancy, such as cytomegalovirus (CMV) or Zika virus, can lead to IUGR.
  4. Genetic Factors: Inherited genetic abnormalities or chromosomal disorders may play a role in restricted fetal growth.
  5. Multiple Pregnancies:In pregnancies with twins or higher-order multiples, IUGR can occur due to competition for nutrients and space within the uterus.

What are th

0 10 May 2024
Endometritis: Causes Symptoms Diagnosis and Treatment

Let’s delve into the world of endometritis, a condition affecting the lining of the uterus. In this article, we’ll be tackling the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options of the condition in an easier-to-understand language. Endometritis can originate for multiple reasons and it can express itself in a variety of ways, causing problems to female health and deteriorating quality of life. Being aware of its symptoms and getting in-time medical help is necessary for successful treatment.

The causes of Endometritis

Endometritis usually is a consequence of bacterial infections that arise after childbirth and is more likely to occur if either labor is prolonged or there are other complications such as retained placental tissue. These include Cesarean sections or other uterine surgeries that may introduce bacteria into the delivery process. Furthermore, sexually transmitted infections such as chlamydia or gonorrhea may also lead to endometritis.

The Symptoms of Endometritis

The signs and symptoms of endometritis can be variable. Pelvic pain or discomfort is usually reported, mostly during menstruation or sexual intercourse. Abnormal vaginal secretion tends to have a bad odor or has a pus is another common symptom. Fever is sometimes accompanied by shivers and perspiration may be an indicat

0 12 April 2024
Placenta Accreta – Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

A serious pregnancy challenge known as Placenta Accreta occurs when the placenta adheres to the uterine wall too firmly and occasionally spreads to neighboring organs. This condition has to be carefully managed since it presents serious dangers to the mother and the unborn child during delivery. Comprehending the signs, origins, and available therapies for Placenta Accreta female gynecologists in Mumbai is essential for prompt identification and suitable medical assistance to guarantee optimal results for both the mother and the kid. We will go over the warning signs and symptoms, underlying causes, and potential treatment options for Placenta Accreta in the following section.

Learning About the Symptoms

Symptoms of Placenta Accreta may vary depending on the severity of the condition. Nevertheless, frequent indicators to look out for are as follows:

  • Vaginal Bleeding: One of the main signs of Placenta Accreta is abnormal bleeding during pregnancy, particularly in the third trimester.
  • Preterm Labour: Premature contractions or labor before the due date are possible in women with Placenta Accreta.
  • Pelvic Discomfort: As the placenta penetrates farther into the uterine wall, persistent or severe

0 11 March 2024
All You Need to Know About HPV Vaccine

The cases of vaginal cancer, cervical cancer, penile cancer, and anal cancer in both men and women are increasingly prevalent worldwide. Because these cancers require invasive treatments like surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy, they pose significant risks to reproductive and sexual function, even with the right treatment and care. Fortunately, the HPV vaccine can drastically reduce the risk of these particular types of cancers, along with other types caused by the HPV virus. The HPV vaccine is one of the most effective vaccines available today, scoring the highest efficacy rating in protecting against the HPV virus. Yet, not many are aware of this cost-effective vaccine. Today, with insights from the best gynaecologists in Mumbai, Dr. Neelima Mantri, we aim to improve awareness about the HPV vaccine by answering the most frequently asked questions. Read on to know:

What is the HPV virus?

The HPV virus, or human papillomavirus, is a common sexually transmitted infection. This virus can infect the mouth, genital area, and throat of both men and women. There are many different types of human papillomavirus, which can cause various symptoms, ranging from genital warts to cancers, including cervical, vaginal, p

0 29 January 2024
Adrenal Disease During Pregnancy

Adrenal diseases, an umbrella term for medical conditions, can impact and lead to malfunction of the adrenal glands. These medical conditions can push the other body out of equilibrium by disrupting several bodily functions, including metabolism, immune response, blood pressure, and stress bodies. Women who are at their most sensitive and vulnerable selves during pregnancy are prone to more health risks due to adrenal diseases. The reproductive complications can range from gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, higher risk of infections, foetal abnormalities, preterm birth, and even miscarriage,” says a female gynaecologist in Mumbai, Dr. Neelima Mantri. So what is an adrenal disease, what causes it, and how does one prevent or treat it during pregnancy? With input from Dr. Neelima Mantri, the best gynaecologist in Mumbai and a specialist in adrenal diseases, let us find answers to the questions in this blog.

Adrenal Glands – Key for Many Body Functions

The adrenal glands are tiny triangular glands at the top of our kidneys. These small glands are crucial in regulating hormones that control several body functions. Any malfunction of these glands directly

0 2 January 2024
Salpingitis: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Salpingitis is a medical term for inflammation of the fallopian tubes, which connect the ovaries to the uterus in the female reproductive system. It often starts with lower abdominal pain that worsens with ovulation or menstruation, accompanied by cramping and pelvic pain. In some cases, the pain is also accompanied by fever, tiredness, painful urination, and vaginal discharge. “Surprisingly, Salpingitis can be a silent threat with no symptoms in a few cases. This is dangerous because stealthily, this condition may damage the uterus and fallopian tubes, leading to infertility and pregnancy problems,” says the best female gynaecologist in Mumbai, Dr. Neelima Mantri.

Salpingitis – Can Be Silent & More Prone in Younger Women:

Unlike other gynaecological conditions, Salpingitis is more common among younger women, who are often unaware of this situation. Also, unlike other inflammation conditions, Salpingitis can have non-sexual causes, like surgery, bacteria during childbirth, and IUD insertion. When not treated early, Salpingitis can cause adhesions, scars, and even block fallopian tubes, hindering egg development and leading to fertility problems. In this blog with

0 28 September 2023
Placenta Previa: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Placenta previa is a condition where the baby’s exit path from the womb is blocked by the abnormal positioning of the placenta. Naturally, this blockage can result in a number of serious complications, which include vaginal bleeding, preterm birth, blood loss, placental abruption, infection, foetal distress, and more. Since the exit route is blocked by the placenta, it may also necessitate choosing a caesarean-section to ensure safe delivery. While a C-section is performed to ensure safe delivery, the reasons for placenta previa being a serious condition lie in the complications it may cause over the course of pregnancy. “A C-section is performed only at the right time, and by the time the C-section is performed, the pregnant women may have to experience a range of complications from the placenta previa which may impact the overall health of the women and baby”, says leading female gynaecologist in Mumbai Dr Neelima Mantri. What exactly causes Placenta Previa, and how does a gynaecologist in Mumbai solve the complications and treat this condition? We asked gynaecologist in Mumbai, Dr. Neelima Mantri. Read on to know her answers:

What is Placenta Previa?

0 18 August 2023
Know About Transvaginal Mesh & Its Complications

Transvaginal mesh is a surgical mesh used to treat stress-related urinary incontinence, a condition where women, particularly those post-childbirth, experience urinary leakage from the bladder during high-impact activities such as running or jumping. Around 20% of women suffer from this problem, and surgery using a transvaginal mesh provides a low-complication method for treating the incontinence problem. But all this information only scratches the surface of the transvaginal mesh. The topic needs to be delved into deeply to understand the usage of transvaginal mesh, its uses and complications, and the reasons for the ongoing controversy in gynaecological treatment. With inputs from the best gynec laparoscopic surgeon in Mumbai, Dr. Neelima Mantri, we provide the complete information you need in this blog. Read on:

Transvaginal Mesh – A Treatment for Pelvic Disorders:

Urinary incontinence is only one aspect of pelvic disorder treated by transvaginal mesh surgery. Gynaecologists have been actively leveraging transvaginal mesh to treat various pelvic infections. To understand the role of transvaginal mesh, let us provide you with a backstory of the pelvic floor and its conditions. Pelvic Floor & Pelvic Organ Prolapse: The pelvic floor in women is a hammock-like stru

0 25 July 2023
Submucosal Fibroids – A Dangerous Type of Uterine Fibroids

Submucosal fibroids are the type of uterine fibroids that can potentially cause prolonged and heavy menstrual bleeding, pelvic pain and pressure, and urinary and bowel problems like constipation and bowel obstruction. “But the most surprising complication of these fibroids is that they cause infertility problems and even decrease the success rate of fertility treatments like IVF. They have a higher potential to cause problems than another type of uterine fibroids”, says a gynaecologist specialist in Mumbai, Dr. Neelima Mantri. What are submucosal fibroids, what causes them, and how are they treated to prevent possible complications? With inputs from a female gynaecologist in Mumbai, Dr. Neelima Mantri, we answer all your questions today.

What are Submucosal Fibroids?

Submucosal fibroids are a subset of the broader category of uterine fibroids, which are non-cancerous growth that develops in the muscular walls of the uterus. They vary in location, size, and number and are usually classified based on their site. Submucosal fibroids are the type of fibroids that grow beneath the uterus lining, which, when they grow, protrude into the uterine cavity, thus directly affecting menstrual bleed