Every woman in the modern day would have visited a gynaecologist sometime or the other in their lives. Women are usually reluctant to visit gynaecologists, even today, as they have been growing up in a conservative environment or may be feeling embarrassed to share their personal details regarding gynaecology to a stranger. Women, especially adolescents, would be reluctant group. However, Most of the womenfolk out there may still have a question in their minds on the best lady gynecologist & obstetrician doctors in Mumbai.
Well… You can stop searching for the best as you have landed into the right hands! It’s none other than Dr. Neelima Mantri. She is a gynaecologist, a laparoscopic surgeon and an obstetrician, who has over a decade of experience in the field. She even performs minimal access surgeries apart from the conventional gynaecology. Dr Neelima Mantri has extensive training in high risk obstetrics and has dealt thousands of risky cases successfully.
When a woman wants to find out whether she is pregnant, obviously, she would look out for meeting a gynaecologist, who is well-experienced in the field. Dr Neelima Mantri Being one of the best gynecologist obstetricians in Mumbai, can help you from the initial stage of assessment till the child birth or even after that, in case the new mother faces certain issues or have some concerns regarding her reproductive health.
Even among teenagers, if they have any doubts or concerns regarding their reproductive health, they may look for gynaecologist doctors in Mumbai where they may successfully find a list of doctors. Dr Neelima Mantri addresses several adolescent issues like menstrual irregularities, managing pelvic pain, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts and many other reproductive issues.
Being a laparoscopic surgeon, Dr Neelima Mantri have handled cases of investigating infertility, hysterectomy, ectopic pregnancy, polycystic ovarian syndrome, tubal ligation and sterilization.
Some doctors may just consult the patient, do their duty and move on while Dr Neelima Mantri understands the concern of the patient deeply and clarifies all the doubts. Mere medication for reproductive problems or conditions cannot be enough. The patient should have certain diet restrictions as well for reproductive health to be at its best.
Infertility is one of the major problems which haunt the current generation. Infertility always cannot mean that the woman is infertile. It can also be a man’s problem. Laparoscopy is done among women to diagnose the causes. Besides, inducing ovulation, micro-surgery of fallopian tubes, if needed and intrauterine insemination can be done as a part of treating infertility.
For further consultation or obstetrics related problems, Contact Dr Neelima Mantri who can guide and help you from diagnosing the issue till recovery and even for routine health check-ups!