Is Cramping During Early Pregnancy a Sign of Miscarriage?

0 24 May 2022
Is Cramping During Early Pregnancy a Sign of Miscarriage?

If you’re pregnant, you’re undoubtedly paying extra close attention to your body. If you are cramping, you may be frightened that it indicates a miscarriage, especially if it happens in the early stages of pregnancy. If you have any pain during your pregnancy, see an obstetrician and gynaecologist. Even though miscarriage is most common during the first three months, cramping can develop for a variety of reasons. The timing, severity, and existence of additional symptoms all play a role in determining if cramping signals a miscarriage. Pains in your lower abdomen or lower back during the first three months of pregnancy almost often suggest one of three things: a deranged pregnancy, a miscarriage, or regular discomfort. There is still a one in three probability of a miscarriage, so let’s look at some more facts and observations concerning early pregnancy cramps. However, before getting paranoid, let’s look at the general symptoms, and causes of the disease so that you can take care of the situation in the best possible way.

General Symptoms of Miscarriage

During the first trimester, keep an eye out for these miscarriage signs and symptoms.

  • > Bleeding of a dark brown or bright red colour
  • > Clots of tissue

0 20 May 2022
Things You Must Know About Getting Pregnant in Your 30s

Pregnancy in the 30s is no longer a rare choice as it used to be. With increased focus on career progression women today are consciously making their choice to conceive in their 30s. We could witness this significant change in our clinical facility ourselves as the average age of pregnancy has risen considerably as compared to the early 2010s. Though it is a welcoming change, it is always to be remembered that the peak reproductive years of women are their 20s. So pregnancy in the 30s does have its share of problems and hence the journey must be carefully planned and care must be taken with active consultation from gynaecologists. But how exactly the age impacts pregnancy and what care must be taken by women in their 30s before and during the pregnancy?  With the inputs from the best gynaecologist in Mumbai Dr Neelima Mantri, we have tried to answer questions in this blog here. Read on:

How do age impact pregnancy and its outcomes:

Every woman is born with a fixed number of eggs. As they age, both the quality and quantity of eggs gradually decrease.  Women in their 20s are considered to be at their reproductive peak as the standard of eggs (combined quality and quantity) is at an all-time high. As women become older

0 26 April 2022
Adolescent Gynecology: Heavy Menstrual Bleeding

A gynecologist is a medical healthcare professional, educated and trained to practice in case of medical conditions related to gynecology. They diagnose and treat gynecological conditions and also advise couples planning a baby or matters relating to pregnancy, fertility, birth control, and childbirth. All women have to see a gynecologist at some point of time in their life. Apart from matters relating to childbirth and pregnancy, a gynecologist also assists women dealing with several health issues. These issues include but are not limited to menstrual cycles, irregular periods, heavy menstrual bleeding, spotting in between periods, no periods, vaginal pain, infections, STDs, and confusion regarding safe and unsafe ways of sexual intercourse. A gynecologist is a person who understands the female reproductive and gynecological health and in case of difficulties, they provide the needed help. A lot of women find themselves struggling with period-related problems. While some women experience irregular periods, some struggle with excessive or heavy menstrual bleeding. Both, irregular and heavy bleeding causes great discomfort to women but heavy bleeding can be more disturbing since it can get in the way of n

0 19 April 2022
What is Vulval Intraepithelial Neoplasia

Vulval Intraepithelial Neoplasia is a skin disorder that affects the vulva (outer part of the vagina). Vulval Intraepithelial Neoplasia is a precancerous condition i.e. it is no cancer but can potentially develop into Vulval Cancer when left untreated. What exactly causes Vulval Intraepithelial Neoplasia and how does this regular skin disorder of the vagina leads to cancer? To know answers we take help from the top gynaecologist in India Dr Neelima Mantri in this blog. Read on to know:

Relation between Cancer & Vulval Intraepithelial Neoplasia:

Cancer happens when the cells of certain body organs rapidly divide to form lump tissue. Vulval Intraepithelial Neoplasia is a vulva skin disorder where certain changes happen to the skin cells that rapidly divide into the lines of cancer. These abnormal cells thus formed sometimes go away on their own or over the course of time (10 years) cause cancer. To summarise – Vulval Intraepithelial Neoplasia is not vulva cancer, in a few cases it over time can develop into one. So it sure is a high-risk factor for Vulval Cancer.

What causes Vulval Intraepithelial Neoplasia?

The exact cause of Vulval Intraepithelial Neoplasia is not known but there are certain risk factors that increase the r

0 24 March 2022
Urinary and Faecal Incontinence Treatment in Mumbai

Urinary and faecal incontinence are pelvic disorders that result in loss of bladder and bowel control leading to accidental or involuntary leakage of stool or urine. Men and women of any age can suffer from these incontinence problems which can drastically impact the quality of life when the problems are not promptly treated by a gynaecologist or urologist. If you or one of your kith or kin in the family are suffering from incontinence problems you might be having a lot of questions. With the inputs of leading gynaecologists in Mumbai, Dr Neelima Mantri, today we aim to provide information on these medical conditions improve your awareness about urinary and faecal incontinence here. Read on:

Urinary Incontinence & Cause:

Bladder incontinence or urinary incontinence is a condition characterized by accidental leakage, loss or dribbling or urine. Common causes of urinary incontinence often treated by a gynaecologist in Mumbai Dr Neelima Mantri include accidental urine leakage, loss of ability to hold urine, frequent urination, unusual discomfort or pain during urination. Urinary incontinence is usually caused by inpatients undergoing treatments for cancer. Even non-cancerous

0 18 February 2022
Vaginal Odor Symptoms and Treatment in Mumbai

Generally, vaginas have natural odors that vary from one woman to another. The natural odor is often considered to smell nothing but flesh-like, something which hardly has a smell. But sometimes due to physical reasons a vagina can smell strongly and slightly different from the natural odour.

Vaginal Odor Causes and Symptoms –

Though there is no other way of telling if a person has a strong vaginal odour except when a person comes too close to it and smells it. But there are some signs and symptoms that may indicate that you may have a slightly different vaginal odour than what is natural. The symptoms are –

  • Vaginal itching – irritation and itching in the vagina can be because of many reasons. But mostly it means yeast infections or other vaginal infections caused by the overgrowth of bacterial vaginosis. It is an ingrown bacterium that is most active in a woman’s reproductive years. Too much of it may upset a woman’s pH level and can give her a different vaginal odour.

Vaginal itching can be also because of poor vaginal hygiene. Sometimes excessive use of soap or unnatural cosmetics down there can also give you vaginal itching.

  • Vaginal discharge – now vaginal discharge means when your vagina discharges fluid from y

0 28 September 2021
Five Benefits of Breastfeeding to Mother and Baby

Breastfeeding makes the most critical and fundamental part of nutrition for the baby. It’s the nature design to ensure the offspring receives all the vital nutrients for the other which is why it is an essential practice among all the mammals on planet earth. But why exactly is it is beneficial for the nurturing of the baby? What makes breastmilk a superfood for babies and does breastfeeding benefit the mother too? We often get plenty of questions at our gynaecology clinic in Mumbai, in today’s blog we have decided to answer them. What is breastfeeding? How often should the baby be fed? Feeding the breastmilk to the baby to ensure survival and optimal health to the baby is breastfeeding. Gynaecologists strongly recommend mandatory breastfeeding until 6 months and as soon as the food habits slowly pick up, breastfeeding is recommended to continue throughout the year. Frequency of the breastfeeding depends upon the baby’ choice of feeding – short or long feeding habits. Usually new-born are to be fed every 2-3 hours, 2-months babies are to be fed every 3-4 hours and 6-month nannies are to be fed every 4-5 hours on average. So now how exactly breastfeeding is beneficial to mother and baby? Coming up, right away: Benefits of Breastfeedin

0 20 August 2021
Sterilization for Men and Women – Know About This Permanent Birth Control

When a couple does not want to have children anymore there are many methods of contraception available – temporary and permanent. Sterilisation is a method of permanent birth control or contraception that is a safe, effective and complication-free family planning procedure. At our gynaecology clinic in Mumbai we get many queries about this procedure and with the support of our gynaecologist in Mumbai, Dr Neelima Mantri we aim to answer common queries in this blog today. Read on: Why choose sterilisation for birth control? Sterilisation is the most effective and safest form of contraception that is available today. Since it is only for people who have once and for all decided to not have children in the future, there is no other method as effective or as safe. As there are two types of sterilisation available it is convenient too. What are the different types of sterilizations available? Sterilisation can be performed on either men or women so there are two types of sterilizations available – male sterilization and female sterilization. How are male sterilization and female sterilization procedures performed? Male sterilization: Sperms that are made in tes

0 17 August 2021
What is a Sacral Colpopexy?

There needs to be surgery done when the pelvic organ prolapses in a woman. The surgery that is performed to make this correct is called Sacral colpopexy. It also has different names such as sacrocolpopexy or sacrospinous colpopexy. The pelvic organs prolapse when they become weaker. This happens mostly after pregnancy and menopause. You must get this surgery done if you are dealing with issues regarding your pelvic organs as they can form bulges in your vagina. This surgery has also been proven to have some great after-effects like their sexual functions and intimate life. They also enhance their bowel movements and decrease vaginal discharges. This issue only occurs in females which is why having a female gynaecologist to walk you through this process is better. Some of the main reasons for the pelvic organ to prolapse are the following:

  • > Childbirth- This is one of the main reasons for pelvic organ prolapse. Vaginal birth is more prone to cause such an issue than cesarean delivery.
  • > Aging and menopause
  • > Other surgeries like Hysterectomy
  • > Intense physical activities and lifting of heavy objects
  • > Excessive incr

0 17 August 2021
Painful Bladder Syndrome Treatment (Interstitial Cystitis)

The human body is fallible and hence our body has a built-in immune system to protect us against all sorts of diseases, disorders, bacteria, etc. But sometimes even despite these protective mechanisms a few diseases can get through and start impacting the body. Among these is a wider range of diseases called painful bladder syndrome that comprises many other diseases that affect the bladder and can be painful. This article will examine a condition within painful bladder syndrome known as Interstitial Cystitis. What is Interstitial Cystitis? Interstitial Cystitis is a chronic condition that can cause bladder pain, bladder pressure, or even pelvic pain in some cases. The pain can be mild or it can be severe depending on individual instances. The bladder is a muscular organ in charge of storing urine. When the bladder is full it expands and sends a signal to the brain through pelvic nerves that it’s time to urinate. This then creates the urge or impulse to use the washroom. However, with Interstitial Cystitis, the urge to urinate happens more often and for smaller amounts of urine because the signals get mixed up. This condition is more likely to affect women than men so it’s best to visit your gynaecologist