The Best Parts of Pregnancy

0 9 March 2019
The Best Parts of Pregnancy

Pregnancy is undoubtedly one of the best phases in a woman’s life. Along with the bad stuff like morning sickness, weight gain etc, there are certain good things which a mother-to-be enjoys during her phase of pregnancy. Let’s find out what they are.

  • Feeling baby move: The whole idea of life growing inside you itself makes you feel good. When the baby starts moving inside, it signifies the connection between the mother and the baby. So when you feel your baby moving, that can make you feel happy
  • People are nicer: People are nicer to you nice they see that you are pregnant. They help you out in lifting heavy stuff, hold doors for you and even smiles at you which can make your day better
  • Baby hiccups: A pregnant woman can understand when the baby gets hiccups. Here will be movement in every ten seconds or so. Some may enjoy this feeling as the baby movement reminds you of your motherhood and the unborn child whom you love a lot
  • Whole second trimester : This can be one of the best phases in your entire pregnancy as you don’t feel like throwing up or sick, your belly is not that big, you can sleep well and even eat t

0 27 January 2019
Female Gynaecologist And Laparoscopic Surgeon In Mumbai

You are a healthy woman who is not looking forward to have kids soon. Your reproductive health seems to be fine as you undergo annual complete health checkups with general physician. But there are certain tests like Pap smear, treating infections etc. which is limited and only specialized by a gynecologist. Being woman’s health specialists, gynecologists can tackle more complicated issues related to woman’s health. Obstetrics is a branch of medicine where medical and surgical care is provided to a woman before, during and after giving birth. Are you looking for the Best Gynecologist in Mumbai? Your search ends here as Dr Neelima Mantri is one of the Top Gynecologist Obstetricians In Navi Mumbai. Most women would be more comfortable to discuss their issues with a Female Gynecologist rather than a male gynecologist. Doctors, especially gynecologists, mainly concentrate on four areas when it comes to female reproductive issues

  • Diagnosis
  • Treatment
  • Management
  • Prevention

Gynecologists can help you in treating many conditions such as endometriosis, urinary incontinence, breast disorders, hormonal disorders, infertility and pelvic pain to mention a few. Even Though you feel healthy and is not experiencing any reproductive issue, it is better to always have an annual preventive check u

0 17 January 2019
Things Need to Know About Female Infertility

5 Important Things You Need to Know About Female Infertility: If you are in your 30s and are trying to get pregnant, you sure would have been familiar with the word ‘Fertility’ or the lack of it: ‘Infertility’. Your Fertility status and reproductive health directly impact your ability to conceive and raise a healthy child. But most of the women don’t seem to know about Fertility until they chance into a reproductive problem in their later 20s or early 30s. So, what is Fertility? Fertility is the ability to reproduce. A fertile men fathers the children and as for women, it is her ability to get pregnant and carry the pregnancy to a full term. There are many factors that can deter this ability in both men and women, causing Infertility. Fertility is a raising problem which sometimes cannot be naturally treated if the couple is not proactive about their reproductive health. If you are that couple who would like to educate yourself about the Fertility problem, then here are the 5 important things you should know: Being healthy doesn’t mean you are Fertile: You lead an active life, exercise every day, eat right and lead a healthy life. That doesn’t mean you are free from the fertility problems. Infertility is not like your general health problems; three in every twenty healthy couple face these problem

0 28 December 2018
Should you be eating Organic foods during Pregnancy?

Pregnancy is the most exciting phase in the life of a woman. It is quite common for you to feel antsy and nervous about the 9 months journey that you are about to take. Of course, you are filled with many questions about the lifestyle choices you will have to make for optimal development of your baby. Additional dietary requirements during Pregnancy: Now that you are two, you will be in need of additional nutrients, vitamins, minerals and not to forget additional calories. An additional 300-500 calories are needed each day by the pregnant women from the day you enter your second trimester. All these additional requirements have to be met through a balanced diet of protein-rich foods, fruits, whole grains. Where do Organic foods fit in the mix? Maintain a balanced diet through a variety of food sourced do help, but what really counts is the quality of foods that are consumed to satiate the dietary requirements. The fruits, vegetables, that we consume are often produced using harsh pesticides, and chemicals, same might hold true for the meat products like Chicken (estrogen injection) and fish (high mercury levels). The risk of chemicals and pesticides though is minimal for an adult it could prove harmful for the baby in development. What are Orga

0 17 December 2018
Need to Know Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a condition where the ‘Endometrium’, the tissue that lines the walls of the uterus grows outside the uterus. The ‘Endometrium’ is a vital lining of the uterus that acts as a cradle for the embryos during implantation. It is the most important part of a female reproductive system that is responsible for menstruation, pregnancy, and development of the embryo. But the displacement of this Endometrium i.e. the growth of this Endometrium in other areas of the body can result in a painful disorder called Endometriosis. But here’s why Endometriosis is such a painful disorder: Though it looks like a tissues displacement, Endometriosis is the cause of a lot of pain and has a serious effect on the reproductive health of women. To completely understand the condition let us go back to its basic function: During a normal menstrual cycle, a woman’s body produces hormones that thicken this endometrium so as to receive the fertilized egg after copulation. If the egg is not fertilized, the uterus sheds the endometrial lining which along with vaginal secretions, cervical mucus and unfertilized egg form the menstrual blood that is pushed out for every period. So, what happens when the Endometrium grows outside the uterus?

0 12 December 2018
Foods to Prevent Common Gynaecological Problems

The body of women is as complicated as it is wonderful. From the time it reaches puberty the body adapts itself to develop a healthy reproductive system. Yet, every woman in the world, at some point of time suffers from gynecological problems. In most of the cases these problems can be easily treated, so there is nothing embarrassing about having your health checked when your encounter slightest of problems down there. So, what are the common gynecological problems? Dysmenorrhea (Abdominal Cramps), Yeast Infections,  Urinary Tract Infections, Menopause,  Endometriosis, Leucorrhoea (excessive discharge), Pelvic Inflammation and more. All these problems can be treated in most cases but what if you can decrease the risk of these common gynecological problems altogether? Yes, you can drastically improve your chances of preventing these problems by an adopting a well-balanced and nutrient-rich diet. So here are some common gynecological problems foods that can help you prevent them: Menstrual Cramps: Foods you eat a week before your period or even during a period can help you alleviate the pain of those notorious cramps. Studies have confirmed Omega-3 can help women reduce their period pain. Being essential fatty acids, Omega-3 are anti-inflammatory and that is good for relieving general pain. Food to eat:  Fish

0 2 November 2018
How Does Obesity Affect Pregnant Women?

Maternal Obesity has always been a major risk factor during pregnancy. Compared to women with normal weight, obese women are at increased risk of pregnancy complications like Gestational Diabetes, Preeclampsia. Does it mean that obese women cannot have a healthy pregnancy and delivery? No, absolutely not. There is more to this situation than just so-called risk factors and there ways that can help you get past the risks too. The term ‘Obese’ itself is a general term, which is categorized again based on the severity. So what are the risk factors?  Are they the same for each category? Let us find out: What is Obesity? Obesity is a condition in which body accumulates excess amounts of body fat and thus, the weight. Body Mass Index (BMI) is the metric that is used to determine if the person is obese. It is a mathematical calculation that is based on height and weight. Here’s how the scale reads: The health condition of an individual is determined based on the above scale: 18.5 – 24.9 is the recommended range for healthy adults anything above this score is the territory with varying amounts of risk. The score that falls between 25 and 29.9 translates to the excess weight that comes from their fat, bone, muscle, and water

0 8 October 2018
Is Consuming Fish Safe for Pregnant Women? What are the benefits and risks?

Pregnancy makes women jitter even about regular food, understandably so. Now that you are sharing your food with the baby, you will have to be extra careful about your food habits as it directly affects the baby’s health. Even some of the healthiest foods which are consumed without any hesitation normally, have to be double checked. And Seafood falls under this category. So, is consuming fish safe for pregnant women? Yes but only if you take necessary precautions. Fish being a fantastic source of omega-3 fatty acids and lean protein, it is one of the critical components for the optimal development of your child. But not all types of fish are safe for you too. So, the key here is choosing the right fish for consumption. But the problem with fish as a food is it harbors Mercury, a heavy metal that is dangerous for the development of the baby’s brain, sensory and motor skills development. A lot of industries drain their toxic mercury wastage into the seas and oceans. The mercury is converted into methyl-mercury by the bacteria in the water. And when the fish consume these bacteria, the mercury enters the fish and stay in their body binding at the cellular level. These Mercury contents are generally found in the cells of predators at the top of the food chain. The bad thing about the mercury content is that it cannot be eliminated through cooki

0 25 September 2018
Pregnancy and Sleep

The Changes in Early and Late Sleep Characteristics during Pregnancy Pregnancy is one gruelling exercise for us, women. It is tiring; both physically and mentally as it primarily affects almost every part of the human body finding us at our vulnerable self. But unlike other physical and mental tasks, pregnancy can seriously dent the quality of sleep too. Most women are presently surprised by the fatigue and sleeplessness they experience during the first trimester. So, this is an effort to help you gain a good picture of your sleep cycle you’ll go through your pregnancy. So ladies, buckle-up and jump right in! Your Sleep in First Trimester: Sleep and the First Trimester are the friends who fight often. In fact, sleep is one of the first complaints that precedes the realization of pregnancy. A wide medical study has reported that there is an average 0.7 hours increase in the sleeping period among the women in their first trimester. But here comes the ‘fighting’ part: though they will be an increase in the sleeping period, the effectiveness of the sleep is considerably reduced owing to the changes pregnant women go through, in their first trimester. The sudden surge in reproductive hormones results in drowsiness-caus

0 5 September 2018

Whatever you put in your body directly affects the well-being of your child. And that is why the diet is deemed out to be the most important factor during pregnancy. It’s not just about what you put inside but it is also about what you put on your skin too. Perplexed? Yes, you read that right. Skin absorbs almost 50% of what you put on it. So are you sure they are safe? Most of them might be safe in normal conditions but pregnancy is a special condition, isn’t it? The hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy throw your body out of its balance and that’ll surely show up on the outside. This may allure you to stack-up your shelf with lot cosmetics onto your skin, but we advise you to stay put. Not all the cosmetics are your friends now, few of them do more harm than good. But it’s not the cosmetics that you must avoid but the harmful ingredients they are made of. So, avoiding the cosmetics with certain ingredients can help you avoid any potential complications. Here is the list of ingredients that you must be wary of before using them: Retinoids: Retinoid is a type of Vitamin A that is widely used to treat acne and is known for its moisturizing and anti-aging properties. When taken orally, these retinoids are found to induce Fetal Retinoid Syndrome i.e. characteristic pattern of mental and physical birth defects that results from maternal