Bartholin’s cyst Symptoms and Causes

0 22 March 2022
Bartholin’s cyst Symptoms and Causes

The human body is a very complicated machine. Infinite vessels, multiple critical organs, a lot of bones, a network of nerves and what not fit into a small framework. To master the human body a lifetime may not be enough, such is the complicated build of the human system. This is the reason specialists exist, a bone doctor, a skin specialist, a brain surgeon, etc. every department is handled by different people no matter where you go. A common man may be forgiven for understanding the human body any more than a doctor who studies for years and this is why a lot of people may not even come to know that they are suffering from a disease or an ailment till it’s too late. Thus, today we talk about one of the problems that bother women, especially pregnant women who might not know how commonly they are affected by such problems. The problem in the spotlight is Bartholin’s cyst and we now look at the symptoms and causes of this condition.

Bartholin’s cyst

In the women’s labia there exists a Bartholin’s gland. This gland during the pregnancy tends to swell up in up to 2% of cases. When the glands swell it develops cysts which may make walking painful. This cyst is Bartholin’s cyst and it can also cause pain during intercourse.

What are the symptoms of Bartholin’s cyst

0 18 February 2022
Vaginal Odor Symptoms and Treatment in Mumbai

Generally, vaginas have natural odors that vary from one woman to another. The natural odor is often considered to smell nothing but flesh-like, something which hardly has a smell. But sometimes due to physical reasons a vagina can smell strongly and slightly different from the natural odour.

Vaginal Odor Causes and Symptoms –

Though there is no other way of telling if a person has a strong vaginal odour except when a person comes too close to it and smells it. But there are some signs and symptoms that may indicate that you may have a slightly different vaginal odour than what is natural. The symptoms are –

  • Vaginal itching – irritation and itching in the vagina can be because of many reasons. But mostly it means yeast infections or other vaginal infections caused by the overgrowth of bacterial vaginosis. It is an ingrown bacterium that is most active in a woman’s reproductive years. Too much of it may upset a woman’s pH level and can give her a different vaginal odour.

Vaginal itching can be also because of poor vaginal hygiene. Sometimes excessive use of soap or unnatural cosmetics down there can also give you vaginal itching.

  • Vaginal discharge – now vaginal discharge means when your vagina discharges fluid from y

0 21 September 2021
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Treatment in Mumbai

In Vitro Fertilization treatment has been a boon to childless couples for decades now. This advanced procedure helped millions of couples realize their dream of becoming parents and it continues to do so. While the exposure for this advanced reproductive treatment option is has been considerably less in the last decade, it is slowly picking up in this one. Especially in Metros like Mumbai, IVF has become a go-to reproductive procedure for a couple who do not have success with natural conceptions methods. If you are in a similar boat and are looking for IVF treatment in Mumbai, then this blog is for you. With the help of Dr Neelima Mantri, one of the top gynaecologists in Mumbai we aim to give a sneak peek into the procedure to improve your awareness about IVF Treatment in Mumbai. Read on: What is the IVF procedure? How does it work? In vitro Fertilization is an advanced reproductive procedure that removes all the hurdles a sperm and egg face to reproduce an offspring. In a series of steps, the mature eggs are collected and are fertilized with sperm in a closely controlled laboratory environment to develop an embryo. This embryo is inside the womb of a woman. IVF is usually pe

0 25 September 2020
Best Gynaecologist & Laparoscopic Surgeon in Mumbai – Dr Neelima Mantri.

Over the last few years, there has been a steep increase in the gynaecological problems reported by women in India, especially in Mumbai. Given that the gynaecological problems are commonly faced across all age groups, the increase in the number of cases reported is an indication of an increase in awareness of sexual and reproductive health. A good chunk of years back and for that matter even today in rural and semi-urban parts of India, it can be hard to know what is normal and what is the sign or symptoms of a potential reproductive problem. Being one of the best gynaecologists & laparoscopic surgeons in Mumbai, Dr Neelima Mantri every day educates the patients and treats a variety of their gynaecological problems Though there has been a rise in awareness there is need to further increase the awareness to treat then quickly or even prevent them altogether. Signs that you need expert help from a gynaecologist in Mumbai: Since most of the gynaecological problems can be successfully solved and nipped in the bud it is important to know about the potential symptoms of these problems to make it easy for you to seek help from the best gynaec

0 24 August 2020
Counselling and Guidance for Contraception in Mumbai by Dr. Neelima Mantri

Most of the newly married couples today who wanted to start their family often have doubts about contraception. Given they wanted to focus on their career and take their own time before they start a family, contraception and family planning have become one of the most discussed topics for couples today. Contraception methods, though the definition looks simple, the act of contraception has many elements like safety, effectiveness, and availability. So counselling and guidance for contraception very important for newly married couples to tread the waters of contraception. Dr. Neelima Mantri, the best gynaecologist in Mumbai, is often consulted by the newly married for counselling and guidance for conception and contraception and she has helped thousands of couples along the way. To make it easier in this blog here we wanted to provide basic information about contraception. Here are some of the basic contraception methods with essential pointers for reference: Emergency Contraception: Emergency contraception is the most common contraception method that is used by couples. It is needed most in times of unforeseen situations like fail of normal contraception (condom splits), missing contraceptive pills or injection, or unprotected sex. Emergency Con

0 16 July 2020
Pregnancy in Diabetes: 4 Most Frequently Asked Questions Answered

The total journey of the pregnancy and birth experience of diabetic mothers could be different as compared to others, but with the right medical help, diligent self-care, a healthy pregnancy is a certainty. If you are a diabetic woman looking to conceive you must know all the necessary information beforehand as you embark on your journey. Mumbai’s best female gynaecologist and laparoscopic surgeon, Dr. Neelima Mantri has helped hundreds of diabetic mothers with their pregnancy. Over the years we get plenty of questions regarding pregnancy, and this article aims to provide you essential information for these frequently asked questions about diabetes and pregnancy. So, read on: How does pregnancy affect my diabetes? Hormonal and other physical changes in the woman’s body during pregnancy can significantly impact the blood glucose levels. So from eating habits, medicine requirements to exercise, and physical activity routines, change in diabetic management plans is needed. As a woman gets closer to her delivery date, further change in management in again needed according to the medical status and health. As soon as you decide to have a baby it is important to consult a gyna

0 25 March 2019
How to get Rid of Insomnia at Early Pregnancy

A new mom-to-be will be excited and worried at the same time. She will be excited thinking of welcoming a bundle of joy to her house while she may be anxious on the labor process and taking care of baby thereafter. Some pregnant women experience insomnia due to their inner worries during the first trimester of pregnancy. Understanding insomnia Insomnia means difficulty in falling asleep, staying asleep or both. Women may experience insomnia in all stages of pregnancy but it may be more common in first and third trimesters of pregnancy. You may feel miserable if you have insomnia but the good thing is that it’s not at all harmful for the baby. Factors which cause insomnia during pregnancy There may be many reasons for you to stay awake during the wee hours of the day. It may include:

  • Need to urinate frequently
  • Back pain
  • Vomiting or nausea
  • Leg cramps
  • Abdominal discomfort
  • Heartburn
  • Shortness of breath
  • Leg cramps

Managing Insomnia

  • Diet and exercise: Diet and exercise can have a great impact on your sleep. Keep yourself hydrated by drinking lots of water and avoid caffeine intake from late afternoon
  • Eat to sleep: Eat

0 21 June 2018
How Does Diabetes Affect Pregnant Women?

High blood sugar levels in pregnant women can cause birth defects and can also increase the chances of miscarriage. Let us now discuss elaborately how diabetes can affect a pregnant woman. It is important to consult a doctor as soon as you come to know that you are pregnant, as high blood glucose level during the early stages of pregnancy can have a negative bearing on the outcome on successful pregnancy. It is during the early period (2 to 4 weeks) that the baby gets affected due to high blood sugar level because it is during this period that the organs of the baby start forming, such as the head, heart and the lungs. There is always a chance of these organs being defective due to diabetes. Examples of such defects include defects in the heart, spine or the brains. There are many health problems that a pregnant woman can develop due to diabetes. Such problems include kidney disease and problems of the eye. Other health problems that a pregnant woman can develop include toxemia, which is a problem related to high blood pressure and excess proteins in the urine as a result of high level in blood sugar. These problems generally arise during the second half of the pregnancy and may become life threatening both to the mother as well as the baby. In mos

0 6 February 2018
Best Pregnancy Workouts Complete Guide

There is no greater joy than bring a child to the world. Pregnancy is a wonderful period of excitement, happiness and joy. Maintaining the overall fitness and wellness is critical during the pregnancy period. Good pregnancy workouts increase mood, improves sleep, and reduces aches and pains. Benefits of pregnancy workout is immense as it helps the woman be fit and healthy. Benefits of Pregnancy Workouts:

  • Gestational Diabetes Avoided:

It comes with serious health risks; pregnancy workouts can reduce the risk of gestational diabetes.

  • Baby Weight Kept in Check:

Pregnancy workouts help you keep the baby weight in check despite the heavy diet you might be consuming.

  • Comfort Level:

With pregnancy workouts, even as light as walking, one can increase blood circulation, and thus help flush away fluids. The best bit is that you can get all the benefits of exercise during pregnancy if you follow the Pregnancy Health Tips of the Best Gynaecologist in Mumbai. The goal of the pregnancy workouts is to keep yourself fit without harming the baby. The following pregnancy workouts are usually advised for most mo

0 11 January 2018

Are you pregnant? This is a question we ask to others and get vague answers if they haven’t seen a doctor. Doctors assessment are one of the surest way to find it but there are plenty of signs to read and make an inference on the pregnancy. Let’s take a close look at the Pregnancy symptoms that may allude to the idea that you are pregnant. Pregnancy symptoms can also vary in their intensity, frequency and duration. For some women, the pregnancy symptoms can arise in the first weeks of pregnancy. Also, the pregnancy symptoms can sometimes be similar to the routine pre-menstrual discomforts. The Easy to read Pregnancy symptoms:

  • Tender Swollen Breast:

Owing to pregnancy, hormonal changes leads to breasts becoming tender, tingly or sore. After two weeks of conception, breasts may fell heavier and fuller.

  • Fatigue:

Fatigue and tiredness are one of the leading symptoms of the pregnancy. During early pregnancy, levels of the hormone progesterone soar. In high enough doses, progesterone can put you to sleep.

  • Slight Bleeding:

The bleeding is an early symptom of the pregnancy. Also known as implantation bleeding, it occurs when the fertilised egg gets attached to the lining of the uterus.  This type of bleeding is usually a bit earlier, spot