Nutrition and Diet During Pregnancy

0 6 October 2018
Nutrition and Diet During Pregnancy

To become a mother is a golden opportunity for females. Babies are gifts from God. Every female wants to give birth to healthy and beautiful baby. But for this, she has to follow all precautions suggested by gynaecologist. With these precautions, proper amount of proteins, nutrients, vitamins etc are necessary. Some pregnant women do not give attention to their nutrition and diet during pregnancy, which may affect health of their babies inside the womb. It is very important that pregnant woman should take vitamins and supplements on a health care provider’s direct recommendation. Dr. Neelima Mantri is one of the best gynecologists  in Mumbai who has worked on many cases and has become successful in her each case. She recommended a particular diet plan to her patients who make both mother and child strong. Dr Neelima Mantri Mumbai  About Nutrition and Diet During Pregnancy:

  • Take milk, eggs, carrot, spinach, broccoli, potatoes, pumpkin and yellow fruits for vitamin A & Beta Carotene. This helps to grow bones and teeth.
  • Eat fatty fish and take sunshine for vitamin D. This helps body to use calcium and

0 21 June 2018

While stress and depression, which are part of our lives can be overcome at some or other point, women suffering from infertility stress can find it hard to overcome until they give birth to a baby. Depression and stress are the two factors that can take a toll on women undergoing infertility treatment, especially in cases where there have been multiple miscarriages. Although we cannot change the circumstances that lead to depression and stress, there are ways by which women are able to deal with them. Here are some ways by which you can deal with depression & stress during infertility?

  1. There may be at times when you might feel discomfort when somebody asks you about getting pregnant and babies during a social interactive session. This is where you will need the support of your husband to overcome the situation which can make you feel distressed. Your husband can approach you with some simple gestures that will show that you are both equal partners.
  2. Practice dancing alone or with a group. This will help you to release stress and depression. Make it a daily habit dancing to your favorite items. This will keep your body and mind free.
  3. Pick up some hobby that will keep you engaged for a certain period of time. This will help your mind to be diverted to the new occupation and to o

0 17 April 2018

Women who are experiencing infertility problems are faced with a lot of emotions and anxiety due to the feeling that something is wrong deeply with them. It is the expectations of family members and the society that creates an extra pressure on women who are faced with the challenge of motherhood. Dealing with anxiety and emotions can be a challenge when facing a fertility specialist. The anxiety when undergoing infertility treatment can take a huge toll both physically and psychologically on women and keeping control over emotions when meeting a fertility specialist can help relieve a great deal of pressure. Compared to men, women feel more distressed when faced with infertility, and hence it is important that a woman experiencing such mental torment undergo a program for stress reduction. A research study has disclosed that the depression within women facing infertility problem can be as much as those suffering from cancer or convalescing from a heart attack. The focus should be given on infertility counseling to deal with the stress and discuss all infertility queries with the fertility specialist. Infertility counselling can be a solution for overcoming the stress being faced

0 6 March 2018
What are the Symptoms of Dehydration During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a wonderful time for the parents as they start making plans for the parenthood. There are plenty of issues that crop up during the pregnancy time and needs our attention. Dehydration is a common occurrence in the pregnancy and pregnant woman needs to watch it with care. Dehydration is the result of your body losing water faster than you are taking it in. For pregnant woman, being well-hydrated is key to well-being of herself and the baby. Water plays an important role in the development of the baby and the being well hydrated is crucial. Water helps to form the placenta, which is what your baby relies on to receive nutrients during pregnancy. Therefore, it is pertinent to avoid dehydration during pregnancy and consume right amount of water to ensure water availability in the body. Symptoms of Dehydration in Pregnancy: Overheating is a common sign attributed to the dehydration in the body. A sign of being well-hydrated is having a clear urine colour, as opposed to dark yellow. Dizziness is also seen as it occurs due to drop in blood pressure which happens due to dehydration. Dry mouth, nose, and skin as well as chapped lips are also indications of the dehydrated body. Weakness and constipation are also one of the symptoms arising due

0 27 February 2018

Pregnancy is a wonderful time in the life of woman. There is excitement and anticipation of parenthood. Pregnant mothers often find themselves in wide varying mood swings. From joy to irritation to weepy to stressed, the mood swings are normal and expected in the life of a would be mother. The mood swings would happen frequently and increase as the delivery date inches closer. There are some commonly observed mood swings during pregnancy and are elucidated below.

  • Depressed Thoughts:

The thoughts and mood swings are influenced by the release of hormones in the body. hey alter the release of neurotransmitters from the brain leads to various changes in the body. Being unsure about pregnancy is pretty common and depressed views lasts for some time before being vanquished. If it extends for couple of days more, consult the doctors.

  • Feeling Lost:

There is time when you will lose track of time and activity. You will keep on holding a bedsheet in hand while roaming across the house. This is the moment to relax and allow other people to take care of the household activities. Time to unwind and listen to some music.

  • Irritable and Angry Mode:

Even at rest, the amount of energy spent by a pregnant woman is same as that of an average male doing mountain climbing. shifting centre of

0 6 February 2018
Best Pregnancy Workouts Complete Guide

There is no greater joy than bring a child to the world. Pregnancy is a wonderful period of excitement, happiness and joy. Maintaining the overall fitness and wellness is critical during the pregnancy period. Good pregnancy workouts increase mood, improves sleep, and reduces aches and pains. Benefits of pregnancy workout is immense as it helps the woman be fit and healthy. Benefits of Pregnancy Workouts:

  • Gestational Diabetes Avoided:

It comes with serious health risks; pregnancy workouts can reduce the risk of gestational diabetes.

  • Baby Weight Kept in Check:

Pregnancy workouts help you keep the baby weight in check despite the heavy diet you might be consuming.

  • Comfort Level:

With pregnancy workouts, even as light as walking, one can increase blood circulation, and thus help flush away fluids. The best bit is that you can get all the benefits of exercise during pregnancy if you follow the Pregnancy Health Tips of the Best Gynaecologist in Mumbai. The goal of the pregnancy workouts is to keep yourself fit without harming the baby. The following pregnancy workouts are usually advised for most mo

0 11 January 2018

Are you pregnant? This is a question we ask to others and get vague answers if they haven’t seen a doctor. Doctors assessment are one of the surest way to find it but there are plenty of signs to read and make an inference on the pregnancy. Let’s take a close look at the Pregnancy symptoms that may allude to the idea that you are pregnant. Pregnancy symptoms can also vary in their intensity, frequency and duration. For some women, the pregnancy symptoms can arise in the first weeks of pregnancy. Also, the pregnancy symptoms can sometimes be similar to the routine pre-menstrual discomforts. The Easy to read Pregnancy symptoms:

  • Tender Swollen Breast:

Owing to pregnancy, hormonal changes leads to breasts becoming tender, tingly or sore. After two weeks of conception, breasts may fell heavier and fuller.

  • Fatigue:

Fatigue and tiredness are one of the leading symptoms of the pregnancy. During early pregnancy, levels of the hormone progesterone soar. In high enough doses, progesterone can put you to sleep.

  • Slight Bleeding:

The bleeding is an early symptom of the pregnancy. Also known as implantation bleeding, it occurs when the fertilised egg gets attached to the lining of the uterus.  This type of bleeding is usually a bit earlier, spot

0 27 November 2017
Know all About High Risk Pregnancy

The word ‘High-risk pregnancy’ itself sounds scary for most of us. Imagine a mom-to-be who is in the risk and knew that she or her baby has an increased chance of health problems. In medical terminology, High-risk pregnancy is the condition where mother or foetus are at high risk during or after pregnancy. To put it simple, where the pregnancy complications are more than usual is called high-risk pregnancy. Problems in growth of the baby, preterm labour, preeclampsia, placenta are some of the High Risk Pregnancy Causes during the time. But it is important to understand that not every high-risk pregnancy causes troubles during conceiving and it can be taken care of by good medical treatment. Dr. Neelima Mantri, High Risk Pregnancy Doctor in Mumbai suggests to have healthy diet and consume all prescribed medicines, vitamins to avoid any complicated issues during pregnancy. However, it is important to know what are the factors that put pregnancy at risk. They are divided into four main categories. Existing Health Conditions:  High blood pressure, diabetes, HIV effected, Polycystic ovary syndrome, kidney disease, uncontrolled thyroid, obesity are some of the conditions which can m

0 27 October 2017
Top 10 Gynaecologists in Mumbai

Dr. Neelima Mantri is well known gynaecologist and obstetrician in Mumbai. She has experience of over 10 years in her field. Her co-friendly nature, result oriented advice list her name under the list of top 10 gynaecologists Mumbai. She is expert in every gynaecological treatment as well as various surgeries such as removal of ovarian cyst, tubal ligation,, laparoscopy and many more. She is well educated MS- gynaecology , obstetrics and MBBS- obstetrician and gynaecologist. Dr. Neelima is hard working as well as honest and polite gynaecologist. Till she works on countless cases. To become a mother is gift from God. But sometime lack of advice and consultancy grab this chance. So , it’s must when you know that you are pregnant go to doctor and take proper consultancy. Dr. Mantri addresses your every problem and give comfortable and affordable treatment within your niche. She is always ready to answer her patient’s question. Since, she wins many awards and honours for her best performance. She treated you as a family member. The main vision of

0 16 October 2017
What Exercises Are Safe in the First Trimester?

Gone are the days when a would-be mom asked to sit, eat and avoid doing activities. Now all the myths have busted, engaging in physical activities is utmost important for mama and the baby. On the guidance of fitness experts, the workout plan should be tailored according to the type of exercise, intensity, frequency and duration. Dr. Neelima Mantri, Female Gynaecologist in Mumbai, advises that a mom-to-be should exercise, hence, it reduces high risks during labour and post pregnancy. It is common to have discomforts like morning sickness, vomiting, but moving around is one of the best things for mummy and her little one. It helps you to control pregnancy weight gain and keep you in good mood all the time. Here are some of the best moves to be done during first trimester. To Plank: The first few months are fragile and feels scary for everything and anything. But it is proved that pregnant lady can and should still work out. Planks target abdominals which cuts the aches and pains. Do not go with the hard-core plank positions, start with a modified and the easiest on the hands and knees. One-Arm Row: Place left knee on sturdy chair and another on the floor. Place your left hand on the seat for a support. Lift weight (not heavy) with the right hand, keep moving back and forth to strengt