Weakened supporting tissues are the main cause of prolapse. Prolapse refers to the bulging or falling out of a body part, such as the rectum or the vagina. It is also a result of prolonged heavy pressure on the pelvic floor. This condition might happen during delivery of a child, chronic constipation, violent coughing, or heavy lifting.
What happens when women experience prolapse?
The pelvic floor muscles, tissues, and ligaments of women stretch out because of weakening. The prolapse paves way for the organs to drop from their original position. In severe cases, women might even experience the falling out of the vagina itself.
Is there a non-surgical treatment method for prolapse?
There are two major non-surgical treatments available to address the issue of prolapse among women- pelvic floor muscle training for mild cases and the insertion of a vagina pessary for severe cases.
> Pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT):
This gynecologist treatment method addresses the root issue of the prolapse- weakness muscles. The pelvic floor exercises are effective in strengthening the lower floor of the pelvis. Women with mild abdomen pressure and mild bladder leakage are suggested to carry out the list of exercises in t →
Endometriosis is diseases in which tissues that normally grow inside the uterus grow outside the uterus. Endometriosis is estimated to occur in roughly 6%-10% women. It is mostly occurs in age of thirties and forties. Depending upon the location of endometrial tissue it also affect the other organs such as ovaries, bladder etc. It also affects the women’s reproductive organs. The symptoms of endometriosis vary. Some women have mild symptoms and other can have moderate to serve symptoms. Pelvic pain is most common symptom of endometriosis. Dr. Neelima Mantri (Endometriosis specialist Mumbai) describe that there are four stages of endometriosis and these stages are-
- Minimal
- Mild
- Moderate
- Severe
Treatments for endometriosis pain fall into three general categories:
- Pain Meditation-
- Hormone therapy
- Surgical treatments
Dr. Neelima discuss various reasons of endometriosis-
- Delay in child birth
- Heaving bleeding during periods
- First period before the age of 11
- Changes in immune cells
- Early pregnancy
- Low body weight
- Alcohol use
Endometriosis can eliminate by various methods such as-birth control pills, GnRH agonists, danazol, laparoscopy, laparotomy, surgery to sever pelvic nerves etc. Endometriosis can cure early if proper treat →