Advanced Maternal Age: Risks, Complications, Management and Treatment

by | Dec 15, 2023 | Blog, Pregnancy Complications

There was a time when being above the age of 35 was considered challenging for pregnancies. It’s no wonder women above this age faced difficulties in healthy conceptions. Thanks to improved awareness, technology, treatments, and fertility procedures, women in their late 30s can now embark on this remarkable journey with greater possibilities.

However, the journey of pregnancy in advanced maternal age does come with its own set of challenges and complications. “Pregnancy, in itself, is a challenging journey for every woman. This journey can be a bit more challenging for women who conceive in advanced maternal age, primarily after the age of 35,” says the renowned gynecologist in Mumbai, Dr. Neelima Mantri.

If you are a woman in this age bracket, the best thing you can do is improve awareness about the pregnancy journey in advanced maternal age—its risks, complications, and treatment options for safe management—before embarking on this remarkable journey. With insights from leading female gynaecologists in Mumbai, Dr. Neelima Mantri, we delve into these commonly asked questions in this blog today.

Pregnancy above Age 35 – Risks and Complications:

Increased risk of chromosomal abnormalities: The quality of the eggs women produce is inversely proportional to their age. Consequently, the foetus of women with advanced maternal age has a higher risk of chromosomal abnormalities. Fortunately, these genetic abnormalities can be easily detected beforehand with cutting-edge technology.

Gestatioal diabetes: Advanced maternal age also increases the risk of gestational diabetes, which elevates the blood sugar levels of pregnant women. Gestational diabetes increases the size of the foetus, leading to complications during surgery. Additionally, gestational diabetes is found to increase the risk of respiratory distress syndrome and type-2 diabetes in children.

Unnatural birth weight: Advanced maternal age increases the chance of lower birth weight. In cases where gestational diabetes sets in, the size and weight of the foetus may increase to abnormal levels as well.

Preeclampsia/High Blood Pressure: Advanced maternal age also increases the risk of preeclampsia in pregnant mothers. Preeclampsia is a high blood pressure condition in pregnant women that can raise the risk of growth restrictions, placental abruption, and, in rare cases, organ damage in the child.

Multiple Births & C-sections: Older couples usually seek advanced fertility treatments, which increase the chances of multiple births that could be risky for women. Multiple births and pregnancy complications may also lead to mandatory C-sections.

It is to be understood that pregnant women also face the above risks in their 20s. However, given the advanced age, the risk of the above conditions slightly increases for women of advanced maternal age.

Pregnancy above Age 35 – Strategies to Mitigate Risk

Increased awareness of changes in Assisted Reproductive Technologies, regular prenatal check-ups, healthy lifestyle choices, genetic counselling, early screening for chromosomal abnormalities, management of gestational diabetes, weight management, preeclampsia risk evaluation, and mitigations are some of the famous and well-established strategies that can help mitigate the risks associated with advanced maternal age for women seeking a healthy and safe pregnancy. However, any woman must first consult a qualified gynaecologist who can thoroughly explain any risks, challenges, and treatment options.

If you are living in and around Mumbai and are looking for a female gynaecologist in Mumbai, Dr. Neelima Mantri is the best gynaecologist in Mumbai who can ensure you a safe and healthy pregnancy journey. You can contact her here.

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Dr Neelima

MS & Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery – Obstetrics & Gynaecology, MBBS Obstetrician, Gynecologist

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