Polyhydramnios – Symptoms and Causes

0 19 July 2024
Polyhydramnios – Symptoms and Causes

We all understand the crucial role of amniotic fluid, which envelops the womb to safeguard the baby. But what if the fluid levels are too high? This condition, known as Polyhydramnios, involves an excessive secretion of amniotic fluid in the uterus during pregnancy. In its mildest form, it doesn’t pose any problems or symptoms. However, severe cases may necessitate treatment. This condition is typically identified after the middle stages of pregnancy. Severe cases can lead to preterm labor, shortness of breath, and other symptoms. Yet, with early detection and proper management, the risks can be minimized. Mild cases often resolve on their own, but severe ones require close attention. To help you understand this condition better, check out this post for more information!  An Overview of Polyhydramnios Polyhydramnios is a medical condition found in pregnant mothers in the middle term during pregnancy. The condition arises when there is a sudden spike in the amniotic fluids around the womb in the uterus. Ideally, the amniotic fluid plays a significant role in the development and growth of the fetus. Doctors identify this condition in the second half of the pregnancy stage. This is a rare condition that affects 1% of pregnant women