A medical treatment called cervical cerclage is performed to lessen the risk of preterm birth and second-trimester foetal losses. To assist maintain the cervix intact during the time of pregnancy, more than one suture is placed around it during the surgery. This aids in preventing unwanted cervical openings or dilations, which might result in an untimely birth or miscarriage. The best gynaecologist in Mumbai will suggest this procedure in order to maintain the safety of the growing baby inside of your womb till the time for the delivery of your baby. This procedure is performed in the condition that the cervix is not strong enough to keep the uterus intact. This is also recommended to those women who have past experience of miscarriages or had past damage to the cervix. The medical procedure for the cervical cerclage The medical procedure involves the use of anaesthetic drugs to prevent your body from feeling any pain. You may feel a little pinch during the medical procedure. The best obstetrician in Mumbai will make sure that this pain is minimal during the whole procedure. The sutures are stitched over your cervix to tighten the cervical opening. Points to remember after the cervical cerclage Women who underwent this treatment experienced muscle cram →
A rectovaginal fistula is an abnormal and uncomfortable condition caused due to an unnatural connection between the rectum and vagina. This connection allows the stool and gas in the rectum to leak into the vagina resulting in physical discomfort, and emotional distress and in the majority of cases, can even damage the physical intimacy of the couple. What causes Rectovaginal Fistula and how does it impact a woman’s health and what is it treatment options? Find out answers to these questions from the best lady gynaecologist in Mumbai Dr Neelima Mantri today:
Rectovaginal Fistula Symptoms- How does Rectovaginal Fistula impact woman?
The abnormal connection of the rectum and vagina impacts both the reproductive and execratory function of a woman making it an emotionally distressing condition. Some of the most common symptoms suffered by a woman with Rectovaginal Fistula include:
- Passing gas or stool from the vagina
- Smelly vaginal discharge
- Incontinence
- Trouble controlling bowel movements
- Pain during intercourse
- Repeated urinary and vaginal infections
- Pain in the perineum (area between vagina and anus) or even in the vagina
Rectovaginal Fistula can be an embarrassing condition for a woman →
Vulvitis is one of the most common inflammatory conditions of female genitals that is experienced by women all around the world. It is similar to vaginitis that we talked about earlier – but with a minor difference. While vaginitis is inflame the insides of the vagina, Vulvitis refers to inflammation of the outer part of this reproductive organ. Though it is a common condition sometimes it can aggravate and cause persistent irritation, pain and swelling for several days at a stretch. We often get advanced cases of the Vulvitis which would be easily solved in days had they approached us earlier. Since most women overlook this condition as common itching, it tends to show up severe symptoms. So with the inputs from the top gynaecologist in Mumbai, Dr Neelima Mantri, we provide complete details about the symptoms, causes and options for Vulvitis treatment in Mumbai. Read on:
What is Vulvitis? What causes it?
The area outside the vagina is called the vulva and it includes a vaginal opening, labia majora, labia minora and clitoris. This entire area is made up of soft skin and tends to be moist and warm all the time which makes it vulnerable to infections, allergies, irritations and skin disorders – e →
A majority of women experience low blood pressure during pregnancy which usually gets sorted in their third trimester without medications. However, like everything in medical science, symptoms and their impact on health need not always be the same in every case. For example, low blood pressure which is considered common in pregnant women could be assigned to ectopic pregnancy where the fertilised egg is implanted outside the uterus. “Sometimes the symptoms caused by low blood pressure can be severe. In a few cases, they can even harm the baby too. This is the reason gynaecologists continuously monitor the blood pressure levels in women” says the best gynaecologist in Mumbai, Dr Neelima Mantri. So how exactly does low blood pressure impact pregnant women and what steps can be taken to mitigate their impact? Let us find out in this blog with the inputs from gynaecologist Dr Neelima Mantri here:
What causes low blood pressure during pregnancy?
As the woman has to support a baby now, the pregnancy demands an expansion of blood circulation in the body. The hormonal changes during the pregnancy also tend to dilate the blood vessels which also results in a lowering of blood pressure in the body. The blood pressure →
Generally, vaginas have natural odors that vary from one woman to another. The natural odor is often considered to smell nothing but flesh-like, something which hardly has a smell. But sometimes due to physical reasons a vagina can smell strongly and slightly different from the natural odour.
Vaginal Odor Causes and Symptoms –
Though there is no other way of telling if a person has a strong vaginal odour except when a person comes too close to it and smells it. But there are some signs and symptoms that may indicate that you may have a slightly different vaginal odour than what is natural. The symptoms are –
- Vaginal itching – irritation and itching in the vagina can be because of many reasons. But mostly it means yeast infections or other vaginal infections caused by the overgrowth of bacterial vaginosis. It is an ingrown bacterium that is most active in a woman’s reproductive years. Too much of it may upset a woman’s pH level and can give her a different vaginal odour.
Vaginal itching can be also because of poor vaginal hygiene. Sometimes excessive use of soap or unnatural cosmetics down there can also give you vaginal itching.
- Vaginal discharge – now vaginal discharge means when your vagina discharges fluid from y
Breastfeeding makes the most critical and fundamental part of nutrition for the baby. It’s the nature design to ensure the offspring receives all the vital nutrients for the other which is why it is an essential practice among all the mammals on planet earth. But why exactly is it is beneficial for the nurturing of the baby? What makes breastmilk a superfood for babies and does breastfeeding benefit the mother too? We often get plenty of questions at our gynaecology clinic in Mumbai, in today’s blog we have decided to answer them. What is breastfeeding? How often should the baby be fed? Feeding the breastmilk to the baby to ensure survival and optimal health to the baby is breastfeeding. Gynaecologists strongly recommend mandatory breastfeeding until 6 months and as soon as the food habits slowly pick up, breastfeeding is recommended to continue throughout the year. Frequency of the breastfeeding depends upon the baby’ choice of feeding – short or long feeding habits. Usually new-born are to be fed every 2-3 hours, 2-months babies are to be fed every 3-4 hours and 6-month nannies are to be fed every 4-5 hours on average. So now how exactly breastfeeding is beneficial to mother and baby? Coming up, right away: Benefits of Breastfeedin →
Labour can be very painful, unbearable even, for some mothers. So, if you are thinking of getting an epidural to help you cope with the intense pain, then you are not alone. Observations have shown that more than 60% of women delivering in hospitals opt for an epidural during labour and delivery. Understanding the concept of Epidural? An epidural is an anaesthetic that numbs the body making it unable to feel any sort of sensation or pain. How Does It Work? This anaesthetic is injected into the space around the spinal nerves called the epidural space in your lower back by an anesthesiologist via a catheter. The process of numbing begins within 10 to 30 minutes. The catheter remains in the epidural space during labour and delivery to continually provide the medication when needed. Epidurals eliminate the pain from labour contractions as well as during birth quite effectively. Therefore, with this anaesthetic, birthing is made less painful. Types Of Epidurals While experiencing labour pains, you may be offered different types of epidurals. You must know which type you prefer.
- Epidural Block
This type of epidural is an amalgamation of analgesics along with anaesthetics. It is considered to be common which usually surfaces during childbirth. The block is injected through a cathet →
Pregnancy is considered one of the most significant gifts of nature and the most vital essence of being a woman. During pregnancy, various parts of the body are involved and are required to be perfectly healthy. Therefore, the proper functioning of all the features is essential to ensure a smooth and successful pregnancy experience. The gynac in Mumbai states that a critical section in pregnancy refers to the cervical mucus. What is cervical mucus? Cervical mucus is a thick, dense, gel-like fluid that is produced by the cervix. The composition of this discharged fluid changes during every menstrual cycle due to multiple hormonal changes. The fluctuating hormones stimulate the cervix to produce cervical mucus. This mucus changes its texture and thickness as the woman has conceived an egg. Why do women need cervical mucus to conceive an egg?
- A woman can’t get pregnant without the presence of cervical mucus. This is because this fluid is necessary for the sperm to swim and strive to reach the egg and allow pregnancy.
- The flow of cervical mucus is increased right before ovulation. Its consistency is like egg whites. The flow is increased since ovulation is the time when the chance of getting pregnant is the most.
What is cervical mu →
It is common for women nowadays to experience an overactive bladder which might be a huge problem for them. They might be suffering from symptoms of stress urinary incontinence and if a person needs a permanent solution to this problem of theirs, they might opt to go for sling surgery for bladder problems. Keep reading to know what it is and what the procedures are. What is sling surgery? Sling surgery is quite a common surgery that doctors perform on patients who might be suffering from a urinary stress inconsistency. It is also known as a urethral sling surgery and a mid-urethral sling surgery. A person can easily come to know that they are suffering from it if little actions like coughing, lifting something, laughing, or sneezing puts pressure on their bladder which makes them pee a little bit. In this surgery, a sling is placed around the urethra of a woman which helps in lifting it back to its normal position. This helps in removing the pressure on it while doing any activity and this in return, stops the unwanted pee after every action. The sling is like a hammock that supports the urethra which helps in preventing leaks. The sling which is used in the surgery can be made out of muscle, ligament, or tendon tissue taken from the woman’s body or it might be made up of a s →
Feeling anxious and tensed is common for first-time moms as the due date approaches. “It’s absolutely fine to be nervous. Please do now that it’s natural and knowing what comes your way and being prepared for it will not only help you ease your nerves but also smoothens your whole experience”, says Dr Neelima Mantri leading gynaecologist who has helped hundreds of women with successful normal delivery in Mumbai. But how does a woman get to know what exactly is coming her way and how does she prepare for it? This blog is our answer. Here we discuss the final trimester and give you handy delivery tips from Dr Neelima Mantri that can help pregnant women better prepare for labour. Read on: Prepare your body: Normal delivery requires strength to help you endure and exercises are the best way to develop your strength and stamina as you prepare for your labour. This doesn’t mean you will have to lift weights and perform aerobics, you will just have to perform simple exercises within your capacity. Look up for antenatal exercises, pregnancy yoga, and pelvic floor exercises, simple walking during this period to improve your pelvic strength and general mobility. As every woman’s condition is different we advise your contact your →