Diarrhea During Pregnancy Symptoms and Treatment

0 9 June 2021
Diarrhea During Pregnancy Symptoms and Treatment

Diarrhea is nothing good to write home about, no matter when you are visited by this nasty condition. Diarrhea can strike anytime but managing it can be even tougher especially during pregnancy. However if it’s any consolation, Diarrhoea is common among pregnant women and most women have successfully combatted the condition. At our clinic in Mumbai, gynaecologist Dr Neelima Mantri has successfully treated hundreds of diarrhea in pregnancy cases and all we can say is with the right guidance and treatment diarrhea is easy to manage and come out of it unscathed. If you are pregnant and are still wary about Diarrhea, the first thing you can do is to improve your awareness about the condition – know the causes, remedies and treatment options beforehand. And this blog will help you know them, read on: Diarrhea & Its Symptoms: First things first, if you happen to experience 4 or more loose bowel movements in a day, it can be considered as a case of Diarrhea. Most common symptoms are obviously loose and watery stools, nausea, feeling bloated or gassy, cramping and sometimes fever. Causes of Diarrhea in Pregnancy:  Given you are already carrying your child in your belly, as they grow the space inside is limited and the intestine, oesophagus and sto

0 8 April 2021
Natural Pregnancy Cures: Back, Pelvis, and Hip Pain

Pregnancy is special and beautiful. But the struggle of bringing a child on the Earth is massive. While family and friends celebrate when they see the baby bump, the mother may suffer from pain and discomfort. During pregnancy, some health difficulties are quite natural yet hard to bear with. The best gynecologist in India has suggestions for pregnant women who are enduring natural pregnancy problems. The most common side-effect of pregnancy is a pain in various body parts, especially in the back, pelvic area, and hip. Let us look into the advice of the top Gynecologist in Mumbai to cure the common pregnancy problems.

  • Back pain

Back pain is a very common problem among most would-be mothers. Therefore, doctors always suggest women strengthening their backs before they try to get pregnant. Regular exercise suffices to keep the back healthy. Yoga, swimming, cycling, walking, and sitting straight can help women to make their backs strong. As the baby grows in the womb, the body becomes heavier naturally changing the body posture of the mother. This makes the back muscles fatigued. The weight gain also often causes pain and fatigue in the neck and shoulder. Th

0 7 January 2021
Pregnancy and Infant Loss Precautions – Best Infertility Treatment in Mumbai

Pregnancy and infant loss has a huge impact on families, their mental state, and well being. Even though many facilities offer to help, the loss is still irreparable. Organizations offer compassionate, skilled, and individualized support from professionals and it’s very important but it’s better to prevent the loss from happening in the first place. Pregnancy is a very crucial and tender stage of every woman’s life, as a study shows that almost 15% of women experience a miscarriage. This could be because of random chromosomal abnormalities or because of obesity, diabetes, advancing age, thyroid disorders, and hypertension, which also increase the chances of miscarriage. These are the issues that are not completely in your control but other ways can reduce the risk of miscarriage, infant loss, or stillbirth. Doing the best and taking great pregnancy and infant loss precautions is a necessity and must be kept in mind. Here is a list of certain precautions every woman must follow during pregnancy to decrease the risk of child loss.

  • Flu shots
  • Being careful in the kitchen
  • Being hygienic
  • Proper diet
  • Taking medications
  • Quitting bad habits

 Infertility Treatment in Mumbai Besides taking precautions,

0 28 January 2019
Breastfeeding Benefits for Mothers Health

Breastfeeding is not only good for infants for improving their general health, but also beneficial for mothers, as they carry lesser risks of cancer and cardiovascular disease for long years to come. Lactation period is an essential stage, where infants get the right type of nourishment, and mothers who fail to breastfeed carry more risks of breast cancer, diabetes, ovarian cancer and other serious health issues. Timely breastfeeding can help mothers to ensure that the important functions of the body work in harmony and prevent the risk of many diseases, otherwise the effects of the systems going out of order can last for evn decades. Beneficial hormones are released within he mother’s body due to breastfeeding, where prolactin and Oxytocin hormones help the mother to stay relaxed and to enhance the response in nurturing the baby. In fact, Oxytocin level helps the uterus to contract more quickly, thus reducing the risk of bleeding soon after the birth of the child. Pitocin is a synthetic hormone which is based on Oxytocin that helps the uterus to contract. Breast milk contains all the essential nutrients and vitamins that are needed for the growth of a baby for the first six months. Moreover, breast milk contains the essential substances that help in fighting diseases, thus keeping the baby in good health. A myriad of consequences can take place after a child