Placenta Previa: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

by | Sep 28, 2023 | Blog, Pregnancy Complications

Placenta previa is a condition where the baby’s exit path from the womb is blocked by the abnormal positioning of the placenta. Naturally, this blockage can result in a number of serious complications, which include vaginal bleeding, preterm birth, blood loss, placental abruption, infection, foetal distress, and more. Since the exit route is blocked by the placenta, it may also necessitate choosing a caesarean-section to ensure safe delivery.

While a C-section is performed to ensure safe delivery, the reasons for placenta previa being a serious condition lie in the complications it may cause over the course of pregnancy. “A C-section is performed only at the right time, and by the time the C-section is performed, the pregnant women may have to experience a range of complications from the placenta previa which may impact the overall health of the women and baby”, says leading female gynaecologist in Mumbai Dr Neelima Mantri.

What exactly causes Placenta Previa, and how does a gynaecologist in Mumbai solve the complications and treat this condition? We asked gynaecologist in Mumbai, Dr. Neelima Mantri. Read on to know her answers:

What is Placenta Previa?

The placenta is a unique organ that grows inside the womb. Its primary role is to supply oxygen and essential nutrients to the developing baby from the mother’s bloodstream. It aids in the removal of waste products from the foetus’s blood.

Moreover, the placenta acts as a protective barrier, shielding the baby from harmful toxins that may be present in the mother’s body. It also produces hormones that support the optimal development of the foetus. In short, the placenta is like an all-in-one support system for the baby.

The development of this organ occurs shortly after fertilization. It attaches itself to the upper part of the uterus and goes about its functions. However, in very rare cases, it tends to develop in the bottom part of the uterus, where the baby’s exit (cervix)tends to be. This placenta may block the cervix, creating a host of pregnancy problems.

Placenta Previa Symptoms:

Because the placenta finds itself in the wrong location of the uterus, blocking the cervix, it interferes with the functioning of the uterus’ lining. It may disrupt the blood flow to the lining, leading to the damage of blood vessels, causing vaginal bleeding, which is the most common Placenta Previa symptom experienced by women.

Additional Placenta Previa symptoms may include unnatural abdominal pain and irregular uterine contractions.

What Causes Placenta Previa? How is it Treated?

“There is no one exact cause of Placenta Previa, but it is considered to be an end result of various risk factors that come together to cause it,” says obstetrician in Mumbai, Dr. Neelima Mantri. Prior C-section or uterine surgery, maternal age over 35, multiple pregnancies, smoking, substance abuse, previous placenta previa, and uterine abnormalities are some of the common risk factors for Placenta Previa development in women.

Treatment for Placenta Previa in Mumbai:

The treatment for Placenta Previa depends on the severity of vaginal bleeding, the gestational stage of the pregnancy, and the exact position of the placenta, as well as the health of the woman and the baby. If the placenta is only partially covering the cervix, then the gynaecologist may recommend rest, avoiding strenuous exercises and sexual intercourse, prioritizing bed rest, and frequent prenatal checkups.

In cases where the placenta is completely covering the cervix, the severity of the Placenta Previa complications poses a higher risk. In these cases, interventions such as medication to prevent early labour, steroid shots to optimize baby development, blood transfusions to compensate for heavy bleeding, and other medical treatments may be recommended.

“If Placenta Previa is diagnosed in the second trimester of the pregnancy, the condition may resolve on its own over time. It is much more challenging if Placenta Previa is identified in the late stages of pregnancy,” says gynaecologist in Mumbai Dr. Neelima Mantri. So, it is always recommended to frequently undergoes checkups to ensure early identification and effective treatment of these medical conditions. If you are in Mumbai and are looking for gynaecologist in Mumbai, you contact Dr. Neelima Mantri here: +91 70451 15577


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Dr Neelima

MS & Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery – Obstetrics & Gynaecology, MBBS Obstetrician, Gynecologist

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