When a couple does not want to have children anymore there are many methods of contraception available – temporary and permanent. Sterilisation is a method of permanent birth control or contraception that is a safe, effective and complication-free family planning procedure.
At our gynaecology clinic in Mumbai we get many queries about this procedure and with the support of our gynaecologist in Mumbai, Dr Neelima Mantri we aim to answer common queries in this blog today. Read on:
Why choose sterilisation for birth control?
Sterilisation is the most effective and safest form of contraception that is available today. Since it is only for people who have once and for all decided to not have children in the future, there is no other method as effective or as safe. As there are two types of sterilisation available it is convenient too.
What are the different types of sterilizations available?
Sterilisation can be performed on either men or women so there are two types of sterilizations available – male sterilization and female sterilization.
How are male sterilization and female sterilization procedures performed?
Male sterilization: Sperms that are made in testes are transported to the penis via a tube called vas deferens. Male sterilization commonly called Vasectomy is performed by cutting the tube that takes sperm to the penis preventing the sperm to come out during intercourse.
Female sterilization: Similarly the eggs produced in the ovary reach the uterus through fallopian tubes. Female sterilization also called tubal ligation, these tubes are blocked or cut to prevent the egg from reaching the uterus, leading to permanent birth control.
Does female sterilization involve surgery?
Naturally yes. The female sterilization is performed using mini-laparotomy or laparoscopy, both are minimally invasive procedures. The procedures are simple and recovery is quick.
Which sterilisation is more effective?
The choice of sterilization is an individual decision. While both types of sterilisations are effective in equal measures, gynaecologists in Mumbai like Dr Neelima Mantri say male sterilization or vasectomy is more effective, quicker and also doesn’t require an anaesthetic.
How long does sterilization take to achieve permanent contraception?
According to Mumbai’ gynaecologist Dr Neelima Mantri, on average it can take a week after the laparoscopy operation performed for female sterilization. The recovery may take 2-3 weeks if mini-laparotomy is performed for sterilization and if this operation is performed immediately after having a baby, the recovery may take longer.
As for male sterilization using vasectomy, it can take around 3 months for the male semen to be completely free of sperm. After this period perm test is performed to check the result of the procedure. In the interim, the couple is advised to use an alternative form of contraception for birth control.
Does male and female sterilisation protect from sexually transmitted infections (STI)?
Unfortunately, no. Male and female sterilization only stop the sperm and egg from reaching their intended positions to avoid pregnancy. Tubal ligation and vasectomy do not protect against sexually transmitted diseases.
It is absolutely fine to have more queries and doubts about male and female sterilization procedures. If you need more information about this procedure, Mumbai’s top gynaecologist Dr Neelima Mantri will be happy to answer your questions and clarify your doubt. You can contact her here: +91 7045115577