Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome: Symptoms & Risk Reduction

0 13 September 2023
Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome: Symptoms & Risk Reduction

Fertility medications and Assisted Reproductive Treatments greatly help women with fertility problems today. “These treatments have significantly increased the chances of conception for women, bestowing them the chance at parenthood,” says the best gynaecologist in Mumbai, Dr. Neelima Mantri.

Promise of Parenthood Comes With a Minor Risk: Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome

Like every other beneficial treatment option, these treatments also have specific side effects, manifesting in rare cases. Ovarian Hyperstimulation is one such side effect of fertility treatment options, impacting women’s health through blood clots, dehydration, weight cysts, and kidney problems in sporadic cases. So, any woman who aims to benefit from fertility medications or assisted reproductive technologies must also be aware of this rare ovarian syndrome to tread carefully on this path. In this blog, we help you understand this syndrome, discuss its symptoms, and then give you tips to reduce its chance of occurrence. Read on:

What is Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome?

If fertilization of eggs produces the baby, these eggs are produced by ovaries. Given assisted fertility treatments, more eggs than usual, ovaries are stimulated using medications to make multiple eggs, which are then used

0 18 August 2023
Know About Transvaginal Mesh & Its Complications

Transvaginal mesh is a surgical mesh used to treat stress-related urinary incontinence, a condition where women, particularly those post-childbirth, experience urinary leakage from the bladder during high-impact activities such as running or jumping. Around 20% of women suffer from this problem, and surgery using a transvaginal mesh provides a low-complication method for treating the incontinence problem. But all this information only scratches the surface of the transvaginal mesh. The topic needs to be delved into deeply to understand the usage of transvaginal mesh, its uses and complications, and the reasons for the ongoing controversy in gynaecological treatment. With inputs from the best gynec laparoscopic surgeon in Mumbai, Dr. Neelima Mantri, we provide the complete information you need in this blog. Read on:

Transvaginal Mesh – A Treatment for Pelvic Disorders:

Urinary incontinence is only one aspect of pelvic disorder treated by transvaginal mesh surgery. Gynaecologists have been actively leveraging transvaginal mesh to treat various pelvic infections. To understand the role of transvaginal mesh, let us provide you with a backstory of the pelvic floor and its conditions. Pelvic Floor & Pelvic Organ Prolapse: The pelvic floor in women is a hammock-like stru

0 31 July 2023
Retroverted Uterus: Is It Normal or a Health Issue

The Retroverted uterus is a gynaecological condition where the uterus sits tilted towards the spine instead of its usual forward position. In most cases, this condition doesn’t affect reproductive health and is considered a normal variation in female anatomy. However, in some instances, this may impact regular bowel, urinary, and menstrual health too. “We often find a Retroverted uterus a common denominator of urinary tract infection, painful periods, and abnormal pain during pregnancy or sexual intercourse. Some women even find difficulties using tampons, which is usually the case with a Retroverted uterus,” says Dr. Neelima Mantri, a leading gynaecologist and best laparoscopic surgeon in Mumbai.

Is Retroverted Uterus Normal or a Health Issue?

A Retroverted uterus is a normal anatomical variation and is not considered a health issue. But it may cause complications and reproductive issues mentioned above in a few cases. The symptoms may vary from person to person, as does their severity. However, this answer needs a more thorough approach involving its impact on various aspects of reproductive health. So, we have answered the most frequently asked questions here, along with the causes of the Retroverted uterus. Read

0 29 March 2023
What Are The 4 Stages Of the Menstrual Cycle?

A woman’s body undergoes a monthly hormonal process known as the Menstrual Cycle, which readies it for the potential of pregnancy. The duration of the cycle varies from one woman to another but typically lasts between 28-32 days. According to the top 10 gynecologists in Mumbai, the Menstrual Cycle consists of four distinct phases, each with its specific characteristics and alterations.

Stage 1: Menstrual Phase

The first stage of the Menstrual Cycle is called the menstrual phase. This phase starts the Menstrual Cycle and lasts between three to seven days. The menstrual phase is characterized by the shedding of the endometrial lining, which lines the uterus, resulting in menstrual bleeding. Low levels of estrogen and progesterone hormones are present in the body during this phase. These hormones regulate the menstrual cycle, and when their levels decrease, the body sheds the endometrial lining. As the lining sheds, it exits the body through the cervix and vagina, which causes menstrual bleeding.

Stage 2: Follicular Phase

The second of the four stages of the menstrual cycle,  the follicular phase is the second stage that occurs after the menstrual phase ends. This phase usually lasts for around 10-14 days and is marked by a surge in estrogen levels in the body.

0 28 March 2023
Short Luteal Phase: Causes Symptoms and Treatment

A short luteal phase is a common condition that affects many women who are trying to conceive. It occurs when the time between ovulation and menstruation is less than 10 days, which can make it difficult for a fertilized egg to implant and develop into a pregnancy. In this article, we will discuss the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for a short luteal phase and how the best gynaecologist in Mumbai can help you to overcome this medical condition.

Causes of Short Luteal Phase

Numerous elements may reason for a brief luteal phase. Some of the causes include: Hormonal imbalances:

  1. A hormonal imbalance can affect the menstrual cycle and disrupt the ovulation process, leading to a short luteal phase.
  2. Stress: High levels of stress can interfere with the body’s hormone production and affect the menstrual cycle.
  3. Low body weight: Women with low body weight may have irregular menstrual cycles and a short luteal phase.
  4. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS): PCOS is a common condition that can cause hormonal imbalances and affect the menstrual cycle.

Symptoms of Short Luteal Phase

The symptoms of a short luteal phase can vary from woman to woman. Some of the most common symptoms include:

  1. Menstrual cramps: Women with a short luteal phase may experience painf

0 21 October 2022
Vaginal Agenesis: Symptoms & Treatment

Vaginal Agenesis is a congenital abnormality where the foetus is born with an underdeveloped vagina. Yes, that can happen in rare cases, say 1 out of 5000. Like a few foetuses are born with an underdeveloped spine, arms, legs or kidneys, a few are born with an underdeveloped vagina which is then repaired by specialist surgeons. What symptoms identify this condition, what causes this condition and how is it treated?  With the inputs from the top gynaecologist in Mumbai Dr Neelima Mantri, we have answered the most commonly asked question about Vaginal Agenesis. Read on to know the answers:

What is Vaginal Agenesis?

As said above Vaginal Agenesis is a congenital abnormality where the vagina of the foetus may not fully develop to be a normal one. While some girls have shorter vaginas, others have remnant ones or even lack one completely. “More often than not this condition develops in tandem with other abnormalities of the reproductive system like underdeveloped fallopian tubes, or uterus, even spine and kidney growth problems too”, says the best lady gynaecologist in Mumbai, Dr Neelima Mantri.

Vaginal Agenesis Symptoms:

In some cases, the outer organs appear normal and

0 25 February 2022
Thyroid Disease in Pregnancy | Dr Neelima Mantri

The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland that is wrapped around the windpipe at the front of the neck. Like every other gland in the human body, thyroids produce hormones that are responsible for a specific function in the body. In the case of the thyroid, it produces hormones that are responsible for controlling the metabolic rate of the body by monitoring digestive, heart and muscle functions in the body. The thyroid gland produces optimal hormones to keep the body running at an optimal rate. Thyroid disease is a medical condition where the thyroid fails to produce the right amount of these hormones and as result impact the normal functioning of the body leading to a variety of problems. The impact of his thyroid disease in pregnancy is even more given the sensitive nature of the health of the women during this stage. In this blog today we are going to discuss the case of thyroid in pregnancy – its types, symptoms and complications with the help of the best gynaecologist in Mumbai, Dr Neelima Mantri.

Role of Thyroid during Pregnancy:

Thyroid hormones are essential for the essential for normal development of the baby’s nervous system and brain. The babies

0 16 December 2021
Non-Surgical Treatments for Prolapse | Dr Neelima Mantri

Weakened supporting tissues are the main cause of prolapse. Prolapse refers to the bulging or falling out of a body part, such as the rectum or the vagina. It is also a result of prolonged heavy pressure on the pelvic floor. This condition might happen during delivery of a child, chronic constipation, violent coughing, or heavy lifting.

What happens when women experience prolapse?

The pelvic floor muscles, tissues, and ligaments of women stretch out because of weakening. The prolapse paves way for the organs to drop from their original position. In severe cases, women might even experience the falling out of the vagina itself.

Is there a non-surgical treatment method for prolapse?

There are two major non-surgical treatments available to address the issue of prolapse among women- pelvic floor muscle training for mild cases and the insertion of a vagina pessary for severe cases.

     > Pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT):

This gynecologist treatment method addresses the root issue of the prolapse- weakness muscles. The pelvic floor exercises are effective in strengthening the lower floor of the pelvis. Women with mild abdomen pressure and mild bladder leakage are suggested to carry out the list of exercises in t

0 16 December 2021
Urinary Tract Infections Treatment in Mumbai

A urinary tract infection (UTI) happens to be anyone’s nightmare. The excruciating pain, weakness, and discomfort are just a few of the many inconveniences that one has to go through while having a UTI. Urinary tract infections are more common in women than are in men, and their intensity can vary depending on many factors. Mild urinary tract infections can simply involve the bladder or the urethra; while the serious ones go on to involve the kidney as well. It is a self-diagnosable disease with treatments available.

Causes for UTI

Causes for urinary tract infections mostly happen to be microorganisms like bacteria entering the body through the urethra to the urinary tract. This infection can be classified into two types based on the causes:

     > Cystitis: Escherichia coli (E. coli) are the main cause of the infection of the bladder, also known as cystitis. This bacterium is usually found in the gastrointestinal tract. Cystitis can also happen due to unprotected sexual intercourse in some cases.

     > Urethritis: When thegastrointestinal bacteria spread from the anus to the urethra, Urethritis has its chances to exist. This infection of the urethra is also caused by herpes, gonorrhea, chlamydia, and mycoplasma.

0 12 February 2021
Prostate Cancer in Women by Dr Neelima Mantri

There are numerous types of cancers and complications arising from them which affect women. For instance, breast cancer, cervical cancer, and the effects of cervical cancer in pregnancy. This article seeks to create awareness about these issues so that people know the potential risks and for timely diagnosis and possible prevention of these cancers. All of us have heard about prostate cancer in men, it is one of the most common types of cancers that affect men. The term female prostate cancer is rare. Is there such a thing as a female prostate gland or prostate cancer in women? Let us find out. Prostate Gland in Women- Myth or Reality? Medically speaking, women do not have a prostate gland. There are, however, glands with corresponding ducts on the front of the vagina known as Skene’s glands which are popularly known as female prostate because their functions are similar to the prostate gland in men. These similarities raise the question: ‘can women develop prostate cancer’? Prostate Cancer in Women The answer to the question raised in the previous section is yes. This type of cancer is quite rare which makes it difficult for researchers to conduct studies on it for the purpose of observing it and findi