How Does Diabetes Affect Pregnant Women?

0 21 June 2018
How Does Diabetes Affect Pregnant Women?

High blood sugar levels in pregnant women can cause birth defects and can also increase the chances of miscarriage. Let us now discuss elaborately how diabetes can affect a pregnant woman. It is important to consult a doctor as soon as you come to know that you are pregnant, as high blood glucose level during the early stages of pregnancy can have a negative bearing on the outcome on successful pregnancy. It is during the early period (2 to 4 weeks) that the baby gets affected due to high blood sugar level because it is during this period that the organs of the baby start forming, such as the head, heart and the lungs. There is always a chance of these organs being defective due to diabetes. Examples of such defects include defects in the heart, spine or the brains. There are many health problems that a pregnant woman can develop due to diabetes. Such problems include kidney disease and problems of the eye. Other health problems that a pregnant woman can develop include toxemia, which is a problem related to high blood pressure and excess proteins in the urine as a result of high level in blood sugar. These problems generally arise during the second half of the pregnancy and may become life threatening both to the mother as well as the baby. In mos

0 21 June 2018

While stress and depression, which are part of our lives can be overcome at some or other point, women suffering from infertility stress can find it hard to overcome until they give birth to a baby. Depression and stress are the two factors that can take a toll on women undergoing infertility treatment, especially in cases where there have been multiple miscarriages. Although we cannot change the circumstances that lead to depression and stress, there are ways by which women are able to deal with them. Here are some ways by which you can deal with depression & stress during infertility?

  1. There may be at times when you might feel discomfort when somebody asks you about getting pregnant and babies during a social interactive session. This is where you will need the support of your husband to overcome the situation which can make you feel distressed. Your husband can approach you with some simple gestures that will show that you are both equal partners.
  2. Practice dancing alone or with a group. This will help you to release stress and depression. Make it a daily habit dancing to your favorite items. This will keep your body and mind free.
  3. Pick up some hobby that will keep you engaged for a certain period of time. This will help your mind to be diverted to the new occupation and to o

0 27 February 2018

Pregnancy is a wonderful time in the life of woman. There is excitement and anticipation of parenthood. Pregnant mothers often find themselves in wide varying mood swings. From joy to irritation to weepy to stressed, the mood swings are normal and expected in the life of a would be mother. The mood swings would happen frequently and increase as the delivery date inches closer. There are some commonly observed mood swings during pregnancy and are elucidated below.

  • Depressed Thoughts:

The thoughts and mood swings are influenced by the release of hormones in the body. hey alter the release of neurotransmitters from the brain leads to various changes in the body. Being unsure about pregnancy is pretty common and depressed views lasts for some time before being vanquished. If it extends for couple of days more, consult the doctors.

  • Feeling Lost:

There is time when you will lose track of time and activity. You will keep on holding a bedsheet in hand while roaming across the house. This is the moment to relax and allow other people to take care of the household activities. Time to unwind and listen to some music.

  • Irritable and Angry Mode:

Even at rest, the amount of energy spent by a pregnant woman is same as that of an average male doing mountain climbing. shifting centre of

0 27 April 2017
5 Most Common Gynae Problems Every Woman Must Know

The most common Gynae problems faced by every woman is due the hormonal imbalance. Most women are unaware of the symptoms of gynecological problems, which may include excess urination, back pain and other signs, and take it for granted as symptoms not related to the reproductive system. Very often they treat themselves by taking NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), which is unfortunate. Every woman should be well informed about some common gynecological problem and the symptoms related to them, so that proper treatment is carried out instead of being neglected. Here are 5 most common gynae problems every woman must know.

  1. Ovarian Cysts – Follicular cyst is the most common type of ovarian cyst which is caused due to many reasons, where the follicle is unable to open for releasing the eggs during the menstrual cycle. Corpus luteum cyst is another type of ovarian cyst where the corpus luteum persists as a cyst within the ovary.
  2. Dysmenorrhea– There are two types of dysmenorrhea, primary dysmenorrhea and secondary dysmenorrhea. The symptoms of primary dysmenorrhea include pain in the lower abdomen or back, whereas the symptoms of secondary dysmenorrhea include cramps during the early stages of the menstrual cycle, lasting longe

0 27 February 2017
Complications After Laparoscopic Hysterectomy Surgery

Dr. Neelima Mantri is the best doctor for laparoscopic hysterectomy surgery in Mumbai. She is the best gynecologist and obstetrician in Mumbai. There are some Complications after laparoscopic hysterectomy surgery. Basically, a hysterectomy is a surgery for the deportation of a woman’s womb. This also stops the menstrual cycle in women and the ability to become pregnant. In some cases, this treatment is life-saving and important to improve a woman’s quality of life. For example, women who have uterine cancer may need to remove the uterus. Regardless of the type of treatment used, hysterectomy is a major surgical procedure with the probability of several complications. According to Dr. Neelima Mantri, there are the following Complications after laparoscopic hysterectomy surgery: Infection – infection are some of the most common complications. The Infection generally occurs at the top of the vagina. While infections normally respond to antibiotics, but sometimes surgery be required to treat the infection. Blood loss – the average blood lost at the time of hysterectom

0 10 June 2016

Laparoscopy is procedure in which we look organs inside body. Pelvic laparoscopy comes under the category of Gynecologic laparoscopy. Gynecologic laparoscopy is used as an alternative for open surgery.You should consider to best laparoscopic surgeon for successful laparoscopy. It is used to look inside your lower part of tummy which includes womb, bowel, bladder, uterus etc. It is also a form of treatment. In which doctor uses miniaturized instruments to perform various surgeries such as-

  • Ovarian cyst removal
  • Tubal ligation, which is surgical contraception
  • Hysterectomy

Gynecologic laparoscopy contains shorter time for healing as compared to open surgery. A gynecologist performs this type of surgery. DR.Neelima Mantri is best laparoscopic surgeon Mumbai.She has experience of 10 years in her work. Reasons for  laparoscopy –

  • Unexplained pelvic pain
  • Unexplained infertility
  • A history of pelvic infection

Laparoscopy treatment consists-

  • Investigation of infertility
  • Ovarian cyst
  • Hysterectomy
  • Chronic Pelvic Pain
  • Ectopic pregnancy
  • Poly cystic ovary
  • Tubal ligation, sterilisation

Risk for any laparoscopy include-

  • Bleeding
  • Blood clots in the leg or pelvic veins, which could travel to the lungs and, rarely, be fatal

0 1 June 2016
Endometriosis Specialist Mumbai

Endometriosis is diseases in which tissues that normally grow inside the uterus grow outside the uterus. Endometriosis is estimated to occur in roughly 6%-10% women. It is mostly occurs in age of thirties and forties. Depending upon the location of endometrial tissue it also affect the other organs such as ovaries, bladder etc. It also affects the women’s reproductive organs. The symptoms of endometriosis vary. Some women have mild symptoms and other can have moderate to serve symptoms. Pelvic pain is most common symptom of endometriosis. Dr. Neelima Mantri (Endometriosis specialist Mumbai) describe that there are four stages of endometriosis and these stages are-

  • Minimal
  • Mild
  • Moderate
  • Severe

Treatments for endometriosis pain fall into three general categories:

  • Pain Meditation-
  • Hormone therapy
  • Surgical treatments

Dr. Neelima discuss various reasons of endometriosis-

  • Delay in child birth
  • Heaving bleeding during periods
  • First period before the age of 11
  • Changes in immune cells
  • Early pregnancy
  • Low body weight
  • Alcohol use

Endometriosis can eliminate by various methods such as-birth control pills, GnRH agonists, danazol, laparoscopy, laparotomy, surgery to sever pelvic nerves etc. Endometriosis can cure early if proper treat

0 2 May 2016
Menorrhagia Treatment Mumbai

Menorrhagia is a disease take place in females. It is a  heavy overflow of blood during menstrual period. There are many reasons for heavy bleeding during menstrual period such as structural abnormalities in reproductive tract, anovulation, bleeding disorders, cancer of reproductive tract etc. This problem is eliminates by proper treatment. DR. Neelima Mantri provide best menorrhagia treatment Mumbai. According to her causes of menorrhagia are-

  • Hormone disturbances
  • Ovarian dysfunction
  • Uterine fibroids
  • Adenomyosis
  • Miscarriage
  • Ovarian cancer
  • PID (Pelvic inflammatory diseases)

But you can prevent this problem if you notice following signs and symptoms of menorrhagia in yourself-

  • Heavy vaginal bleeding
  • Heavy bleeding requiring the use of double sanitary pads
  • Having to change pads in the mid of night
  • Menstrual flow more than 1 week
  • Passage of blood clots which are the size of a quarter or larger
  • Inability to perform regular daily activities because of the bleeding and pain
  • Signs of anaemia which include tiredness, fatigue and shortness of breath
  • Constant lower abdominal and pelvic pain.

According to Dr. Neelima tests and diagnosis of menorrhagia include-

  • Physical Exam
  • Bleeding Diary
  • Blood tests to eva