Sciatica During Pregnancy: What Does It Happen?

0 24 February 2023
Sciatica During Pregnancy: What Does It Happen?

Sciatic nerve pain is a common condition that most pregnant women suffer at least once during pregnancy. The sharp shooting pain in the lower back that travels down the leg, aches and numbness can be irritatingly uncomfortable during pregnancy. Fortunately, there are a few remedies that can help get relief from the discomfort caused by Sciatica during pregnancy. In this blog today, with inputs from the best gynaecologist in Mumbai, Dr Neelima Mantri, we explain the reasons behind Sciatica during pregnancy. And then provide you with remedies that can provide relief from Sciatica. Read on to know:

What is Sciatica? 

The sciatic nerve is the largest in the human body that runs from the lower spinal cord to the sole through the deep layers of the buttock and back of the legs. Sciatica is a neurological condition when the sciatic nerve is inflamed, irritated or compressed. This results in pain and other symptoms that originate in the lower back, radiate deep into the glutes and travel down the leg. In most cases, Sciatica happens when nerves get irritated or compressed by slipped, ruptured or bulging discs, arthritis or even spinal stenosis (narrowing of the spinal cord). However, during pregnancy, Sciatica can happen due to a variety of other reasons.

Why does Sciatic happen during pregnancy?

0 16 February 2023
Cervical Cerclage Surgery Purpose & Procedure

A medical treatment called cervical cerclage is performed to lessen the risk of preterm birth and second-trimester foetal losses. To assist maintain the cervix intact during the time of pregnancy, more than one suture is placed around it during the surgery. This aids in preventing unwanted cervical openings or dilations, which might result in an untimely birth or miscarriage. The best gynaecologist in Mumbai will suggest this procedure in order to maintain the safety of the growing baby inside of your womb till the time for the delivery of your baby. This procedure is performed in the condition that the cervix is not strong enough to keep the uterus intact. This is also recommended to those women who have past experience of miscarriages or had past damage to the cervix. The medical procedure for the cervical cerclage The medical procedure involves the use of anaesthetic drugs to prevent your body from feeling any pain. You may feel a little pinch during the medical procedure. The best obstetrician in Mumbai will make sure that this pain is minimal during the whole procedure. The sutures are stitched over your cervix to tighten the cervical opening. Points to remember after the cervical cerclage Women who underwent this treatment experienced muscle cram

0 10 February 2023
Postpartum Bladder Urinary Retention Causes & Treatment

Postpartum Urinary bladder retention is a condition in the urinary bladder of a woman who has recently given birth to a child after a normal delivery. If ignored, this may result in significant discomfort, suffering, and even more severe health problems. This disorder might have a number of reasons.

Causes of Postpartum Bladder Urinary Retention

Giving birth to children increases the chance of weakening of the pelvic floor muscles, which is among the main reasons for postpartum bladder retention condition. According to the best gynecologist in Mumbai, if the lady underwent an episiotomy during birth, this might exacerbate the effect of the condition. It is also possible that the bladder can’t fully relax, which makes it challenging to fully empty the bladder. Lack of water consumption, which can lead to difficulty in passing the fluid discharge, as well as several drugs, such as opioids, antidepressants, and aspirin, are other potential reasons for this medical condition. The illness may also include psychological problems, such as emotions of anxiety or hyper-anxiety. This psychological condition can fluctuate before and after the pregnancy. Therefore, with proper consultation of a gynecologist in Mumbai, one can get proper treatment

0 28 November 2022
Dysmenorrhea Causes Symptoms & Treatment

That throbbing pain in the lower abdomen, legs and thighs during menstruation could be the most common pain that is experienced by almost all women in the world. As it is considered common pain, it is silently bore no matter how hard it tends to get. Pain during menstruation or even sex is common but it doesn’t have to be normal. Consistently intense pains are abnormal and Dysmenorrhea is a medical condition that is associated with this kind of abnormal cramps. “Women that we usually treat for Dysmenorrhea are unaware of the condition. They often assume it is a common pain and silently put up with it until it becomes unbearable to perform regular activities”, says a gynaecologist in Mumbai, Dr Neelima Mantri. So what is Dysmenorrhea, and what are its causes and treatment options? Here is what a lady gynaecologist in Mumbai Dr Neelima Mantri had to say:

What is Dysmenorrhea?

In general painful periods are often termed Dysmenorrhea. This condition causes severe and frequent cramps in the pelvic area, and pain in the lower back, legs and stomach during menstruation of women. All these symptoms are commonly experienced by every woman during the period, so how is Dysmenorrhea different from common symptom

0 15 November 2022
Vulvitis (Vulvar Itching) Causes Symptoms & Treatment

Vulvitis is one of the most common inflammatory conditions of female genitals that is experienced by women all around the world. It is similar to vaginitis that we talked about earlier – but with a minor difference. While vaginitis is inflame the insides of the vagina, Vulvitis refers to inflammation of the outer part of this reproductive organ. Though it is a common condition sometimes it can aggravate and cause persistent irritation, pain and swelling for several days at a stretch. We often get advanced cases of the Vulvitis which would be easily solved in days had they approached us earlier. Since most women overlook this condition as common itching, it tends to show up severe symptoms. So with the inputs from the top gynaecologist in Mumbai, Dr Neelima Mantri, we provide complete details about the symptoms, causes and options for Vulvitis treatment in Mumbai. Read on:

What is Vulvitis? What causes it?

The area outside the vagina is called the vulva and it includes a vaginal opening, labia majora, labia minora and clitoris.  This entire area is made up of soft skin and tends to be moist and warm all the time which makes it vulnerable to infections, allergies, irritations and skin disorders – e

0 21 September 2022
Low Blood Pressure: How Does It Affect Your Pregnancy?

A majority of women experience low blood pressure during pregnancy which usually gets sorted in their third trimester without medications. However, like everything in medical science, symptoms and their impact on health need not always be the same in every case. For example, low blood pressure which is considered common in pregnant women could be assigned to ectopic pregnancy where the fertilised egg is implanted outside the uterus. “Sometimes the symptoms caused by low blood pressure can be severe. In a few cases, they can even harm the baby too. This is the reason gynaecologists continuously monitor the blood pressure levels in women” says the best gynaecologist in Mumbai, Dr Neelima Mantri. So how exactly does low blood pressure impact pregnant women and what steps can be taken to mitigate their impact? Let us find out in this blog with the inputs from gynaecologist Dr Neelima Mantri here:

What causes low blood pressure during pregnancy?

As the woman has to support a baby now, the pregnancy demands an expansion of blood circulation in the body. The hormonal changes during the pregnancy also tend to dilate the blood vessels which also results in a lowering of blood pressure in the body. The blood pressure

0 9 August 2022
Adenomyosis vs Endometriosis Causes Diagnosis & Treatment

Adenomyosis is a disorder that causes heavy painful periods, blood clots during menstrual bleeding, and painful sexual intercourse. These symptoms are similar to that of Endometriosis and as a result, can be tough to detect. But the causes of both these conditions vary and so does the treatment. More often than not patients confuse take one condition to another. So with the inputs from a female gynaecologist and laparoscopic surgeon in Mumbai, Dr Neelima Mantri, we delve into this condition and help you understand eh difference between Adenomyosis and Endometriosis:

What is Adenomyosis?

Adenomyosis as a benign uterine condition is one of the causes of pelvic pain in premenopausal women. The endometrial tissue burrows deep into the muscle spaces that are between the inner and outer layers of the uterus.  This misplaced tissue thickens the muscle walls, distorts the vasculature of thru uterus and causes heavy painful periods in women.

Difference between Adenomyosis and Endometriosis?

Adenomyosis like endometriosis is also caused by misplaced growth of the endometrial tissue that lines the uterus. However, the key difference lies in the place of growth. In Endometriosis, the tissues can displace, attach and grow anywhere outside the uterus

0 21 June 2022
Vaginal Laxity: What You Need To Know

Women’s bodies are home to new lives and roller-coaster rides for all dancing hormones. Throughout their life, a woman’s body goes through lots of changes, which directly or indirectly affect her libido and sexual pleasure. One of the most drastic events for the body and psyche is being pregnant, carrying the life for nine months, delivering the same life, and the tornado of emotions with all the stress of being a mum takes a toll on the woman’s body. In this progressive era, the aftermath of delivery is still overshadowed by the ‘happiness of being a mum’. The concept of ‘VAGINAL LAXITY’, is experienced by all the new mothers after delivering their babies. Vaginal laxity, which is commonly abbreviated as VL is caused mostly due to pregnancy and vaginal birth, it is generally associated with vaginal looseness which leads to the loss of sensation in the vagina during intercourse or causes obstacles to healthy and satisfactory sexual relationships.

Understanding Vaginal Laxity

Vaginal laxity is as common as mass love for pizzas, but the catch here is love for pizzas is well known and well talked about, and on the other hand vaginal laxity is an underlying issue that is common among the world of new bee mums, however not talked about. Despite how common it is, females still are shy about VL. Instead of consulting the ob-gyn, m

0 20 June 2022
5 Menstrual Hygiene Tips Every Woman Must Know

Women seldomly speak when it comes to their menstrual health and hence, they tend to avoid proper guidance on Menstrual Hygiene which further increases the risks of getting infections. If you struggle from any discomfort or infection related to intimate health, you can seek the advice of a gynaecologist in Mumbai and get proper treatment.

What is Menstrual Hygiene?

Menstrual Hygiene refers to the healthy practices that are necessary for women to follow during menstruation. These practices are associated with good menstrual health and are required to adopt in order to avoid infections.

Why is Menstrual Hygiene Important?

During the process of menstruation, the occurrence of vaginal bleeding is normal. In order to cope with the discharge of blood, women acquire several measures to maintain their hygiene. However, there have been various misconceptions around Menstrual Hygiene due to prejudice and lack of information. People especially in India, associate menstruation with impurity and embarrassment which cause insecurities among young females, resulting in neglecting their intimate hygiene which in turn can lead to numerous health issues such as- UTIs, Fungal infections, Reproductive infections, Bacterial vaginosis, toxic shock

0 19 April 2022
What is Vulval Intraepithelial Neoplasia

Vulval Intraepithelial Neoplasia is a skin disorder that affects the vulva (outer part of the vagina). Vulval Intraepithelial Neoplasia is a precancerous condition i.e. it is no cancer but can potentially develop into Vulval Cancer when left untreated. What exactly causes Vulval Intraepithelial Neoplasia and how does this regular skin disorder of the vagina leads to cancer? To know answers we take help from the top gynaecologist in India Dr Neelima Mantri in this blog. Read on to know:

Relation between Cancer & Vulval Intraepithelial Neoplasia:

Cancer happens when the cells of certain body organs rapidly divide to form lump tissue. Vulval Intraepithelial Neoplasia is a vulva skin disorder where certain changes happen to the skin cells that rapidly divide into the lines of cancer. These abnormal cells thus formed sometimes go away on their own or over the course of time (10 years) cause cancer. To summarise – Vulval Intraepithelial Neoplasia is not vulva cancer, in a few cases it over time can develop into one. So it sure is a high-risk factor for Vulval Cancer.

What causes Vulval Intraepithelial Neoplasia?

The exact cause of Vulval Intraepithelial Neoplasia is not known but there are certain risk factors that increase the r