What Is Uterine Abnormality? How Does It Affect Fertility?

by | Jul 22, 2022 | Blog, Gynecologist

Uterus also called the womb, is the epicentre of female fertility. This hallow pear-shaped organ is where the embryo implants itself and the development of the foetus (unborn baby) happens. So naturally, the health of the uterus plays a key role in female fertility.

“The shape of the uterus, it’s lining and general health can even impact the success of the pregnancy and health of the child to be born. Any uterine abnormality whether it is congenital or acquired, can lead to fertility and pregnancy problems over time.” says lady gynaecologist in Mumbai, Dr Neelima Mantri.

It is estimated that 1 in every 10 women suffer from uterine abnormalities which come to create fertility problems for them. We often have women consult us at our clinic in Mumbai regarding fertility and pregnancy issues. And uterine abnormalities tend to be the most common issues suffered by all age groups. So with the input of gynaecologist Dr Neelima Mantri, we chose to raise awareness about uterine abnormalities and their role in fertility problems today. Read in to know:

What are uterine abnormalities?

A uterus that is in a different shape or size from the norm is called the abnormal uterus. The reason for this abnormal development can be congenital (in most cases) or acquired (trauma) uterine abnormality.

Congenital abnormalities: These types of abnormalities are formed during the embryonic life of the foetus. Depending on the type of abnormality, congenital abnormalities are further divided into Septate, Bicornuate, Arcuate, Unicornuate, and Didelphy abnormalities. These abnormalities occur in 5% of women.

Acquired uterine abnormalities: Acquired abnormalities are the uterine abnormalities that develop later in life. In most cases, they manifest in the form of menstrual cramps, heavy periods, irregular uterine bleeding, and other fertility and pregnancy problems. Uterine fibroids, polyps, and intrauterine adhesions are some of the common uterine abnormalities.

How do uterine abnormalities impact fertility/pregnancy?

The uterus is responsible for the implantation and growth of the embryo. So uterine abnormalities do negatively affect the chance of successful pregnancy. Each of them affects uterus differently and hence the severity and treatment may differ too:

> Uterine polyps are an overgrowth of the uterus lining which can increase the chance of miscarriage.

> Uterine fibroids also negatively impact the pregnancy outcome based on their specific location.

> The scar tissue that is caused by trauma/uterine adhesions can affect the healthy menstrual cycle of women.

> Luteal phase defect results in the suboptimal formation of the uterine lining which is also one of the most common factors of female infertility.

> All congenital uterine abnormalities increase the chance of miscarriage, and premature birth if they do not make pregnancy difficult.

Treatment for Uterine Abnormalities in Mumbai:

Each of the above uterine abnormalities has its way of interacting with the reproductive system and dampening the chances of pregnancy. So it is important to have tailored treatment for uterine abnormalities to improve fertility changes and improve pregnancy outcomes. If you are suffering from pregnancy/miscarriage problems we suggest you consult an experienced gynaecologist who can uncover the root cause and provide appropriate treatments.

Dr Neelima Mantri is the best gynaecologist in Mumbai who helped hundreds of women get rid of fertility problems with tailor-made treatment options. If you are in Mumbai, you can contact her here: https://www.drneelimamantri.com/

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Dr Neelima

MS & Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery – Obstetrics & Gynaecology, MBBS Obstetrician, Gynecologist

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