Recovery Tips for New Mothers after Delivery | Dr Neelima Mantri

0 6 February 2021
Recovery Tips for New Mothers after Delivery | Dr Neelima Mantri

Pregnancy is one of the most challenging, arduous and yet a rewarding journey a woman goes through in her life. Over 9 months, a woman goes an extra mile to keep the baby healthy and safe and naturally she undergoes significant changes, both physically and emotionally. But as a new mother, she has to remember that the post-partum period is even more crucial both for the health of the mother and the baby. However this advice is often overlooked by the new mothers and at our gynaecology clinic in Mumbai, we often treat patients who did not take this period seriously and consult only when complication arise. If you are a new mother, one simple advice we can give you is extra cautious about this period, get all your postpartum check-ups performed without a miss, and follow the below recovery tips: It’s going to be tough, so, rest – On average, a baby wakes up every 3 hours. You may have to feed, change clothes and comfort him to sleep and this can be exhausting for you alone leaving you short of sleep every day for months at a stretch. So you can make simple changes that can help you take as much rest possible with these tips:

  1. Take help from your partner or kin to have to help hand with these essential tasks to give you the much-needed breaks.
  2. Have your bed as near as possible to the baby to make

0 12 January 2021
Early Morning Habits of Pregnant Woman to Help Your Day Go Smoother

Pregnancy can be quite a daunting experience. You are growing another human being inside you, and that is a very complicated process. Your body goes through a lot of physical and hormonal changes that affect your physical as well and mental health. It is quite normal to make mistakes here and there, especially if it’s your first pregnancy. But it is also very important to maintain a healthy lifestyle and not give up on good habits during pregnancy. Taking care of yourself comes first. This is the advice from the best gynecologist doctor in India. Complications with pregnancy Pregnancy is a very intricate process and it puts a huge strain on the human body. The human body goes through a lot of changes that might be pleasant. Some of these complications are:

  • Puking: It is very common for women to pike through their pregnancy. While this might not seem like a big deal, it can be quite embarrassing for some and annoying for everyone
  • Weight Gain: Gaining weight and a chance in the shape of your body is something most women loath.
  • Inflammation: There is inflammation in different parts of the body like feet, hands

0 7 January 2021
Pregnancy and Infant Loss Precautions – Best Infertility Treatment in Mumbai

Pregnancy and infant loss has a huge impact on families, their mental state, and well being. Even though many facilities offer to help, the loss is still irreparable. Organizations offer compassionate, skilled, and individualized support from professionals and it’s very important but it’s better to prevent the loss from happening in the first place. Pregnancy is a very crucial and tender stage of every woman’s life, as a study shows that almost 15% of women experience a miscarriage. This could be because of random chromosomal abnormalities or because of obesity, diabetes, advancing age, thyroid disorders, and hypertension, which also increase the chances of miscarriage. These are the issues that are not completely in your control but other ways can reduce the risk of miscarriage, infant loss, or stillbirth. Doing the best and taking great pregnancy and infant loss precautions is a necessity and must be kept in mind. Here is a list of certain precautions every woman must follow during pregnancy to decrease the risk of child loss.

  • Flu shots
  • Being careful in the kitchen
  • Being hygienic
  • Proper diet
  • Taking medications
  • Quitting bad habits

 Infertility Treatment in Mumbai Besides taking precautions,

0 5 March 2020
Abnormal Uterine Bleeding: What are the causes and how is it treated?

Heavy or unusual bleeding through the vagina, experienced by women during or in-between the regular periods is called abnormal uterine bleeding. The bleeding is termed abnormal because it is usually irregular, heavier and is usually caused by hormonal or structural abnormalities of the female reproductive system. Abnormal uterine bleeding is more commonly diagnosed at the beginning of the reproductive cycle and at the end of it in older women. At our clinic in Mumbai, 20% of the AUB cases occur in adolescent girls, more than 50% are occur in women above age 40. Following are the situations when the uterine bleeding is considered abnormal: Bleeding between the normal periods.

  • Spotting or bleeding after intercourse.
  • Bleeding that happens after menopause.
  • Irregular cycles which vary by more than 8-9 days.
  • Abnormally heavy bleeding during your regular period.
  • Bleeding while your menstrual cycles happen to be shorter than 24 and longer than 38 days.

Causes of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding: There is no one single cause for abnormal uterine bleeding experienced by women. Following some of the causes of abnormal uterine bleeding experienced by women:

  1. Structural abnormalities like polyps,

0 30 January 2020
Anemia in Pregnancy – Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Pregnancy is the most memorable journey of every woman. It is also a phase their vulnerable to many health problems, a woman braves everything that the pregnancy hurls at her to make it to the delivery phase. One such problem most commonly experienced by the women in their pregnancy in Anemia. Anemia in Pregnancy: The women’s body goes through a series of significant changes over the course of pregnancy. The volume of blood in pregnant women increases by almost 25% and this increases the iron requirement to make sufficient haemoglobin. Most of the women do not get a sufficient amount of iron to their body in 2nd and third trimester resulting in Anemia. Iron is not the only nutrient required for the optimal production of red blood cells, Vitamin B12 and Folate play an important role, which is why their deficiency can lead to Anemia too. Although there are many kinds of this condition, Iron-deficiency, Vitamin B12 deficiency & Folate Deficiency Anemia are most common among pregnant women. 50% of Pregnant Women in India Suffer from Anemia:  A pregnant woman might suffer a higher risk of becoming anemic if she doesn’t consume enough iron, suffers a high pre-pregnancy menstrual flow, or conceive immediately after pregnancy without giving the body enough time to recuperate. Thou

0 25 March 2019
How to get Rid of Insomnia at Early Pregnancy

A new mom-to-be will be excited and worried at the same time. She will be excited thinking of welcoming a bundle of joy to her house while she may be anxious on the labor process and taking care of baby thereafter. Some pregnant women experience insomnia due to their inner worries during the first trimester of pregnancy. Understanding insomnia Insomnia means difficulty in falling asleep, staying asleep or both. Women may experience insomnia in all stages of pregnancy but it may be more common in first and third trimesters of pregnancy. You may feel miserable if you have insomnia but the good thing is that it’s not at all harmful for the baby. Factors which cause insomnia during pregnancy There may be many reasons for you to stay awake during the wee hours of the day. It may include:

  • Need to urinate frequently
  • Back pain
  • Vomiting or nausea
  • Leg cramps
  • Abdominal discomfort
  • Heartburn
  • Shortness of breath
  • Leg cramps

Managing Insomnia

  • Diet and exercise: Diet and exercise can have a great impact on your sleep. Keep yourself hydrated by drinking lots of water and avoid caffeine intake from late afternoon
  • Eat to sleep: Eat

0 11 March 2019
How to Recover from a C-section

Motherhood is a beautiful and fulfilling phase where the new mothers are anxious and excited in welcoming their new born and taking care of them. Some mothers will be also busy in thinking of shedding their weight after pregnancy. Having a baby can be a strainful experience to your body, especially if you are opting for a c- section delivery. Vaginal delivery is easier to recover when compared to C-section. The practice of tying a belt post pregnancy is believed to help in tightening the muscles, reduces the swelling and also helps in supporting the back. This belt can Support your abdomen as it won’t contract immediately after delivery naturally. There are different types of binds available to use such as wraps which are made out of cloth which can be used immediately after delivery, belts or splints which can be adjustable so as to increase or loosen the tightness in the abdomen. If it is a normal delivery, the mother can use binds within few hours post delivery. If it is a c-section, the doctor may recommend you to use binds only after the wound is healed which may take around six to eight weeks. It is advisable to use binds only after speaking your gynecologist regarding the same. Such belts can help in reducing tummy fat, to enhance your posture, toning tummy muscles and in back support and back pain reduction. Let’s find out certain tips to

0 25 January 2019
Best Lady Gynecologist In Mumbai

Every woman in the modern day would have visited a gynaecologist sometime or the other in their lives. Women are usually reluctant to visit gynaecologists, even today, as they have been growing up in a conservative environment or may be feeling embarrassed to share their personal details regarding gynaecology to a stranger. Women, especially adolescents, would be reluctant group. However, Most of the womenfolk out there may still have a question in their minds on the best lady gynecologist & obstetrician doctors in Mumbai. Well… You can stop searching for the best as you have landed into the right hands! It’s none other than Dr. Neelima Mantri. She is a gynaecologist, a laparoscopic surgeon and an obstetrician, who has over a decade of experience in the field. She even performs minimal access surgeries apart from the conventional gynaecology. Dr Neelima Mantri has extensive training in high risk obstetrics and has dealt thousands of risky cases successfully. When a woman wants to find out whether she is pregnant, obviously, she would look out for meeting a gynaecologist, who is well-experienced in the field. Dr Neelima Mantri Being one of the best gynecologist obstetricians in Mumbai, can help you from the initial stage of assess

0 19 October 2018
Best PCOS Treatment Mumbai

Dr. Neelima Mantri provides best PCOS treatment Mumbai. Basically, she is MS – Obstetrics and Gynaecology, MBBS Obstetrician, Gynaecologist. She has experience of 10 years in her field. PCOS stands for polycystic ovary syndrome. It is problem occurs in female in which her hormone balance get out off control. In this disease, balances of hormones get disturbed. With PCOS, female can have problem in their menstruation also chances of infertility increases. PCOS also cause unwanted problem in your appearance. According to Dr. Mantri, if PCOS is not properly treated at time, it may lead to serious health problems. It may lead to heart diseases and diabetes. With PCOS small cysts can grow in ovaries of female. This is the reason why it is named as polycystic ovary syndrome. These cysts are not too much harmful but it may disturb hormone balance. Early diagnose and treatment can cure this diseases. The example of disturbance of hormones with PCOS is the sex hormones get out of balance. With this, the ovaries make a tiny amount of male sex hormones. In PCOS, they start making slightly more androgens. This may stop ovulating, get acne, and grow extra facial and body hair. The body may have a problem using insulin, called insulin resistance. When the body doesn’t use insulin well, blood sugar levels go

0 24 August 2018
Laparoscopic Surgery Vs Open Surgery

No matter how big or small the procedure is, it is completely normal for the patient to feel anxious and stressed before undergoing a surgery. Most of their tensions revolve around the pain factor and recovery time which largely depend on the type of procedure chosen. Although the ultimate aim of these different procedures remains the same, the process remains different. Take Laparoscopy and open surgery for example. Though Open Surgery has been around for decades, Laparoscopy is found to be the most efficient in terms of recovery with a minimal amount of risks. So what is Laparoscopy and how is it better than Open Surgery? Let us find out: Open Surgery: Open surgery is a traditional method of surgery where a large incision (10 inches) is made by the surgeon using the scalpel and then the surgeon uses his instruments to perform surgery. Having a large incision may result in more pain, higher risk of complications, a lengthy recovery and hence longer hospital stays. Laparoscopic Surgery: In contrast with Open Surgery, Laparoscopic surgery uses a very small incision in the abdomen or pelvis cavities to carry out the procedure. A Laparoscope, i.e. a thin instrument with a video camera at the end of it is inserted into the small incision to give the view of the organs inside and the image is projected onto the screen for the surgeons to carry out t