Cervical Dysplasia Treatment in Mumbai

0 27 January 2022
Cervical Dysplasia Treatment in Mumbai

The precancerous condition in which there is abnormal cell growth on the surface lining of the cervix, opening between the uterus and on the vagina is referred to as cervical dysplasia. Even though women below thirty years of age are most prone to this condition, it can affect women belonging to any age group. Getting a routine test from your gynecologist specialist helps diagnose it at the right time.

Causes of Cervical Dysplasia

One of the most common causes of cervical dysplasia is the human papillomavirus (HPV) in cervical cells. While the immunity system of most people is efficient enough to get rid of such a virus, the infection can still manage to survive in a few cases. HPV is most commonly transmitted from one person to another sexually. This includes vaginal, anal, and oral intercourse. Even though it is primarily a sexually transmitted virus, it is also capable to spread by contact with the skin.

Treating Cervical Dysplasia

Just as in the case of any medical condition, the treatment options for cervical dysplasia also depend on the severity of the condition. For instance:

  • > Mild cervical dysplasia: in most cases, the treatment of mild cervical dysplasia only consists of

0 27 October 2021
What is Enterocele? How Is It Treated?

The prolapse of the small intestine i.e. descending of the small intestine into the lower pelvic cavity causing a vaginal bulge is called an Enterocele. On average 4% of women suffer this pelvic organ prolapse at some point in time, this risk increases in post-menopausal women. What causes Enterocele in women? The pelvic floor acts as a sac to support the pelvic organs – bowels, uterus and vagina with the help of the ligaments and muscles. When these ligaments and muscles weaken, the chances of organ prolapse increases significantly and over time the organs slip into the pelvic area. Enterocele is the condition where the small intestine due to lack of support begins to descend, presses against the upper vagina causing a vaginal bulge. Who are at risk of Enterocele? As the strength of pelvic muscles is strongly linked with estrogen levels in women, the risk of organ prolapse increases in women as their estrogen levels decline. So post–menopausal women above age 60 suffer a greater risk of Enterocele. But that is not all – the risk of Enterocele is high among women with certain medical conditions like bronchitis, asthma, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome or even for women who have undergone radiation therapy. In rare cases lifting heavy items, obesity, constipation or hysterectomy may also lead to this co

0 26 October 2021
Uterine Septum Surgery in Mumbai

The uterine septum is a frequent but undetected cause for female infertility and recurrent miscarriages; this is a condition where the uterus is divided in half and acts as an obstacle in successfully conceiving a baby. Why is uterine septum surgery advised?

  • During the initial stages of growth, two separate uteri come together and this leads to the formation of a female triangular-shaped uterus, but in the case of the uterine septum, the tissue between them also known as Mullerian tissue, is unable to reabsorb, so the rest of the tissue has to be removed. Along with this, any other tissue that acts as a hindrance has to be removed in uterine septum surgery.

What is the goal of the surgery? Uterine septum problems can cause issues related to menstruation, so doctors recommend surgery to correct symptoms of this abnormality. Uses of sanitary pads and tampons become easier after surgery and provide relief in menstrual pain. They don’t lead to any sort of health issues in women and some cases there might be no requirement for treatment but they can lead to future problems related to infertility in a few women. Other issues could be premature labour, recurrent pregnancy loss and miscarriages. In which cases is uterine se

0 9 September 2021
What Is an Epidural In Pregnancy?

Labour can be very painful, unbearable even, for some mothers. So, if you are thinking of getting an epidural to help you cope with the intense pain, then you are not alone. Observations have shown that more than 60% of women delivering in hospitals opt for an epidural during labour and delivery. Understanding the concept of Epidural? An epidural is an anaesthetic that numbs the body making it unable to feel any sort of sensation or pain. How Does It Work? This anaesthetic is injected into the space around the spinal nerves called the epidural space in your lower back by an anesthesiologist via a catheter. The process of numbing begins within 10 to 30 minutes. The catheter remains in the epidural space during labour and delivery to continually provide the medication when needed. Epidurals eliminate the pain from labour contractions as well as during birth quite effectively. Therefore, with this anaesthetic, birthing is made less painful. Types Of Epidurals While experiencing labour pains, you may be offered different types of epidurals. You must know which type you prefer.

  1. Epidural Block

This type of epidural is an amalgamation of analgesics along with anaesthetics. It is considered to be common which usually surfaces during childbirth. The block is injected through a cathet

0 20 August 2021
Sterilization for Men and Women – Know About This Permanent Birth Control

When a couple does not want to have children anymore there are many methods of contraception available – temporary and permanent. Sterilisation is a method of permanent birth control or contraception that is a safe, effective and complication-free family planning procedure. At our gynaecology clinic in Mumbai we get many queries about this procedure and with the support of our gynaecologist in Mumbai, Dr Neelima Mantri we aim to answer common queries in this blog today. Read on: Why choose sterilisation for birth control? Sterilisation is the most effective and safest form of contraception that is available today. Since it is only for people who have once and for all decided to not have children in the future, there is no other method as effective or as safe. As there are two types of sterilisation available it is convenient too. What are the different types of sterilizations available? Sterilisation can be performed on either men or women so there are two types of sterilizations available – male sterilization and female sterilization. How are male sterilization and female sterilization procedures performed? Male sterilization: Sperms that are made in tes

0 17 August 2021
What is a Sacral Colpopexy?

There needs to be surgery done when the pelvic organ prolapses in a woman. The surgery that is performed to make this correct is called Sacral colpopexy. It also has different names such as sacrocolpopexy or sacrospinous colpopexy. The pelvic organs prolapse when they become weaker. This happens mostly after pregnancy and menopause. You must get this surgery done if you are dealing with issues regarding your pelvic organs as they can form bulges in your vagina. This surgery has also been proven to have some great after-effects like their sexual functions and intimate life. They also enhance their bowel movements and decrease vaginal discharges. This issue only occurs in females which is why having a female gynaecologist to walk you through this process is better. Some of the main reasons for the pelvic organ to prolapse are the following:

  • > Childbirth- This is one of the main reasons for pelvic organ prolapse. Vaginal birth is more prone to cause such an issue than cesarean delivery.
  • > Aging and menopause
  • > Other surgeries like Hysterectomy
  • > Intense physical activities and lifting of heavy objects
  • > Excessive incr

0 17 August 2021
Painful Bladder Syndrome Treatment (Interstitial Cystitis)

The human body is fallible and hence our body has a built-in immune system to protect us against all sorts of diseases, disorders, bacteria, etc. But sometimes even despite these protective mechanisms a few diseases can get through and start impacting the body. Among these is a wider range of diseases called painful bladder syndrome that comprises many other diseases that affect the bladder and can be painful. This article will examine a condition within painful bladder syndrome known as Interstitial Cystitis. What is Interstitial Cystitis? Interstitial Cystitis is a chronic condition that can cause bladder pain, bladder pressure, or even pelvic pain in some cases. The pain can be mild or it can be severe depending on individual instances. The bladder is a muscular organ in charge of storing urine. When the bladder is full it expands and sends a signal to the brain through pelvic nerves that it’s time to urinate. This then creates the urge or impulse to use the washroom. However, with Interstitial Cystitis, the urge to urinate happens more often and for smaller amounts of urine because the signals get mixed up. This condition is more likely to affect women than men so it’s best to visit your gynaecologist

0 30 July 2021
What Causes Yeast Infection in Women

Yeast infection is one of the most common vaginal infections suffered by women. Around 3 out of 4 women suffer this infection at some point in their lifetime. But what is a yeast infection, what causes it and how this vaginal yeast infection is treated? Read on to know: What is a vaginal yeast infection? The vagina consists of a balanced environment of healthy bacteria and yeast cells. And when this balance is disrupted, the yeast cells multiple causing itching, burning, redness, itching or irritation in the vagina. In few cases, this may also lead to white discharge. This yeast infection in the vagina comes under vaginitis. There are many types of vaginitis each with symptoms of some kind, but yeast infection is the most common among them. What are the symptoms of yeast infection? An itchy sensation in the vulva, white discharge and burning feeling during urination are some of the common symptoms reported by patients to the gynaecologist in Mumbai, Dr Neelima Mantri. In addition, the other common symptoms include redness, swelling, tiny cuts or cracks, rash and pain during sex. What causes yeast infection in women? As said, the yeast cells present in the vagina multiply when the balance is disrupte

0 16 July 2021
What Is Sling Surgery?

It is common for women nowadays to experience an overactive bladder which might be a huge problem for them. They might be suffering from symptoms of stress urinary incontinence and if a person needs a permanent solution to this problem of theirs, they might opt to go for sling surgery for bladder problemsKeep reading to know what it is and what the procedures are. What is sling surgery?  Sling surgery is quite a common surgery that doctors perform on patients who might be suffering from a urinary stress inconsistency. It is also known as a urethral sling surgery and a mid-urethral sling surgery. A person can easily come to know that they are suffering from it if little actions like coughing, lifting something, laughing, or sneezing puts pressure on their bladder which makes them pee a little bit. In this surgery, a sling is placed around the urethra of a woman which helps in lifting it back to its normal position. This helps in removing the pressure on it while doing any activity and this in return, stops the unwanted pee after every action. The sling is like a hammock that supports the urethra which helps in preventing leaks. The sling which is used in the surgery can be made out of muscle, ligament, or tendon tissue taken from the woman’s body or it might be made up of a s

0 9 June 2021
Diarrhea During Pregnancy Symptoms and Treatment

Diarrhea is nothing good to write home about, no matter when you are visited by this nasty condition. Diarrhea can strike anytime but managing it can be even tougher especially during pregnancy. However if it’s any consolation, Diarrhoea is common among pregnant women and most women have successfully combatted the condition. At our clinic in Mumbai, gynaecologist Dr Neelima Mantri has successfully treated hundreds of diarrhea in pregnancy cases and all we can say is with the right guidance and treatment diarrhea is easy to manage and come out of it unscathed. If you are pregnant and are still wary about Diarrhea, the first thing you can do is to improve your awareness about the condition – know the causes, remedies and treatment options beforehand. And this blog will help you know them, read on: Diarrhea & Its Symptoms: First things first, if you happen to experience 4 or more loose bowel movements in a day, it can be considered as a case of Diarrhea. Most common symptoms are obviously loose and watery stools, nausea, feeling bloated or gassy, cramping and sometimes fever. Causes of Diarrhea in Pregnancy:  Given you are already carrying your child in your belly, as they grow the space inside is limited and the intestine, oesophagus and sto