Uterine Polyps Symptoms and Causes

0 23 August 2022
Uterine Polyps Symptoms and Causes

Uterine polyps as the name suggest are the soft fleshy overgrowth of uterine cells which tend to extend into the uterine cavity. Also called endometrial polyps these polyps can be benign or cancerous, single or multiple, and can range in sizes from millimetres to centimetres (golf-ball size). These polyps are thatched to the uterus with a stalk-like structure and in rare cases, they can even slip into the vagina too. “Though uterine polyps are usually associated with women going through menopause they can also occur in young women causing infertility,” says lady gynaecologist in Mumbai Dr Neelima Mantri. In the majority of cases, uterine polyps tend to be the reason for pregnancy and other fertility problems What causes uterine polyps and what are the uterine polyps’ treatment options in Mumbai? Read on to the answers from gynaecologist Dr Neelima Mantri:

Uterine Polyps Symptoms:

The overgrowth of the tissues will interfere with the regular reproductive function of women. Irregular menstrual periods, bleeding between periods, abnormal blood flow during menstruation, vaginal bleeding and spotting and , , ,

0 8 August 2022
Endometrial Ablation Procedure & Risks Recovery

Endometrial ablation is one of the most popular solutions recommended for treating abnormal bleeding. While it effectively reduces abnormal bleeding, it is not recommended for every woman. Know more about this procedure’s limitations, risks, benefits and recovery from the best lady gynaecologist in Mumbai Dr Neelima Mantri in this blog today:

What is Endometrial Ablation?

Endometrial Ablation is the procedure of scraping a thin layer of the uterus to reduce the abnormal menstrual flow of a woman. Every month during the date of menstruation, the inner layer of the uterus (endometrium) thickens to prepare the uterus for conception. When the egg doesn’t receive the sperm, the hardened wall sheds and bleeds every month (period bleeding). In a few cases, the bleeding can be abnormal with sharp pain stretching for an extended period. Endometrial Ablation is the most common procedure that is performed to reduce the intensity of the blood flow and pain.

When is the Endometrial Ablation recommended by a gynaecologist?

Heavy and abnormal bleeding is when the gynaecologist actively considers Endometrial Ablation. Periods are considered heavy and abnormal if they last for

0 21 July 2022
Pelvic Floor Exercises During Pregnancy | Dr Neelima Mantri

Pregnancy, as we all know is the most challenging journey a woman gets to experience in her life. The sheer amount of physical and mental changes bring on a lot of new problems in due course. The back pains, cramps, heart burns, indigestion and the list go on and on. Of all the problems, the final act of hard labour is the most aggravating of the lot. Fortunately, there are pelvic floor exercises that can also help you give shorter labour and also accelerate your post-birth recovery. Millions of women all around the world work have benefitted by ingesting them into their daily routine. With the input of the best gynaecologist in Mumbai Dr Neelima Mantri, we give a short intro to these pelvic exercises in this blog here. Read on to know:

What is the Pelvic Floor?

This Pelvic Floor is a group of muscles that bind together to form a base hammock that supports your internal organs: The Bladder, Uterus, Rectum and Vagina (in the case of women). This Pelvic floor is responsible for your Pee and Poo and importantly controls their outflow. Needless to say, this Pelvic Floor also plays a huge part in amplifying your sexual pleasure during the Orgasm. But the most important for the moment is its ability to stretch enormously which is of real help in letti

0 21 June 2022
What Causes Round Ligament Pain During Pregnancy?

Round ligament pain is sharp or cramping-like pain that is experienced most likely during her second trimester. The pain can jab on one side or both side of the abdomen and usually springs up when you (pregnant women) sneeze, laughs or changes sleeping positions. Round ligament pain is not harmful to the health of you are your baby. It is considered normal in pregnancy and is often experienced by 30% of women worldwide. However since its symptoms coincide with other health problems during pregnancy, pregnant women can ignore them assuming round ligament pain. So it is important to know about round ligaments beforehand to better avoid stress beforehand. So with the input of one of the top 10 gynaecologists in Mumbai, Dr Neelima Mantri we give you a brief introduction to round ligament pain in this blog here by answering a few frequently asked questions. Read on.

What Causes Round Ligament Pain?

The human pelvis consists of two specific ligaments that are located around the uterus. These ligaments stretch out and thicken to accommodate and support this growing uterus during pregnancy. This sudden change may once in a while prod mild spasms that are harmless. However, when the body is acutely stressed while changing sleeping position, coughing or sneezing, the

0 21 June 2022
Bicornuate Uterus: Symptoms Effects on Pregnancy

Women’s sexual health is a topic which is frequently overlooked, even after significant steps have been taken towards raising awareness about various indispositions through web series, articles, podcasts, and what not. There are various menstrual issues which are still considered to be a taboo subject when it comes to discussing them in public, many due to religious aspects. India is one of those many countries who needs to generalize talking about various sexual health issues out in the open.  

The Symptoms and Effects of Bicornuate Uterus on Pregnancy

Conditions like PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) are more common than it seems especially for women in their child-bearing age. Women suffering from PCOS have high levels of androgens, they may not ovulate and have the presence of small cysts in their ovaries which may lead to infertility and obesity. Other conditions often seen are Amenorrhea or absence of menstruation, and some lesser-known conditions such as Bicornuate Uterus. Many female gynaecologists have not only treated women suffering due to bicornuate uterus but also experienced it themselves and hence know what they’re dealing with. A Bicornuate Uterus is a heart shaped uterus due to a rare, congenital condition caused

0 21 June 2022
Vaginal Laxity: What You Need To Know

Women’s bodies are home to new lives and roller-coaster rides for all dancing hormones. Throughout their life, a woman’s body goes through lots of changes, which directly or indirectly affect her libido and sexual pleasure. One of the most drastic events for the body and psyche is being pregnant, carrying the life for nine months, delivering the same life, and the tornado of emotions with all the stress of being a mum takes a toll on the woman’s body. In this progressive era, the aftermath of delivery is still overshadowed by the ‘happiness of being a mum’. The concept of ‘VAGINAL LAXITY’, is experienced by all the new mothers after delivering their babies. Vaginal laxity, which is commonly abbreviated as VL is caused mostly due to pregnancy and vaginal birth, it is generally associated with vaginal looseness which leads to the loss of sensation in the vagina during intercourse or causes obstacles to healthy and satisfactory sexual relationships.

Understanding Vaginal Laxity

Vaginal laxity is as common as mass love for pizzas, but the catch here is love for pizzas is well known and well talked about, and on the other hand vaginal laxity is an underlying issue that is common among the world of new bee mums, however not talked about. Despite how common it is, females still are shy about VL. Instead of consulting the ob-gyn, m

0 20 May 2022
Stages of Prenatal Development

The process that occurs during the 40 weeks prior to the child birth is called prenatal development. It is divided in 3 trimesters and does not correspond with the stages. The first trimester ends when the embryo comes to an end, the second trimester ends on the 20th week and the third trimester ends when the child is born. Prenatal development is the development of the child inside the mother’s womb. The child does not just come out of the mother’s womb, it goes through stages of change and development. This stage of development is referred to as prenatal development. There are three major stages in the prenatal development:

1.     Germinal stage

The germinal stage occurs from the time of conception until 2 weeks. The conception occurs when the sperm fertilizes an egg to form a zygote. In the first week after conception, the zygote begins to divide and multiply from one cell structure to two cell structures and so on. This cell division process is called mitosis. Five days after the mitosis 100 cells are built up and later million cells are built up after 9 months. These cells get specialized and divided into the different organs of the body. During this stage the cells necessary for umbilical cord, placenta and amniotic fluid are differentiated to form the embryo.

2.     Embryo

0 26 April 2022
Adolescent Gynecology: Heavy Menstrual Bleeding

A gynecologist is a medical healthcare professional, educated and trained to practice in case of medical conditions related to gynecology. They diagnose and treat gynecological conditions and also advise couples planning a baby or matters relating to pregnancy, fertility, birth control, and childbirth. All women have to see a gynecologist at some point of time in their life. Apart from matters relating to childbirth and pregnancy, a gynecologist also assists women dealing with several health issues. These issues include but are not limited to menstrual cycles, irregular periods, heavy menstrual bleeding, spotting in between periods, no periods, vaginal pain, infections, STDs, and confusion regarding safe and unsafe ways of sexual intercourse. A gynecologist is a person who understands the female reproductive and gynecological health and in case of difficulties, they provide the needed help. A lot of women find themselves struggling with period-related problems. While some women experience irregular periods, some struggle with excessive or heavy menstrual bleeding. Both, irregular and heavy bleeding causes great discomfort to women but heavy bleeding can be more disturbing since it can get in the way of n

0 19 April 2022
What is Vulval Intraepithelial Neoplasia

Vulval Intraepithelial Neoplasia is a skin disorder that affects the vulva (outer part of the vagina). Vulval Intraepithelial Neoplasia is a precancerous condition i.e. it is no cancer but can potentially develop into Vulval Cancer when left untreated. What exactly causes Vulval Intraepithelial Neoplasia and how does this regular skin disorder of the vagina leads to cancer? To know answers we take help from the top gynaecologist in India Dr Neelima Mantri in this blog. Read on to know:

Relation between Cancer & Vulval Intraepithelial Neoplasia:

Cancer happens when the cells of certain body organs rapidly divide to form lump tissue. Vulval Intraepithelial Neoplasia is a vulva skin disorder where certain changes happen to the skin cells that rapidly divide into the lines of cancer. These abnormal cells thus formed sometimes go away on their own or over the course of time (10 years) cause cancer. To summarise – Vulval Intraepithelial Neoplasia is not vulva cancer, in a few cases it over time can develop into one. So it sure is a high-risk factor for Vulval Cancer.

What causes Vulval Intraepithelial Neoplasia?

The exact cause of Vulval Intraepithelial Neoplasia is not known but there are certain risk factors that increase the r

0 22 March 2022
Vaginismus Types Causes and Symptoms

In the case of some women, the vagina subconsciously or persistently contracts when engaging in vaginal penetration. Such contractions make coitus extremely difficult and very painful in some cases. Vaginismus doesn’t affect or interfere with a woman’s sexual arousal, it only hiders the process of vaginal penetration. Such disorders affect your mental and physical health and could also affect your relationships, it’s best to consult a gynecologist.

Types of vaginismus:

There are two classifications of vaginismus, known as primary vaginismus and secondary vaginismus.

  • > Primary vaginismus: this refers to such a condition where vaginal penetration has never been achieved.
  • > Secondary vaginismus: referring to such a condition where vaginal penetration was achieved in the past but is no longer viable because of pain or other reasons.

In the case of women who are over their menopause, vaginismus can be seen very often as a lack of vaginal lubrication causes pain and duress when subjected to vaginal intercourse. In cases of extreme pain, it is advised to consult with a gynecologist and obstetrician