Endometrial Ablation Procedure & Risks Recovery

by | Aug 8, 2022 | Blog, Female Gynaecologist

Endometrial ablation is one of the most popular solutions recommended for treating abnormal bleeding. While it effectively reduces abnormal bleeding, it is not recommended for every woman. Know more about this procedure’s limitations, risks, benefits and recovery from the best lady gynaecologist in Mumbai Dr Neelima Mantri in this blog today:

What is Endometrial Ablation?

Endometrial Ablation is the procedure of scraping a thin layer of the uterus to reduce the abnormal menstrual flow of a woman.

Every month during the date of menstruation, the inner layer of the uterus (endometrium) thickens to prepare the uterus for conception. When the egg doesn’t receive the sperm, the hardened wall sheds and bleeds every month (period bleeding). In a few cases, the bleeding can be abnormal with sharp pain stretching for an extended period. Endometrial Ablation is the most common procedure that is performed to reduce the intensity of the blood flow and pain.

When is the Endometrial Ablation recommended by a gynaecologist?

Heavy and abnormal bleeding is when the gynaecologist actively considers Endometrial Ablation. Periods are considered heavy and abnormal if they last for more than 7 days, develop a risk for anaemia, and interfere with daily routine. Along with the incidence of abnormal bleeding, this procedure is requested only when:

  1. The woman is sure she doesn’t need pregnancy and is willing to use birth control to avoid the risk of pregnancy and subsequent miscarriage.
  2. There are no other possible causes of abnormal bleeding like thyroid, cancer or any other congenital conditions.

How is Endometrial Ablation performed?

Unlike other surgical procedures, endometrial ablation is a simple procedure that will not need incisions or stitches. “It is relatively a short and simple procedure where the woman can leave home on the same day. Radio frequency, heat, freezing, heated balloon, miniature electricity – a variety of procedures are used to remove the lining.” says the best gynaecologist in Mumbai Dr Neelima Mantri.

Who is not suited for Endometrial Ablation Surgery?

As the lining of the endometrium is destroyed, the ablation procedure severely reduces the ability to get pregnant. In addition to this, an ablation procedure is not recommended when the woman:

  • Is younger than 40 years of age
  • Is post-menopause
  • Had a recent pregnancy
  • Diagnosed with pelvic inflammatory diseases
  • Suffers cervical or vaginal infections, and endometrial cancer.

Risks & recovery after Endometrial Ablation Treatment:

Endometrial ablation is the most simple and most successful way of treating the abnormal bleeding condition provided the conditions are met. Only in very rare cases do women experience side effects chills, fever, trouble peeing, mild cramps, and strong-smelling fluid discharge – temporarily.

On average it takes 2 days for recovery after the Endometrial Ablation treatment with the right pain relief medication.

After the treatment, the woman is advised to regularly use birth control such as tubal ligation or IUI device without which one suffers risk of pregnancy or miscarriage and maternal risk. The gynaecologist must be consulted regarding the exercise regimen, sexual practices and usage of tampons post-surgery. If you are in Mumbai and are looking for more information about Endometrial Ablation, Dr Neelima Mantri is one of the best endometrial ablation doctors in Mumbai who can help you. Contact her here: https://www.drneelimamantri.com/


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Dr Neelima

MS & Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery – Obstetrics & Gynaecology, MBBS Obstetrician, Gynecologist

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