Diarrhea During Pregnancy Symptoms and Treatment

0 9 June 2021
Diarrhea During Pregnancy Symptoms and Treatment

Diarrhea is nothing good to write home about, no matter when you are visited by this nasty condition. Diarrhea can strike anytime but managing it can be even tougher especially during pregnancy. However if it’s any consolation, Diarrhoea is common among pregnant women and most women have successfully combatted the condition. At our clinic in Mumbai, gynaecologist Dr Neelima Mantri has successfully treated hundreds of diarrhea in pregnancy cases and all we can say is with the right guidance and treatment diarrhea is easy to manage and come out of it unscathed. If you are pregnant and are still wary about Diarrhea, the first thing you can do is to improve your awareness about the condition – know the causes, remedies and treatment options beforehand. And this blog will help you know them, read on: Diarrhea & Its Symptoms: First things first, if you happen to experience 4 or more loose bowel movements in a day, it can be considered as a case of Diarrhea. Most common symptoms are obviously loose and watery stools, nausea, feeling bloated or gassy, cramping and sometimes fever. Causes of Diarrhea in Pregnancy:  Given you are already carrying your child in your belly, as they grow the space inside is limited and the intestine, oesophagus and sto

0 19 April 2021
Myomectomy – Abdominal Fibroids Treatment in Mumbai

Myomectomy is a surgical treatment that is performed to remove the fibroids while successfully preserving the uterus and other reproductive organs. It is one of the best fibroid treatment options in Mumbai for women who want to get rid of the fibroids without dampening their chances of bearing children. Laparoscopic myomectomy, hysteroscopic myomectomy, and abdominal myomectomy – many types of Myomectomy procedures are performed by gynaecologists in Mumbai based on the size, number and location of the fibroids. In this blog here we are going to help you know about abdominal myomectomy treatment in Mumbai – its procedure, post-operative condition, results, risks, and strategies for successful recovery. Read on: Abdominal Myomectomy Treatment in Mumbai: Also known as open myomectomy, an abdominal myomectomy is a major open surgery procedure that utilizes regular incision to remove the fibroids. A small cut is made near the pubes or bikini line to enter the abdomen through which the uterus is injected with medication to reduce the bloodless, by narrowing the blood vessels. A fibroid is then cut and shelled out following which the surgeon sews up the defects using dissolvable stitches. A typical abdominal myomectomy procedure l

0 18 March 2021
Itching and Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy

Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful yet very complicated painful times. The complications that arise during pregnancy are not any joke. There is body pain, vomiting, nausea, mood swings, and whatnot. We face issues that we aren’t even aware of. One of these complications is itching during pregnancy or medically known as intrahepatic cholestasis. This itching is actually a result of a liver condition that occurs in the late stages of pregnancy. What actually happens in this condition is that it starts intense itching in various parts of the body, but without a rash. The most common areas where Itching occurs are the hands and feet. The biggest issue of Cholestasis of pregnancy is that it can make you extremely uncomfortable due to the constant itching. This condition is not merely a condition of itching, but it can be a reason for complications with the baby as well. This condition is also an indicator for you to reach experts like Dr. Neelima Maitri in order to resolve the issues related to it and also understand whether there are any risks posed or not. Common symptoms- The most common symptom of , , , , ,

0 25 July 2017
Best Foods for Pregnant Ladies

Pregnancy is a beautiful and special time for the wife and her husband, and the rest of the family. However, it is the most crucial and the most amazing part of the woman’s life. She needs to be take care of, both physically and emotionally. She must receive attention at all times and her problems are first world problems during that time. Everyone needs to make efforts to keep her satisfied, mentally and emotionally happy and needs to make her feel comfortable at all times. It is a delicate time when the mother’s body is fragile so extensive care must be given. What Foods to Eat During Pregnancy? There are certain practises that the mothers can adopt during pregnancy that can prove to be highly effective later. Eating right is certainly one of the more important factors. Pregnant ladies are not allowed and should not indulge in whatever they feel like. There are certain food and diets that they must restrict themselves to. These are highly nutritious and rich in essential minerals. These are needed in pregnancies. Some of the foods that the pregnant mother can have or indulge in are listed below:

  1. Eggs– Great source of protein, eggs are a crucial part of your staple pregnancy diet. The amino acids help in the formation of protein in your body and your child’s body. They contain a lot of minerals and nutrients including choline (e