Myomectomy – Abdominal Fibroids Treatment in Mumbai

0 19 April 2021
Myomectomy – Abdominal Fibroids Treatment in Mumbai

Myomectomy is a surgical treatment that is performed to remove the fibroids while successfully preserving the uterus and other reproductive organs. It is one of the best fibroid treatment options in Mumbai for women who want to get rid of the fibroids without dampening their chances of bearing children. Laparoscopic myomectomy, hysteroscopic myomectomy, and abdominal myomectomy – many types of Myomectomy procedures are performed by gynaecologists in Mumbai based on the size, number and location of the fibroids. In this blog here we are going to help you know about abdominal myomectomy treatment in Mumbai – its procedure, post-operative condition, results, risks, and strategies for successful recovery. Read on: Abdominal Myomectomy Treatment in Mumbai: Also known as open myomectomy, an abdominal myomectomy is a major open surgery procedure that utilizes regular incision to remove the fibroids. A small cut is made near the pubes or bikini line to enter the abdomen through which the uterus is injected with medication to reduce the bloodless, by narrowing the blood vessels. A fibroid is then cut and shelled out following which the surgeon sews up the defects using dissolvable stitches. A typical abdominal myomectomy procedure l