
0 28 June 2017
Weight Gain in Pregnancy: How Much is Healthy?

It is important that pregnant mothers should know how much weight they can put on after becoming pregnant so that overweight does not give rise to unwanted complications during the period of pregnancy. Doctors suggest that while women of average weight should gain 25-35 pounds, women who are underweight should target a gain of 28-40 pounds to remain healthy. 15-25 pounds is what overweight women should gain. Weight gain during pregnancy, which should be healthy and safe is gaining weight gradually during the period of pregnancy. Nutrients and balanced diet are two important factors that can help gain weight at a healthy rate. The most important question is how much extra calories do pregnant mothers need in order to stay healthy. What doctors advice is that, a pregnant woman should have on average 300 calories more per day than she had before becoming pregnant. Here are some factors that should be taken into consideration while targeting the weight gain during pregnancy, that could be healthy. Body Mass Index – Understand your BMI (Body Mass Index) for determining how much weight you should gain during the period of pregnancy. The weight and height are the factors that can determi

0 16 June 2017
Simple Pregnancy Tips To Help You Have A Normal Delivery

Statistics reveal that one out of every woman undergoes cesarean delivery due to various reasons. If you do not want to be like them, here are some simple tips that can help you give a normal vaginal birth that is good for the health of both child and mother.

  1. Avoid being overweight – Calculate your BMI and see how much weight you should put on during the various stages of pregnancy. This will prevent you from fewer medical intervention and complications.
  2. Mild exercises – Mild exercises can help you to stay active and build up your stamina. Exercises of the thigh muscles can help combat the labor pain and the stress during the period of pregnancy. Aquatic exercises and squats help to strengthen the pelvic muscles. Which is essential for having a normal delivery.
  3. Practicing breathing techniques – Breathing exercises can help you to acquire the right techniques in breathing. This helps with sufficient and proper supply of oxygen for enhancing the growth of the baby. Deep breathing and meditation can help you to get a step nearer to having a

0 7 June 2017
10 Amazing Things that Babies Do Inside the Womb

This blog is intended for mothers who are always curious to know what their babies are doing inside the wombs. Here are some 10 amazing facts about what babies do inside the womb while mothers keep on struggling against the symptoms that arises from time to time as the baby keeps growing by days and weeks.

  1. It is in the ninth week during pregnancy that the unborn child starts to breathe through the umbilical cord and acquires the required life skill in order to adapt to the outside environment.
  2. A baby inside the womb starts to show signs for preferring sweet flavors at the beginning of the 15th week with more intake of amniotic fluid.
  3. Babies will start responding to light signals with opening and closing their eyes during the period between the 27th and 28th week during pregnancy.
  4. It is by the end of the first trimester that the baby starts urinating after swallowing amniotic fluid. Mothers can feel the weeing of their babies during the 30th week of their pregnancy.
  5. 4D scans have revealed that it is around the 26th week during the period of pregnancy that an unborn baby starts to smile. This is another life skill which the baby acquires when preparing to meet the outside environment.
  6. Mothers can feel their baby hiccuping just at the beginning of the first trimester, but t

0 10 May 2017
Dr Neelima Mantri – Best Gynecologist in Mumbai Extends her Consultation at Nanavati Hospital

Dr. Neelima Mantri, one of the leading gynecologists in Mumbai extends her consultation hours at Dr. Balabhai Nanavati Hospital, S.V. Road, Vile Parle (West),, Mumbai 400 056, India and is now available on Monday to Saturdays from 5.00 to 7.00 PM. Dr. Neelima Mantri, MS-Obstetrics and Gynecology, MBBS has been offering consultation services on General Gynecology, Obstetrics and Laparoscopy, addressing women during the period of their adolescence and women wanting to bear a child, on a wide range of issues. Innumerable patients have expressed their satisfaction on getting their queries answered by her on issues like Ante Natal Care, Painless Labor, Management of Pelvic Pain, Hysterectomy and many other issues. Having over a decade of experience in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Dr. Neelima Mantri has specialized in high risk obstetrics and have come out as a winner in thousands of cases which were challenging. Having undergone a specialized training in Laparoscopy from South Lorea, she has performed surgeries that involve minimal access, besides general and conventional gynecological cases. Dr. Mantri has been offering consultation services on a wide range of issues, which include High Risk Pregnancy, Complex Obstetrics, Pap Smear,

0 27 April 2017
5 Most Common Gynae Problems Every Woman Must Know

The most common Gynae problems faced by every woman is due the hormonal imbalance. Most women are unaware of the symptoms of gynecological problems, which may include excess urination, back pain and other signs, and take it for granted as symptoms not related to the reproductive system. Very often they treat themselves by taking NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), which is unfortunate. Every woman should be well informed about some common gynecological problem and the symptoms related to them, so that proper treatment is carried out instead of being neglected. Here are 5 most common gynae problems every woman must know.

  1. Ovarian Cysts – Follicular cyst is the most common type of ovarian cyst which is caused due to many reasons, where the follicle is unable to open for releasing the eggs during the menstrual cycle. Corpus luteum cyst is another type of ovarian cyst where the corpus luteum persists as a cyst within the ovary.
  2. Dysmenorrhea– There are two types of dysmenorrhea, primary dysmenorrhea and secondary dysmenorrhea. The symptoms of primary dysmenorrhea include pain in the lower abdomen or back, whereas the symptoms of secondary dysmenorrhea include cramps during the early stages of the menstrual cycle, lasting longe

0 7 March 2017
Best Doctor for PCOS Treatment Mumbai

Dr. Neelima Mantri is the best doctor for PCOS Treatment Mumbai. She has an experience of over 10 years in her field. She is best gynecologist and obstetrician in Mumbai. PCOS is a common endocrine system disorder among women of reproductive age. Women with PCOS problems may have enlarged ovaries that contain small collections of fluid. It located in each ovary as seen during an ultrasound exam. Infrequent or prolonged a menstrual periods, excess hair growth, acne, and obesity can all occur in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. In adolescents, infrequent or absent menstruation may raise suspicion for a conditions. Polycystic ovary syndrome treatment generally focuses on management of your individual main concerns, such as infertility, hirsutism, acne or obesity. It starts with a proper diagnosis. Treatments are then chosen based on a woman’s symptoms, age and future pregnancy plans.  Treatment for PCOS may include:

  • Birth control pills to regulate menstruation
  • Acne treatments
  • Treatment for

0 27 February 2017
Complications After Laparoscopic Hysterectomy Surgery

Dr. Neelima Mantri is the best doctor for laparoscopic hysterectomy surgery in Mumbai. She is the best gynecologist and obstetrician in Mumbai. There are some Complications after laparoscopic hysterectomy surgery. Basically, a hysterectomy is a surgery for the deportation of a woman’s womb. This also stops the menstrual cycle in women and the ability to become pregnant. In some cases, this treatment is life-saving and important to improve a woman’s quality of life. For example, women who have uterine cancer may need to remove the uterus. Regardless of the type of treatment used, hysterectomy is a major surgical procedure with the probability of several complications. According to Dr. Neelima Mantri, there are the following Complications after laparoscopic hysterectomy surgery: Infection – infection are some of the most common complications. The Infection generally occurs at the top of the vagina. While infections normally respond to antibiotics, but sometimes surgery be required to treat the infection. Blood loss – the average blood lost at the time of hysterectom

0 24 February 2017
Infertility Experts Mumbai

There are various doctors for infertility treatment in Mumbai. But Dr. Neelima Mantri is the best Infertility Experts Mumbai. She is a very famous gynecologist in Mumbai. She has completed her under graduation from the reputed tertiary care referral Centre in India. She passed her Master’s Degree from K.E.M. (King Edward Memorial Hospital) at the Maharashtra University of Health Sciences. A joy of becoming a parent is priceless. But sometimes a couple is not able to become a parent. They are not able to giving birth to a young one. There are lots of reasons behind it. One of the main reasons for not becoming a parent is “Infertility”. Infertility is a situation in which a woman is not able to conceive a baby or not able to become pregnant. There are various reasons for infertility problems. Including damage of fallopian tubes or uterus, women’s age of 35 or more, infrequent menstrual period, problem with the cervix, ovulation, a history of pelvic infection, fibroid or endometrial polyps, and sexually transmitted diseases known as fibroids. The infertility problem is not only occur with the female partner. In a third of cases infertil

0 20 February 2017
List of Best Cesarean Delivery Doctor Mumbai

Here is a List of Best Cesarean Delivery Doctor Mumbai. In this list, there are various cesarean delivery doctors in Mumbai. But to choose the best doctor for cesarean delivery in Mumbai is a very difficult task. While choosing the best doctor for cesarean delivery, you must check some basic qualities of the doctor such as experience of a doctor, knowledge, qualification, specialty of the doctor. We will eliminate this problem by helping you to find the best doctor for cesarean delivery. Thus, we have a List of Best Cesarean Delivery Doctor Mumbai. With the help of this list, it is easy for you to find the best doctor for you. In this list, you will find a doctor named “Dr. Neelima Mantri” which is the best cesarean delivery doctor in Mumbai.  Dr. Neelima is MBBS- obstetrician and gynecologist and MS- gynecology, obstetrics. She has an experience of over 10 years in her field of gynecology and obstetrics. Basically, a cesarean delivery

0 7 February 2017
Best Infertility Specialist Mumbai

There are many doctors for infertility treatment in Mumbai. But to choose the Best Infertility Specialist Mumbai is a very difficult task. While choosing the best infertility doctor, you have to take care of some basic qualities about the doctor. Some of these include experience of your doctor. He/she should be best doctor or gynecologist for infertility problems. Dr. Neelima Mantri is the Best Infertility Specialist Mumbai. She is the best gynecologist for infertility treatment in Mumbai. Basically, Infertility is a situation in which a female is unable to become pregnant or unable to conceive a young one. There can be lots of reasons behind infertility problems. Some of these are damaging of the fallopian tubes or uterus, infrequent menstrual period, pelvic disease, a history of pelvic infection, ovulation or problems with the cervix, sexually transmitted diseases known as fibroid or endometrial polyps, semen abnormalities, women’s age of 35 or more and so on. Now a day, infertility is a common problem of about 10-15% of women. Most of the infertility problems occur due to men and women both. In a thir