When a menstrual cycle is not normal and regular, it is a disorder. Every woman’s body is different in own rhythm of menstrual cycle. Variations in menstrual cycle are perfectly natural. For an ideal woman, next periods end at 28 days but also a normal cycle lasts anywhere from 21 to 35 days and lasts between 3 to 5 days. A timely menstrual cycle is a good indicator of her overall health and well-being. Every lady will face the menstrual problems once in her lifetime and it is important to understand basic information on menstruation, the reasons behind irregular periods and how to deal with them. There are three types of menstrual cycles:
- Anovulatory bleeding (absent and irregular periods)
- Ovulatory bleeding (prolonged periods)
- Dysmenorrhea (menstrual pain)
Although this is a natural phenomenon, there are many causes for the disorders. Uncontrolled diabetes, adolescence, hypothyroidism, eating disorders, pregnancy are some of them which can be mentioned. Common Causes of Menstrual Irregularities: Stress: Yes, stress triggers menstruation. It may cause disorders but not the lone cause. Excessive nerve-racking can out your digestive system into trouble, apart from menstrual period. A condition known as se →
The most common Gynae problems faced by every woman is due the hormonal imbalance. Most women are unaware of the symptoms of gynecological problems, which may include excess urination, back pain and other signs, and take it for granted as symptoms not related to the reproductive system. Very often they treat themselves by taking NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), which is unfortunate. Every woman should be well informed about some common gynecological problem and the symptoms related to them, so that proper treatment is carried out instead of being neglected. Here are 5 most common gynae problems every woman must know.
- Ovarian Cysts – Follicular cyst is the most common type of ovarian cyst which is caused due to many reasons, where the follicle is unable to open for releasing the eggs during the menstrual cycle. Corpus luteum cyst is another type of ovarian cyst where the corpus luteum persists as a cyst within the ovary.
- Dysmenorrhea– There are two types of dysmenorrhea, primary dysmenorrhea and secondary dysmenorrhea. The symptoms of primary dysmenorrhea include pain in the lower abdomen or back, whereas the symptoms of secondary dysmenorrhea include cramps during the early stages of the menstrual cycle, lasting longe