Primary Ovarian Insufficiency (POI), formerly referred to as premature ovarian failure is a disorder that results from the early depletion or dysfunction of the ovaries leading to malfunctioning of the reproductive system. Such a woman usually develops this condition by the age of 40 which causes various symptoms and affects fertility. In this article, we shall talk about the causes and symptoms of POI.
Causes of Primary Ovarian Insufficiency
● Genetic Factors – Primary Ovarian Insufficiency can stem from genetic abnormalities. Premature depletion of ovarian follicles can be caused by conditions such as Turner syndrome, Fragile X syndrome, and other chromosomal abnormalities. ●Autoimmune Disorders – Sometimes the immune system mistakes ovarian tissues and starts attacking them, and this results in a disorder called ovarian insufficiency. POI can result as a consequence of autoimmune disorders that include thyroiditis and Addison’s disease. ●Infections – The infections of the ovaries that cause inflammation and damage are mumps, which contribute to Primary Ovarian Insufficiency. ●Idiopathic Causes – In a large percentage of POI cases, the etiology remains undetermined, so this condition is called idiopathic. This requires further investigations into other possible contributors to ovarian insufficiency. Gynecologists i →