What are the Symptoms of Dehydration During Pregnancy?

0 6 March 2018
What are the Symptoms of Dehydration During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a wonderful time for the parents as they start making plans for the parenthood. There are plenty of issues that crop up during the pregnancy time and needs our attention. Dehydration is a common occurrence in the pregnancy and pregnant woman needs to watch it with care. Dehydration is the result of your body losing water faster than you are taking it in. For pregnant woman, being well-hydrated is key to well-being of herself and the baby. Water plays an important role in the development of the baby and the being well hydrated is crucial. Water helps to form the placenta, which is what your baby relies on to receive nutrients during pregnancy. Therefore, it is pertinent to avoid dehydration during pregnancy and consume right amount of water to ensure water availability in the body. Symptoms of Dehydration in Pregnancy: Overheating is a common sign attributed to the dehydration in the body. A sign of being well-hydrated is having a clear urine colour, as opposed to dark yellow. Dizziness is also seen as it occurs due to drop in blood pressure which happens due to dehydration. Dry mouth, nose, and skin as well as chapped lips are also indications of the dehydrated body. Weakness and constipation are also one of the symptoms arising due

0 28 June 2017
Weight Gain in Pregnancy: How Much is Healthy?

It is important that pregnant mothers should know how much weight they can put on after becoming pregnant so that overweight does not give rise to unwanted complications during the period of pregnancy. Doctors suggest that while women of average weight should gain 25-35 pounds, women who are underweight should target a gain of 28-40 pounds to remain healthy. 15-25 pounds is what overweight women should gain. Weight gain during pregnancy, which should be healthy and safe is gaining weight gradually during the period of pregnancy. Nutrients and balanced diet are two important factors that can help gain weight at a healthy rate. The most important question is how much extra calories do pregnant mothers need in order to stay healthy. What doctors advice is that, a pregnant woman should have on average 300 calories more per day than she had before becoming pregnant. Here are some factors that should be taken into consideration while targeting the weight gain during pregnancy, that could be healthy. Body Mass Index – Understand your BMI (Body Mass Index) for determining how much weight you should gain during the period of pregnancy. The weight and height are the factors that can determi