What Causes Cephalopelvic Disproportion?

What Causes Cephalopelvic Disproportion?

Cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD) refers to a situation where a mother’s pelvic structure is mismatched with the dimensions and form of her baby’s head, rendering natural delivery difficult or impossible. Cephalopelvic disproportion can result from diverse causes, such as the infant being comparatively larger, fetal positioning abnormalities, unconventional pelvic structures, or maternal conditions that entail possessing a narrow pelvis.

To ensure a safe and successful delivery, healthcare professionals need to understand the underlying reasons behind CPD and be able to identify potential risks while devising appropriate management strategies.

Cephalopelvic disproportion, a condition where the fetal head is too large for the birth canal, often stems from fetal macrosomia – an anomaly where the baby has an excessively large body size. The outcome could be linked to maternal elements, including gestational diabetes or increased weight during pregnancy. Fetal macrosomia increases the chances of cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD) due to the possibility of the infant’s head being too large to pass through the mother’s pelvis.

Certain fetal positions, like breech or transverse, may cause a size difference between the baby’s head and the mother’s pelvis. Sometimes, when the infant’s head and the mother’s pelvic region do not align correctly, it can make giving birth naturally difficult or even impossible.

Anomalies in the mother’s pelvic framework may also lead to cephalopelvic disproportion. Certain factors,such as genetic traits or prior injuries, can result in an unusual pelvic structure, including a compressed or distorted pelvis, exemplified by a narrow opening or a pelvis with an irregular shape. Pelvic anomalies can impede the infant’s passage during childbirth, leading to cephalopelvic disproportion. Consultation from the best obstetrician in Mumbai can help to resolve this issue.

Certain maternal factors can increase the chances of developing cephalopelvic disproportion. Some factors contributingto the problem include being short in height, having a narrow birth canal, or experiencing cephalopelvic disproportion at an earlier stage. Maternal factors impact the size and shape of the birth canal, which in turn can affect the likelihood of CPD.

The possibility of cephalopelvic disproportion can also be affected by genetic variables. Sometimes, the genetic makeup can result in a larger-than-usual head size of the unborn baby or a comparatively small pelvis of the mother. The probability of CPD can increase when there are genetic factors affecting the growth and formation of the skeletal structure.

The likelihood of experiencing cephalopelvic disproportion increases in multiple pregnancies, for instance, twins or triplets. Having multiple fetuses can worsen the problem by adding more pressure on the mother’s pelvic area, obstructing the baby’s head from passing through.

Sometimes, labourcan be impacted by shortcomings or tardiness, resulting in a cephalopelvic disproportion problem. Several issues, including inadequate uterine contractions, prolonged labour, or failure to descend, may cause a dissimilarity in the size of the baby’s head and the mother’s pelvis, leading to complications during natural childbirth.

To obtain a clear understanding of the abnormalities, it is essential to seek guidance from the best gynecologist in Mumbai. Effective management practices for managing cephalopelvic disproportion typically involve careful monitoring, efficient pain management, and quick action in scenarios where proceeding with a vaginal delivery becomes impractical or risky. One way to ensure safe delivery of the baby might be to opt for a cesarean section.

In conclusion, comprehending the causes of cephalopelvic disproportion is crucial for guaranteeing effective management during childbirth. Consulting an experienced gynecologist in Mumbai or other reputable hospitals can provide insightful advice and suggestions to identify potential risks, monitor the progress of labour, and make informed decisions regarding the delivery method to achieve the best possible outcome for both the mother and baby.

Dr. Neelima Mantri, a renowned gynecologist in Mumbai, offers expert care and guidance for addressing cephalopelvic disproportion. She provides personalised strategies to ensure safe and successful childbirth using her expertise and abilities.

4 Reasons Why Women Should Never Skip the Postpartum Care

4 Reasons Why Women Should Never Skip the Postpartum Care

The memorable journey of pregnancy drastically transforms the body of women. It is quite remarkable how a woman’s body adapts to the demands of the pregnancy along the way. And the transformation mostly rewinds and restores during the first six weeks after the baby is born. This is the first six weeks post the delivery is called a postpartum period which is most crucial for the healing of the mother.

As the baby is born, it is quite natural that the baby’s health becomes a centre of focus. And everyone tends to forget that this period is crucial for women too. Add this shift of focus to the sleep deprivation, doctors’ appointments, late-night baby feeding, pees, poops, and the fear that accompany at every hiccup, suddenly women feel like there is less time to take care of their health.

A woman is at her vulnerable-self post-pregnancy and here are the five reasons why postpartum care is an un-skippable step for women to post their pregnancy:

Physical health: A woman’s body undergoes a significant transformation at a rapid pace during pregnancy. Most of the changes that happen may take time to restore or sometimes persist and cause further problems. The gynaecologist performs a complete examination of these problems to help women return to the best of the physical health in a short time. These postpartum visits also give women a great opportunity to discuss common post-pregnancy problems like bleeding, breast pain, swelling, discharge and other problems that they may encounter post-pregnancy.

Emotional wellness: Pregnancy mentally pushes a woman to a place where she hasn’t been ever before. While she already been through a mentally debilitating pregnancy journey, the post-delivery anxiety can further complicate the thought process. Add this to the ‘baby blues’ symptoms experienced by the new mothers, postpartum mental disorders can arise which needs to treated as soon as possible. Gynaecologists can help with the screening process and also offer ‘Postpartum psychosis treatment care and counselling’ to improve the mental health of women post-pregnancy. If you are living in and around Mumbai and are looking for a postpartum care session in Mumbai, you can contact Dr. Neelima Mantri Mumbai.

Diet post-pregnancy: A woman’s body undergoes significant changes during and after pregnancy. Though she gains weight during pregnancy which helps in recovery and breastfeeding, a woman’s hunger cycle may change and she needs a well-balanced diet to keep herself healthy and active for her baby. With the new addition of new family members, most women do not focus on their food habits which do not help the situation. A gynaecologist helps you plan a simple and effective diet plan that can help you refuel yourself without you having to look over your shoulders.

The spacing of birth and family planning: Now that you have completed the first part of the journey, question loom in your mind about family planning, birth control ad family planning. Birth spacing is one of the most important topics around for it also is related to the health of the next one if proper space is not maintained between pregnancies. Every couple has their own set of their preferences which makes it mandatory to seek the opinion of the specialist gynaecologist to make the right decision

Postpartum care is a critical way to restore your health post-pregnancy and if not handled right there could be serious repercussions in the future. If you are skipping it for the sake of your baby’s health you are only making it even tougher for your baby too. Dr Neelima Mantri is the Best Female Gynaecologist in Mumbai who has helped hundreds of women successfully navigate the postpartum period and can help you too. You can contact her Call@ +917045115577


Obstetrician Infertility Specialist Mumbai

Obstetrician Infertility Specialist Mumbai

Infertility is a situation in which a female is unable to give a birth to young one. There are various reasons behind infertility such as-infrequent menstrual period, female age of 35 or older, a history of pelvic infections or sexually transmitted diseases, known fibroid or endometrial polyps, known male factor semen abnormalities etc.

Infertility is the inability of the couple to conceive and have a baby despite trying. In one third of the cases are due to problems with the women, in a third of cases there occurs problems with the male partner, whereas the remaining cases are due to a combination of male and female factors. Infertility should be investigated early to avoid its irreversibility as ageing of the female partner drastically reduces the probabilities of pregnancy. Also certain conditions like tuberculosis or endometriosis keep on advancing if not treated early.

Many ladies suffering above mentioned problems think that they will never give birth to baby, but they think wrong. There are various medical treatments which give you chance to become a mother. Dr Neelima Mantri is Obstetrician Infertility Specialist in Mumbai. She perform various medical treatment to eliminates the problem of infertility such as-

  • Investigation of the causes in both partners.
  • Laparoscopy to diagnose the causes in the female partner
  • Treatment of infertility with medications
  • Ovulation induction
  • Intra Uterine Insemination
  • Microsurgery of fallopian tubes when involved

If other methods like Medications to induce egg development and ovulation is not Longley useful then you have to consult a Obstetrician Infertility Specialist. Dr Neelima Mantri (Obstetrician Infertility Specialist Mumbai) is here to help you .For information about more gynaecological treatments by Dr Neelima click on following blogs-