by Dr Neelima Mantri | Jan 30, 2025 | Blog, Gynecologist
Vulvodynia is a common condition that affects the vulva. The experience for many women is confusing! It isn’t caused by infection or any physical thing that can be seen which makes it hard to diagnose. However, the pain can be unbearable and negatively impacts the quality of life.
It is a common issue that isn’t often spoken about. Vulvodynia affects up to 16% of women at one point or the other in their life. Knowledge is important. This article discusses the causes, symptoms, and treatment options available to women so they can seek the required help and get relief.
Understanding Vulvodynia
It is the pain in the vulva area that can last up to 3 months or longer, and no clear cause is known. Generally, it is qualified into two:
- Generalized Vulvodynia: Here, the pain occurs in different parts of the vulva. It may be constant or occur at different intervals.
- Localised Vulvodynia: The pain here is only to a specific area. It could be triggered by pressure or by touch, like during sexual intercourse or when inserting a tampon.
Causes of Vulvodynia
It is not a consequence of bad hygiene or sexually transmitted infections. However, these myths still exist, and the lack of awareness does not do good to the women in pain. What causes Vulvodynia is not always clear, but it can be a combination of the following:
- Neurological Factors: Nerve damage or hypersensitivity in the vulvar region would lead to severe pain. This could be after an injury, surgery or even without any reason at all.
- Hormonal Changes: As women grow older and experience hormonal changes, it can affect their health. Hormonal changes like those from oral contraceptives or menopause can affect the tissue around the vulva and cause pain.
- Inflammation: When a person has to deal with a series of infections or inflammation, the vulva area can become sensitive long after the initial issue has been sorted.
- Psychological Contributors: Experiencing anxiety, depression, or a history of trauma can increase the pain and make it harder to manage.
It is important to remember that the pan is real and doesn’t exist just in your head. In addressing it, several underlying factors need to be addressed.
Symptoms of Vulvodynia
The human body is different, so the symptoms vary from person to person. Common symptoms include:
- Constant vulvar pain, which comes as burning, stinging, rawness, or itching.
- Pain during specific activities, such as sitting, wearing tight clothing, or engaging in sexual intercourse.
- Sensitivity to touch, even from something as light as underwear.
It can range from mild discomfort to unbearable pain, which affects daily activities. If these symptoms sound familiar, it’s important to consult a gynaecologist in Mumbai like Dr Neelima Mantri.
Vulvodynia Treatment
There’s no one-size-fits-all treatment. Each treatment is peculiar to each individual.
- Medical Treatments: You could be given a cream to numb the area, which can bring temporary relief. Some drugs may also be prescribed.
- Physical Therapy: Pelvic floor therapy involves exercises that can help relax tight muscles, and it may help reduce pain.
- Lifestyle Adjustments: Avoiding things that irritate the body, like scented soaps, tight clothing, or rough fabrics, can prevent you from having flare-ups. Use cotton underwear and adopt a gentle cleansing routine.
- Surgical Interventions: In rare, severe cases, a procedure called Vestibulectomy (removal of painful tissue around the vulva) may be recommended.
While vulvodynia may be challenging, it can be managed with the right care and support. Let’s work together to break the silence, debunk the myths around vulvodynia, and ensure that no woman feels alone in her pain. If you or a loved one is experiencing this pain, consult the best lady gynaecologist in Mumbai, Dr Neelima Mantri, today.
by Dr Neelima Mantri | Jul 12, 2024 | Blog, Gynecologist
You might have heard of trachelectomy as a type of treatment for cervical cancer. This surgical procedure has been in the limelight because it allows many women to preserve their fertility while being treated for early stages of cervical cancer.
If you were ever to be diagnosed with cervical cancer, then knowing and understanding what is trachelectomy, who it benefits, and how it compares with other forms of treatment are very important questions. The guide looks at the important aspects of trachelectomy, trying to demystify this very important and beneficial procedure.
Understanding The Fundamentals of Trachelectomy
This trachelectomy, also referred to as cervicectomy, is the removal of the neck or cervix while preserving the uterus. The procedure is most valuable in women who must retain their fertility, and it enables them to conceive and carry babies to term.
Unlike hysterectomy, which drains the entire uterus, trachelectomy seeks to remove tumor tissues while retaining childbearing potential. This procedure is usually advisable for only those women who have early-stage cervical cancer and meet certain criteria.
Candidates for Trachelectomy
Not all women with cervical cancer are potential candidates for a trachelectomy. It is normally considered an option for those among them whose cervical cancer is diagnosed at an early stage, viz., stage IA2 and IB1, that the tumor is small and has not yet spread beyond the cervix.
Moreover, patients must have a deep interest in fertility preservation, apart from meeting other medical eligibility criteria which include tumor size and lack of involvement of the lymph nodes. Consult an experienced gynecologist in Mumbai to know more about your eligibility to undergo trachelectomy based on individual health conditions and cancer staging.
Procedure and Recovery
The trachelectomy involves removing the uterus, along with the cervix and the top portion of the vagina. But through this technique, the uterus itself will not be removed, unlike in other treatments.
Some surgeons also conduct a lymphadenectomy with this surgery, where a certain number of lymph nodes from the pelvis are taken out and examined whether cancer has spread to them. Recovery from trachelectomy surgeries includes some days of hospitalization and then some weeks of rest at home.
This also helps inform patients that they should refrain from strenuous activities and that they should closely follow their doctors’ instructions for them to properly heal without complications.
Preservation of Fertility
The most glaring advantage associated with trachelectomy is that fertility is not compromised. During this procedure, the uterus is retained, and so a woman can conceive and carry a pregnancy. However, pregnancy after trachelectomy is considered a high-risk state and has to be managed by a health provider.
Women are usually advised to conceive after at least six months from the surgery for adequate healing. An appointment with the best gynecologist in Mumbai will surely help the lady gain more insight and tips into management for pregnancy post-trachelectomy.
Comparison with Other Treatments
Trachelectomy has certain advantages over other cervical cancer treatments, especially in young women who need fertility preservation. While hysterectomy and radiotherapy are indeed very powerful treatments for cervical cancer, they render women infertile.
Trachelectomy provides an alternative by balancing the need to treat cancer to preserve reproductive function. It is, however, extremely important to consider that not all cases may be suitable for trachelectomy, and such a decision can only be best arrived at under the consultation of a well-qualified gynecologist in Mumbai.
Risks and Complications
Though trachelectomy is a surgical procedure, some of its potential risks and complications include:
- Bleeding,
- Infection,
- Damage to surrounding organs,
- Risk of preterm birth, and
- Other pregnancy complications in women who have had the procedure.
Patients should discuss these risks with their healthcare provider and weigh them against the benefits accruable in fertility preservation. Identifying the best lady gynecologist in Mumbai can minimize these risks and ensure maximum care standards.
Choosing the Right Gynecologist
Success in a trachelectomy and post-operative care lies in the selection of the right gynecologist. The gynecologist should have sufficient performing experience with trachelectomies and management of cervical cancer.
Dr. Neelima Mantri is a well-known gynecologist in Mumbai who has built credibility in providing end-to-end care to women afflicted with cervical cancer. Her efficiency and politeness make her one of the most preferred choices that patients seek to ensure the best possible outcome.
Trachelectomy is an option, with feasibility, in the setting of early disease for patients suffering from cervical cancer needing preservation of reproductive potential. Knowledge about the procedure, candidature assessment, and options of treatment provides a patient with the freedom to make choices in their care.
One can curate and get effective treatment with an experience like that of Dr. Neelima Mantri. In the case of treatment for cervical cancer, the best gynecologist in Mumbai will restore confidence in women and provide them with the necessary support. With dedication toward patient care and an ever-high reputation as the best lady gynecologist in Mumbai, Dr. Mantri can be trusted to embark on this journey with her patients.
by Dr Neelima Mantri | Feb 20, 2024 | Blog, Gynecologist
The field of family planning has been associated with an eternal quest for safe, effective, and convenient contraceptives. Long-acting reversible Contraception (LARC) is a revolutionary practice that allows people to have an easily available yet highly effective and convenient tool for controlling reproductive health.
LARC methods like IUDs and contraceptive implants offer extended protection from unwanted birth. This article shall talk about the advantages of LARC and how this method can revolutionize family planning.
Unparalleled Effectiveness –
The effectiveness of LARC methods is its greatest strength; as compared to short-term contraceptives such as birth control pills, long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARC) are more effective at preventing unwanted pregnancies.
For instance, IUDs have a failure rate of less than 1%, making them some of the most effective contraceptive methods. This high efficacy comes from the fact that they can provide uninterrupted protection without the need for compliance and hence low human pill intake risks.
Convenience and Low Maintenance –
As far as their convenience and lack of maintenance go, the LARC methods are ahead. Once inserted, IUDs and implants are long-acting contraceptives that can last from 3 to 10 years. This makes it unnecessary to adhere to daily or monthly compliance, thus lowering the risk of accidental slippage in contraceptive coverage.
This convenience is very important to people with a busy lifestyle, providing consistent and reliable protection over a long time. Gynecologists in Mumbai are highly skilled in dealing with such cases.
Reversible and Prompt Return to Fecundity –
Irrespective of the fact that LARC methods have a prolonged duration of action, they are reversible and people can regain their fertility within a very short time after cessation. This is particularly attractive to people who want a measure of control over their family life. Unlike permanent sterilization that includes tubal ligation, LARC options preserve the possibility of future pregnancies without affecting long-term contraceptive effectiveness.
Reduced Side Effects and User-Dependent Factors –
One of the main advantages of LARC methods for many users is that they do not have a lot of side effects and there are no user-dependent factors. Different from hormonal contraceptives that might lead to mood swings, weight gain, or other unpleasant side effects, LARC options provide a localized and lower-dose hormonal delivery mechanism.
Moreover, nonhormonal IUDs are offered for those who prefer a hormone-free contraceptive. The best gynecologists in Mumbai are well efficient in treating such cases and providing patients with the best treatment.
Cost-Effectiveness –
The initial cost of LARC methods is higher than that of short-term contraceptives, however, their overall cost-effectiveness over time cannot be denied. Taking into account the extended period of protection and decreased burden associated with the required clinic visits or prescription refills, LARC options are usually more cost-effective in the long run.
Long-acting reversible Contraception is among the most progressive forms of family planning today, providing a whole range of benefits that appeal to different users.
From unrivaled efficiency and convenience to few side effects and cost-effectiveness, LARC methods can change how people view contraception. Dr Neelima Mantri is one of the best lady gynecologists in Mumbai offering superior treatment and expert guidance to her patients.
by Dr Neelima Mantri | Feb 10, 2023 | Blog, Gynecologist
Postpartum Urinary bladder retention is a condition in the urinary bladder of a woman who has recently given birth to a child after a normal delivery. If ignored, this may result in significant discomfort, suffering, and even more severe health problems. This disorder might have a number of reasons.
Causes of Postpartum Bladder Urinary Retention
Giving birth to children increases the chance of weakening of the pelvic floor muscles, which is among the main reasons for postpartum bladder retention condition. According to the best gynecologist in Mumbai, if the lady underwent an episiotomy during birth, this might exacerbate the effect of the condition. It is also possible that the bladder can’t fully relax, which makes it challenging to fully empty the bladder.
Lack of water consumption, which can lead to difficulty in passing the fluid discharge, as well as several drugs, such as opioids, antidepressants, and aspirin, are other potential reasons for this medical condition. The illness may also include psychological problems, such as emotions of anxiety or hyper-anxiety. This psychological condition can fluctuate before and after the pregnancy. Therefore, with proper consultation of a gynecologist in Mumbai, one can get proper treatment to avoid such conditions.
In certain situations, a blockage in the urethra or the sphincter muscle might be the reason for postpartum urine retention. A tumor, kidney stones, or any obstructions might be to blame for this. If a woman experiences postpartum bladder urine retention, it is critical that she takes the help of medical care since, if left untreated, these obstructions can be hazardous.
This condition is very common among women who have recently given birth. According to the gynecologist Mumbai, 9.1% of the 254 women who were selected for the study experienced urine retention after giving birth. 8 .7% of the 9.1 percent’s female population displayed PPUR symptoms, as opposed to 0.5% who did not show any symptoms.
Symptoms of Postpartum Bladder Urinary Retention
Some of the common symptoms associated with the Postpartum Bladder Urinary Retention are as follows:
- Sense of constant pain and discomfort over the urinary bladder
- Problem in initiating peeing and hard to maintain the stream of urine
- Little to no urge to pee
- Unprecedented urge to pee. According to expert gynecologists in Mumbai, patients can get up more than two times to go to the bathroom to urinate while sleeping.
- Uncontrollable dribbling of urine.
Final Overview
A point to remember is that, in some cases, there are no visible symptoms of this condition. The condition can be in a dormant stage or medically called covert. If it is diagnosed at an early stage one can prevent it from getting worse. Hence, you should contact Dr. Neelima Mantri, the best gynecologist in India to learn more about this ailment.
Dr. Neelima Mantri and her medical staff provide Comprehensive Medical Care for pregnant women and women who have recently given birth. You can contact her for appointments by visiting her official website. Seek direct assistance from expert professionals such as Dr. Neelima Mantri to avail immediate and effective solutions.
by Dr Neelima Mantri | Feb 9, 2023 | Blog, Gynecologist
Scar endometriosis is a type of endometriosis that occurs when endometrial tissue, which can be found in the uterus, starts to grow outside the uterus and within scar tissue from previous surgeries. This can cause pain and discomfort, especially during menstrual periods. Symptoms of scar endometriosis may include pain and tenderness in the affected area, menstrual-like cramping, and heavy or irregular menstrual bleeding.
Diagnosis of scar endometriosis may involve a physical examination, imaging tests such as ultrasound, or biopsy. Treatment options may include medications to manage pain and hormonal therapy to regulate the menstrual cycle and suppress ovulation. In some cases, surgery may be recommended to remove the endometrial tissue from the scar and relieve symptoms.
Diagnosis of scar endometriosis is typically made through a combination of clinical examination, imaging tests, and biopsy. Treatment options may include hormonal therapy to reduce the size of the endometrial growth, surgery to remove the endometrial tissue, or in severe cases, removal of the entire scar, which can result in significant scarring. It is important to consult a doctor for proper evaluation and treatment.
The best endometriosis specialist in Mumbai, namely Dr. Neelima Mantri, is trained in diagnosing and treating endometriosis and has experience managing the various symptoms and complications that can arise from this condition.
Symptoms of scar endometriosis
The following are the common symptoms of scar endometriosis:
- Pain and tenderness: This is the most common symptom of scar endometriosis and is often felt in the affected area, especially during menstrual periods.
- Cramping: Some women experience menstrual-like cramping in the affected area.
- Bleeding: Some women may experience heavy or irregular menstrual bleeding.
- Pain during intercourse: Some women may experience pain during intercourse due to the presence of endometrial tissue in the affected area.
- Urination and bowel movement pain: Some women may experience painful urination or bowel movements during menstrual periods.
- Fatigue: Some women may experience fatigue and low energy levels due to the discomfort and pain associated with scar endometriosis.
Endometriosis treatment can be approached in several ways, including medication, surgery, or a combination of both.
- Medication options include pain relievers, hormonal therapy to regulate menstrual cycles and reduce endometrial tissue growth, and gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists to reduce estrogen levels.
- Surgical options for endometriosis treatment include laparoscopy to remove endometrial tissue growth, hysterectomy to remove the uterus, and bowel resection to remove endometrial tissue from the bowel.
Endometriosis treatment in Mumbai typically involves a combination of medical, surgical, and/or assisted reproductive technologies to manage symptoms and improve quality of life. The specific treatment plan will depend on the individual’s symptoms, stage of the disease, and personal goals.
Scar endometriosis is a rare form of condition in which endometrial tissue grows within a previous surgical scar. This can lead to the development of painful nodules or masses at the site of the scar, which can cause discomfort and pain.
Dr. Neelima Mantri is an excellent Obstetrician, Gynecologist, and endometriosis specialist in Mumbai and the best care provider for women of all ages. She has a wealth of experience and knowledge that she brings to her patients. If you are looking for an experienced and knowledgeable doctor, Dr. Neelima Mantri is a perfect choice.
by Dr Neelima Mantri | Feb 6, 2023 | Blog, Gynecologist
Even the healthiest of women tend to suffer from stuffy noses that don’t seem to go away. If you are a woman reading this then know that stuffing noses and larges are common during pregnancy. But why do they happen and how to tackle them when they tend to harshly interfere with the sleep cycle and daily life?
We asked the leading gynaecologist in Mumbai, Dr Neelima Mantri about the stuffy nose during pregnancy. With her input, we answered all the common questions about this topic in today’s blog here. Read to know the answers:
Why stuffy nose is severe during pregnancy?
A stuffy nose occurs in almost 50% of the cases and it tends to spoil the sleep cycle in 100% of the cases. It usually starts between 2-7 months and becomes severe as the woman approaches the due date.
“We often believe a stuffy nose to be a sign of sickness and pregnant women fret at the thought of its impact on the baby. But a stuffy nose is not a sign of sickness but a symptom of a common condition called Pregnancy Rhinitis.”, says a lady gynaecologist in Mumbai, Dr Neelima Mantri.
Pregnancy Rhinitis – Cause of Stuffy Nose:
Pregnancy rhinitis is an inflammation of mucous membranes present in the nose linings. This inflammation also coincides with the enlargement of nasal veins and increased blood flow to the nasal passages and this results in full-blown cold-like symptoms which doesn’t seem to go away.
People who are often affected by allergies caused by pollen, fungi, moulds, dust mites, pets, and cockroaches also suffer from this condition. Smoking also tends to increase the risk of Pregnancy Rhinitis. High levels of estrogen, high fluid levels in the body, and elevated secretion of human growth hormone during pregnancy are also found to be the potential causes of Pregnancy Rhinitis, according to the gynaecologist in Mumbai Dr Neelima Mantri.
Symptoms of Pregnancy Rhinitis:
Symptoms of Pregnancy Rhinitis are similar to that of hay fever and they include running or congested nose, sneezing, and itchy or watery eyes. Since Pregnancy Rhinitis is not cold, it is not caused by bacterial or viral infection so it is not contagious.
Pregnancy Rhinitis: Treatment for a stuffy nose during pregnancy:
Since most of the symptoms of pregnancy rhinitis overlap with other conditions like hay fever, cold and other infections, the first in the treatment of pregnancy rhinitis is to identify whether it is the same condition or any other. After the condition is diagnosed right treatment is recommended based on the aetiology of the condition.
If the allergens are the cause of the condition, limiting the exposure is the first step towards treating pregnancy rhinitis. Nasal irrigation is often suggested to clear out air-borne allergens. Saline nasal sprays are also another way to relieve the symptoms. If the symptoms are persistent, each of them is managed individually with eye drops, antihistamines of medicated nasal spray.
“The stuffy nose and other symptoms may not directly impact the health of the baby. But the loss of sleep does impact the health of the pregnant woman which in turn can influence the health of the baby. So one must never ignore any condition that might impact one’s sleep cycle and general health. If you are pregnant woman suffering from a stuffy nose, water or itchy eyes and any other symptoms mentioned above we suggest you lady gynaecologist in Mumbai Dr Neelima Mantri as soon as possible.
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