Uterine prolapse as the name suggests is the prolapse i.e. drop of the uterus from its initial position. With 15 to 40% chance of prolapse of some degree, Uterine Prolapse is a relatively common gynaecological condition suffered by ageing women.
And since it has become a common condition, there is a wide variety of treatment for Uterine Prolapse available today. At our premier gynaecology clinic in Mumbai, Dr Neelima Mantri has solved hundreds of cases of Uterine Prolapse with ease. Having helped a large number of Uterine Prolapse cases it was evident to us that majority of women are not exactly ware about the condition and this blog here we aim to solve this awareness problem. Here we give you a simple idea about the symptoms, causes and treatment of Uterine Prolapse to improve your awareness, so read on:
Uterine Prolapse – Causes & Symptoms:
The uterus or the womb as it is generally called is the baby house that is responsible to bear and nourish the child. It is held in its place by a group of pelvic floor muscles, ligaments, and other tissues in the body. Imagine a sling ling bag in your lower tummy that holds the vagina, uterus and bladder and now you have an idea of the pelvic floor.
Due to natural ageing or change is the body these muscles and tissues can stretch and the sling (pelvic floor) becomes loose over time. The reasons for these changes can range from a vaginal birth, obesity, pelvic tumour, or even lack of estrogen post-menopause. For any of these reasons when the pelvic floor muscles and the surrounding ligaments become weak and can no longer give proper support the uterus, it can slowly descend downwards, sometimes to the point that it protrudes out of the vagina.
Symptoms of Uterine Prolapse vary based on the degree of displacement and age of the women suffering the prolapse. Having treated hundreds of Uterine Prolapse cases, the most common Uterine Prolapse symptoms we have encountered so far include:
- Heaviness in vagina area or pelvis.
- Lower backache that increases with exercise.
- Increase vaginal bleeding and discharge.
- Bladder infections.
- Problems with sexual intercourse.
Uterine Prolapse Treatment Procedures:
Majority of women experience prolapse of the uterus to some degree and most of them may not experience any symptoms. If the symptoms do not bother a patient m the treatment is a choice but if the symptoms are slowly starting to make their presence felt patients are advised to lose weight, refrain from exercise or lifting objects and quit smoking or drinking. You are requested to consult an expert gynaecologist in Mumbai to have a clear evaluation of the condition.
Based on the status and symptoms, your healthcare provider recommends vaginal pessary (non-surgical uterine prolapse treatment) or in some severe cases, surgery can also be advised. A gynaecologist takes note of the plans of pregnancy before recommending the surgery. Fortunately, surgery for Uterine Prolapse is minimally invasive, ensure faster recovery and less hospital stay. For younger women who wish to prevent the Uterine Prolapse in future, we recommend Uterine Prolapse exercise like Kegels that strengthen the pelvic floor muscles to reduce the risk of uterine prolapse. Got more questions about Uterine Prolapse treatment options? Dr Neelima Mantri is the best gynaecologist in Mumbai who can help you. You can contact her here: https://www.drneelimamantri.com