Women Development Cell-KJSCE – Report on PCOS-PCOD by Dr Neelima Mantri

by | Jun 11, 2024 | News and Events

Report on lecture on “PCOS/PCOD: Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome/ Disease”

Day and Date: Wednesday, 13th September 2017
Time: 3.15pm- 5.15pm
Venue: A-225
Speaker: Dr. Neelima Mantri , Gynecologist, Bombay Hospital

Prof. Jyoti Varavadekar Convener of WDC-KJSCE welcomed all. She briefed different activities conducted by WDC-KJSCE. Women healthcare is an important and sensitive issue to be considered in such activities. PCOS/PCOD is a leading disease observed commonly over a large span of women age group. So there is a need to educate all about this.

Dr. Neelima Mantri explained symptoms of this disease, causes and measures to be taken. PCOS/PCOD is a leading disease which is cause of obesity, menstrual irregularity, sub-fertility and infertility in women across the world.

Persistent acne, hair loss, unwanted facial hair and dark pigmentation of skin especially around the neck i.e. acanthosis nigricans, add to the woes of women with PCOS/PCOD.
Women suffering from (PCOS/PCOD) have multiple small cysts in their ovaries (the word poly means many). These cysts occur when the regular changes of a normal menstrual cycle are disrupted. The ovary is enlarged; and produces excessive amounts of androgen and estrogenic hormones. This excess, along with the absence of ovulation, may cause infertility, cardiac function, and appearance.

In time and correct diagnosis, medication can cure this. Dr. Neelima suggested proper lifestyle along with proper diet and regular exercise can avoid PCOD.

There was question-answer session for interactions with audience. Many members in the audience raised doubts and queries related to PCOD, Thyroid, and breast cancer.

Dr. Neelima answered all doubts and queries very nicely. The participants were very much happy for keeping such informative session on very sensitive health issue of women.

The session ended with vote of thanks by WDC member Prof. Mrs. Nandana Prabhu

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Dr Neelima

MS & Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery – Obstetrics & Gynaecology, MBBS Obstetrician, Gynecologist

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