
0 29 January 2024
Adrenal Disease During Pregnancy

Adrenal diseases, an umbrella term for medical conditions, can impact and lead to malfunction of the adrenal glands. These medical conditions can push the other body out of equilibrium by disrupting several bodily functions, including metabolism, immune response, blood pressure, and stress bodies. Women who are at their most sensitive and vulnerable selves during pregnancy are prone to more health risks due to adrenal diseases. The reproductive complications can range from gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, higher risk of infections, foetal abnormalities, preterm birth, and even miscarriage,” says a female gynaecologist in Mumbai, Dr. Neelima Mantri. So what is an adrenal disease, what causes it, and how does one prevent or treat it during pregnancy? With input from Dr. Neelima Mantri, the best gynaecologist in Mumbai and a specialist in adrenal diseases, let us find answers to the questions in this blog.

Adrenal Glands – Key for Many Body Functions

The adrenal glands are tiny triangular glands at the top of our kidneys. These small glands are crucial in regulating hormones that control several body functions. Any malfunction of these glands directly

0 2 January 2024
Salpingitis: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Salpingitis is a medical term for inflammation of the fallopian tubes, which connect the ovaries to the uterus in the female reproductive system. It often starts with lower abdominal pain that worsens with ovulation or menstruation, accompanied by cramping and pelvic pain. In some cases, the pain is also accompanied by fever, tiredness, painful urination, and vaginal discharge. “Surprisingly, Salpingitis can be a silent threat with no symptoms in a few cases. This is dangerous because stealthily, this condition may damage the uterus and fallopian tubes, leading to infertility and pregnancy problems,” says the best female gynaecologist in Mumbai, Dr. Neelima Mantri.

Salpingitis – Can Be Silent & More Prone in Younger Women:

Unlike other gynaecological conditions, Salpingitis is more common among younger women, who are often unaware of this situation. Also, unlike other inflammation conditions, Salpingitis can have non-sexual causes, like surgery, bacteria during childbirth, and IUD insertion. When not treated early, Salpingitis can cause adhesions, scars, and even block fallopian tubes, hindering egg development and leading to fertility problems. In this blog with

0 15 December 2023
Advanced Maternal Age: Risks, Complications, Management and Treatment

There was a time when being above the age of 35 was considered challenging for pregnancies. It’s no wonder women above this age faced difficulties in healthy conceptions. Thanks to improved awareness, technology, treatments, and fertility procedures, women in their late 30s can now embark on this remarkable journey with greater possibilities. However, the journey of pregnancy in advanced maternal age does come with its own set of challenges and complications. “Pregnancy, in itself, is a challenging journey for every woman. This journey can be a bit more challenging for women who conceive in advanced maternal age, primarily after the age of 35,” says the renowned gynecologist in Mumbai, Dr. Neelima Mantri. If  you are a woman in this age bracket, the best thing you can do is improve awareness about the pregnancy journey in advanced maternal age—its risks, complications, and treatment options for safe management—before embarking on this remarkable journey. With insights from leading female gynaecologists in Mumbai, Dr. Neelima Mantri, we delve into these commonly asked questions in this blog today.

Pregnancy above Age 35 – Risks and Complications:

Increased risk of chromosomal abnormalities: The quality of the eggs women produce is inversely proportional to their age. Consequently

0 30 November 2023
Thrombophilia in Pregnancy: Risks & Treatment Options

Thrombophilia is the body’s increased tendency to form blood clots, meaning that individuals with thrombophilia are more likely to form blood clots without a clear reason, leading to serious complications. This heightened clotting tendency can be particularly dangerous during pregnancy, causing problems like gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, placental abruption, pregnancy loss, and stillbirth. While blood clot formation is essential for bodily functions, an increased tendency to form clots can result in significant issues. The blood clot formation is vital for busy functions, but why does an increased tendency cause problem, you ask? The following will serve you the answer. With the inputs from the best gynaecologist in Mumbai, Dr. Neelima Mantri, we help you understand the dangerous nature of thrombophilia, particularly in pregnancy, its symptoms, and treatment options. Read on to know. Why Thrombophilia is Dangerous? Our body’s ability to form blood clots is vital for physiological processes. Blood clots act as natural bandages, stopping excessive bleeding when we’re injured. However, in conditions like thrombophilia, the propensity for blood clotting heightens even without injury, potentially causing serious problems. For instance, unwanted blood clots in blood vessels can travel to the lungs, leading to life-threatening c

0 28 November 2023
Amniocentesis for Genetically Healthy Child: Benefits & Risks

Amniocentesis is an advanced prenatal test that is performed to check for genetic or chromosomal abnormalities in the growing foetus. Amniocentesis procedure is performed in the 15-16 weeks of pregnancy by collecting a sample of the amniotic fluid. By evaluating the genetic health beforehand it gives hope, instils confidence, and ensures more informed and supportive parenthood journey. However, given the advanced nature and invasive nature of the surgery, there is also uncertainty about the safety of the procedure for new parents, which is understandable. In this blog, with inputs from the lady gynaecologist in Mumbai Dr. Neelima Mantri, we uncover the process, its benefits, and possible risk factors, if any.

Benefits of Amniocentesis:

There was a time when each precious new-born faced the shadow of potential genetic challenges that only revealed themselves later in life. These looming uncertainties remained hidden, preventing proactive measures and leading to distress and dilemma. “Thanks to the rapid strides in advanced medical research and technology, today, one can easily assess the risk of genetic conditions in the early weeks of pregnancy. This remarkable opportunity identifies the potential genetic complications of the child to help expectant paren

0 21 November 2023
Understanding Anovulation: Is it Permanent? Causes & Treatment

Anovulation is a condition where a woman’s ovaries do not release eggs during their regular menstrual cycle. Without the release of eggs by the ovary, there is no chance of fertilization, making conception impossible. “A common cause of infertility, anovulation happens in 1 in 10 women, yet it is the reason for infertility in almost 25% of cases,” says the leading gynaecologist in Mumbai, Dr. Neelima Mantri. Is anovulation permanent? Do women suffering from Anovulation lose the ability to conceive forever? What causes it, and how is it treated? We have asked the gynaecologist and infertility specialist in Mumbai, Dr. Neelima Mantri, and all the frequently asked questions. Read on to know her answers:

What happens in Anovulation?

A regular menstrual cycle begins after the uterus sheds its lining. Typically lasting for 28 days, various hormonal fluctuations occur. In chronic cases, the egg matures in the ovaries for 14 days, and around the 14th day, luteinizing hormone surges to trigger the release of the egg. The egg then moves into the fallopian tube for fertilization. However, in cases of Anovulation, the hormonal changes that lead to the release of eggs are disrup

0 30 October 2023
Imperforate Hymen: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

The hymen is a fragile membrane that is located at the entrance of the vagina in women. Made of delicate tissue, the hymen often has a tiny opening to let out menstrual blood. Hymens vary in size and shape, and the opening size can change too. In a few cases, the space may be tiny or even non-existent. A hymen without an opening may cause challenging compacta’s for women, and this condition, where the hymen lacks an opening, is called an imperforate hymen. According to the gynaecologist in Mumbai, Dr. Neelima Mantri, the lack of an opening in the hymen is a rare condition that may lead to a host of complications like infection, menstrual pain, cramping, difficulty in intercourse, and, in rare cases, may even damage the uterus and fallopian tubes. However, all the possible complications can be avoided by quickly identifying the condition and consulting a qualified gynaecologist for treatment. But what causes imperforate hymen, how to identify an imperforate hymen, and what are the treatment options available today? With insights from the best female gynaecologist in Mumbai, Dr. Neelima Mantri, we have delved into these topics for you. Read on to know.

What causes imperforate hymen?

Imperforate hymen is a congenital condition that children are born with, and it becomes apparent only in menstruation. A child may develop an imperforate

0 26 October 2023
Causes and Risks of Overdue Pregnancy – Dr Neelima Mantri

A sense of anticipation and concern naturally mounts as a woman approaches her due date. As the days pass beyond the expected due date, they convert into tension and anxiety. The worries about the baby’s health add on to the worries about complications and societal expectations, leading to nervousness and even grief. “Though the overdue pregnancy is quite common in women, waiting game can be harrowing for the expecting mother,” says the best gynaecologist in Mumbai, Dr. Neelima, also an expert in dealing overdue pregnancy cases. While overdue pregnancy is not rare, it is also associated with risks and complications in a few cases, she adds. Given it is a cause of huge concern and worry in pregnant women, we wanted to give first-hand information regarding overdue pregnancy in this blog, to improve your awareness. So today, with insights from top gynaecologist and obstetrician in Mumbai, Dr. Neelima Mantri, we delve into overdue pregnancy, its medical meaning, its causes, and risks, and also provide ways to reduce the risk it poses to pregnant women. Read on.

What Is Overdue Pregnancy?

Post-term pregnancy, also called as overdue pregnancy, happens when pregnancy extends beyond the stipulated 40 weeks of the pregnancy period. “While the average gestation is 40 weeks, it may extend up to 42 weeks, and a pregnancy is terme

0 19 October 2023
Arrhythmia in Pregnancy – Everything You Need to Know

Arrhythmia is a medical term for an irregular heartbeat, where the heart beats too quickly, too slowly, or in an uneven, out-of-rhythm manner. An irregular heartbeat leads to decreased blood flow to organs, reduced oxygen delivery, the development of blood clots, and, in severe cases, it may cause heart failure and stroke. “The possibilities of these complications depend on the severity or type of the Arrhythmia. But Arrhythmia during pregnancy doubles the risk of these complications, as both the mother and baby may be impacted by this medical condition,” says a female gynaecologist in Mumbai, Dr. Neelima Mantri. Arrhythmia can happen in women even with no underlying heart conditions. During pregnancy, it can increase the risk of blood clots and stroke and may even result in premature delivery when proper treatment is not taken, adds Dr Neelima Mantri, the best obstetrician in Mumbai, who has treated hundreds of arrhythmia cases in Mumbai. But what causes arrhythmias, how do we know the symptoms, what are the treatment options available? We have asked Dr. Mantri the most frequently asked questions on Arrhythmia. Read on to know her answers.

Arrhythmia in Pregnancy: Causes

As mentioned earlier, arrhythmias can occur

0 28 September 2023
Placenta Previa: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Placenta previa is a condition where the baby’s exit path from the womb is blocked by the abnormal positioning of the placenta. Naturally, this blockage can result in a number of serious complications, which include vaginal bleeding, preterm birth, blood loss, placental abruption, infection, foetal distress, and more. Since the exit route is blocked by the placenta, it may also necessitate choosing a caesarean-section to ensure safe delivery. While a C-section is performed to ensure safe delivery, the reasons for placenta previa being a serious condition lie in the complications it may cause over the course of pregnancy. “A C-section is performed only at the right time, and by the time the C-section is performed, the pregnant women may have to experience a range of complications from the placenta previa which may impact the overall health of the women and baby”, says leading female gynaecologist in Mumbai Dr Neelima Mantri. What exactly causes Placenta Previa, and how does a gynaecologist in Mumbai solve the complications and treat this condition? We asked gynaecologist in Mumbai, Dr. Neelima Mantri. Read on to know her answers:

What is Placenta Previa?