
Everything about Endometriosis:  Causes and Symptoms and Treatment

Endometriosis is a medical condition that impacts every facet of a woman’s life. It could affect the reproductive health causing infertility, painful menstruation or even painful sexual intercourse. It might be the cause of those painful bowel moments, fatigue, diarrhea or constipation you have been suffering during your menstruation.

Endometriosis affects every 2 in 10 women of childbearing age around the world causing a myriad of problems. But what causes Endometriosis and what are the treatment options? Let us find out.


What causes Endometriosis?

Endometriosis is a painful medical condition that occurs in women due to the growth of endometrium tissue outside the Uterus. In normal conditions, this tissue ‘Endometrium’ that lines the inner uterus thickens to aid the implantation of egg and when the egg is not fertilized it sheds and is pushed out of the body with the unfertilized egg in the form of menstrual blood. The lining grows again and the cycle repeats every month until the egg is fertilized.

But when the Endometrium happens to grow outside the Uterus, it follows the similar cycle i.e. thickens as menstruation time approaches, sheds and grows again. But as the tissue is located elsewhere, the remains that are not pushed outside build-up forming adhesions, nodules, growths, or implants impacting the function of that particular organ.

Best Treatment for Endometriosis

What are the symptoms of Endometriosis?

On most occasions, Endometriosis affects the woman years after her menstruation begins i.e. after the tissue grows in size. Endometriosis can develop anywhere in a woman’s body: ovaries, intestine, fallopian tubes, lungs (rare), lymph nodes and symptoms of the Endometriosis depends on the location of the tissue. Chronic pain in the pelvic region during menstruation is reported to be the most common symptom of Endometriosis. Other common symptoms of Endometriosis include:

  • Infertility
  • Painful during menstruation or urination.
  • Pain during sexual intercourse
  • Allergies that worsen during the periods.
  • Pain in the lower back.
  • Fatigues, excessive bleeding, constipation, nausea in some cases.


How is Endometriosis diagnosed?

Methods that are used to diagnose Endometriosis include a physical and pelvic exam, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound or even the use of birth control medications but the only way to confirm the condition is by performing surgical laparoscopy.


Treatment for Endometriosis:

Today there are many treatment options to get rid of the problems caused by the Endometriosis.

Endometriosis Specialist Mumbai, These treatment options depend on the symptoms and severity of the condition as diagnosed by the specialist. It must be noted that the treatment options also vary depending on the age and pregnancy status of the women. While Pain medications, Hormones (slows the growth of the tissue), Fertility treatments are some of the options available, surgery is only considered if those treatment options are not deemed effective.

Dr.Neelima Mantri, being the most successful laparoscopic surgeon in Mumbai has successfully solved hundreds of Endometriosis cases and can help you too. You can book the appointment here: https://www.drneelimamantri.com/contact/